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Possibly multiplayer save option?

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10 years ago
Mar 14, 2015, 7:05:48 PM
I know that save for multiplayer is kind of impossible or hard to work out.But even so - Becasue to finish one run it takes around 1.5h-3h depending on speed and difficulty and team cooperation.And we need to understand that not everyone who joined room can last that long.

So why not have option of jump-in - jump-out, where if someone leaves game someone can actually join the game even its already in progress at least this way game wouldn't be doomed if someone decides to leave(if someone died duering play obviously joining game would be impossible as long players in ongoing game didnt recruite new char so new player can join game to play with that extra char what is controlled by someone for time being as 2nd) .

Or save option could be possible if lets say same ppl playing together all the time and host makes decision to save game when everyone approves it,and when u next time load game u can invite back those friends u played from before if they are on your steam friend list,something like that.

Maybe we dont need save option for pods where u have 11 floors, but how to be with endless pod where u cant finish game and pppl who play together it would be not happy to get to lvl20 where they still didnt die,and want to continue game afterwards together again on next day. SO it seems that fellow players dont have that chance at this point,so basically endless pod is pointless for multiplayer game.
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10 years ago
Mar 16, 2015, 11:03:06 AM
Hello RuyLove,

I understand your point, a run takes a lot of time. We are currently working on a save feature for the multiplayer mode. We will give you more details about it once it will be ready! smiley: smile

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10 years ago
Mar 21, 2015, 4:21:00 AM
I was going to make a post specifically about the importance of saving multiplayer games. I rarely have enough time to see a full game through in one sitting (if it is a successful run). I prefer multiplayer, but find myself playing single player, due to the convenience of being able to play a couple floors at a time, and leave if something comes up. Even a temporary solution would be greatly appreciated. Really love the game though, just want to be able to play it more often / comfortably.
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