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Multiplayer is broken in current state

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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 4:29:32 AM
I enjoy this game very much. It is innovative and challenging and I have not had any problems with single player.

However, multiplayer is horribly broken without an ability to save games. Other issues such as no item-sharing, lack of resource visibility, and unshared research are all annoying as well. But those issues are somewhat manageable with proper communication. Getting a disconnect is something that is unavoidable and game-ending. Furthermore, it happens pretty much every time a playthrough goes over a couple hours long.

The amount of threads on the forum calling for a fix for this issue should be a pretty clear indication that this problem needs to be first on the priority list for multiplayer "ideas". Unless "reducing lag effects" means significantly decreasing the number of disconnections and lost games, it is not as important as implementing saving and loading.

I hope this message is actually read and followed up on, along with many others like it on the forums. I understand that there is not much incentive for fixing a game which has already generated the bulk of its sales. But, as it stands, DotE should not be marketed as a fully-released multiplayer game.
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10 years ago
Jan 24, 2015, 3:18:51 AM
Thanks, I understand that multiplayer is not a very important issue to most people so these issues are probably being addressed more slowly.
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10 years ago
Mar 2, 2015, 4:06:25 PM
The thing that makes it 'unplayable' for me and my pal(s) is that whenever we try to play it the game is HORRIBLY out of sync like monsters will walk through walls or keep attacking you after being killed indefinitely which just doesn't make it possible for us to do multiplayer for DotE in it's current state.

However we do have some hope that the multiplayer will be fixed & improved since the game is fairly 'new(?)' and according to the road map multiplayer improvement is on the table.
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10 years ago
Mar 3, 2015, 4:47:53 AM
The main issue with Multiplayer for me is that there's no item sharing. I'm sure anyone who plays even a bit of it knows you leave one guy to the researching and building, and one or more guys to exploring, fighting, operating, all the rest. And I'm sure anyone who does Multiplayer knows the whole "Take turns opening chests" thing that I see everyone do. It works, but the fact it exists bugs me. You can share all your resources except items. Multiplayer is supposed to really just be a splitscreen Singleplayer. If you add everyone's resources up, you pretty much get the same amount per door all together as you would playing alone. So you would think you could and should be able to give items to anyone, right? Well, the closest thing we have to that is to sell an item to a merchant and have your buddy buy it. And that can waste tons of resources if that merchant dies or if you're trying to give your buddy an expensive weapon like a Purple Bandleader's Baton.

Furthermore, I feel like researched mods should go to everyone. Same reason, it's basically Singleplayer split up. And again, it wastes resources because if you all want Prisoner Prod IV, you all gotta pay the science and wait the 3 doors to get it.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2015, 3:28:15 AM
playing today with a friend, i find a annoying bug.

We run with the cristal, to the 12 floor elevator (end game). Waiting for the monster come to the last room, and when they did my friend with the cristal use the elevetor button.

my game frozen on the moment he hits the button, i wait for 3 min at least.

My friend recives the achievment of multiplayer, could see the score, but i didnt.

I really like the game, but this is not the first time i see some problem in the multiplayer. One other friend, ragequit after find 4 diferents 'bugs' on multiplayer.

I feel frustrated, when i try to find the save (normally we find the floor starting save, and could explore the floor again), but isnt there.

the game is on version 1.0.63 and this bug happens 29/04/15.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2015, 9:39:07 AM
Hello Lince,

Thank you for your report, could you please provide us the following file? (if you still have the save game that you mentioned)

Dungeon of the Endless

For PC: /Dungeon of the Endless

For MAC: ~Library/Application Support/Dungeon of the Endless

Thank you! smiley: smile
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5 months ago
Sep 17, 2024, 1:56:29 AM

So my friend and I are trying to play Co-op together and everytime I try and host a game it works fine up until he tries to join me. When he tries to join me my game freezes for a moment and immediately kicks me to the main menu. We've tried restarting the game, changing the amount of players, changing it to public and restarting our consoles and nothing seems to work. Does anyone else have this problem or has had this problem? If you were able to get around some help would be very appreciated. Still an issue in 2024

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