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Playing under the Same WiFi/Router

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10 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 1:21:13 AM
Saylawl wrote:

Unfortunately yes. You have to be connected on Steam. smiley: frown

Yeah, i know we have to be connected to steam. I was asking if we were under the same router playing through steam, will there be any lag/disconnection issues? Or it will depend on our connection to your servers. Thanks for the response!
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 6:28:03 PM
99.9% of my games are co-op with my significant other across the same router. We started off having major issues and would get disconnected anywhere from floor 3-10. Then she deleted local content and redownloaded and we had really good luck until today. We are currently in the process of doing that again.

Hope that helps
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10 years ago
Feb 25, 2015, 8:40:01 PM
Not experiencing any game breaking lag. Did run into a few disconnects though, but it looks like those have been times that Steam suffered a hiccup.
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