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Shorter campaigns

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10 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 2:52:48 PM
The problem I been having lately is I can never find a game where we get past to finishing the game w/o encountering a problem(e.g steam server going down, d/c, etc) that we cannot predict and just press save and quit, I mean Problem about the save and quit function is when you play like a random multiplayer game it's counter-intuitive, no one knows each other and some would be unwilling to friend you to continue the game, once the game is stopped its probably best to say its gone forever. IMO, the game is better off having a choice of having a shorter campaign to atleast give people a sense of "finishing a playthrough"(like 6-8 floors instead of 12) It sort of gets annoying to get smacked in the face at like floors 11-12 from a dc/or sudden steam server going down every now and then. I mean just putting this idea up for consideration, there is no harm in this being a choice for players to having.
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10 years ago
Apr 23, 2015, 12:20:17 PM
True, but that would skew the value of the victories statistic. If it's a different difficulty entirely that doesn't count towards that, then it seems like a good idea smiley: smile
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