After we announced Endless Dungeon last year, we were thrilled to see so much excitement for our upcoming game in our community. However, one question kept coming up, especially among fans of Dungeon of the Endless: How do you balance the top-down action with planning and tactical decision-making? Or in other words, how do you preserve the spirit of Dungeon of the Endless in this spiritual successor?
Our new trailer takes a brief look at this question, and answers it in the form of four basic rules of survival in the Endless Dungeon according to Zed:
Rule 1: Know Your Enemies
The creations of the Endless on this station are many and varied. Some may be small and numerous, others large and imposing, but most importantly they are all quite dangerous, so you would do well to stop them quickly. Whatever you’re facing, you need to remember the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies and bring the right tools for the job.
A big gun that shoots lightning bolts might slice through tough robotic enemies, but it might not do so hot against the countless creepy crawlers bearing down on you. So when the swarm comes knocking, you better put away the lightning gun and kill it with fire instead!
That's a big gun, but the bugs don't seem particularly impressed.
Rule 2: Defend Your Crystal
To unravel the secrets of this ancient space station and learn to escape its endless cycle, you will need to power its systems with a mysterious crystal. While the Crystal is invaluable to your quest, it’s unfortunately not terribly robust, and it attracts a lot of attention (as large concentrations of Dust tend to do). You really don’t want a horde of monsters gnawing on it, but if you are to get anywhere in your exploration of this place, you really can’t stick around and babysit it. That’s where the turrets come in: Since you can’t be everywhere at once, you’ll have to protect the approaches to your crystal with a variety of turrets, secure choke points, and prepare a route to the next leg of your journey.
Rule 3: Check Your Buddies
In a floating wreck filled with mysteries and monsters, it’s dangerous to go alone, so take some friends with you, and never split the party… unless you have to. Even keeping rule #2 in mind, you may still need to cover multiple directions, so you can’t group up and face every threat together, but you should always keep an eye on your buddies and how they’re doing. Our heroes are exceptional individuals with a great deal of experience (and possibly Dust-enhanced powers), yet even they might just not have the firepower to push back the onslaught, so be ready to move and help out in a pinch. Between your weapons and your abilities, focusing the attention of two or three heroes in the same spot is sure to see you through.
They're watching each others' backs, but it seems their defenses were not strong enough.
Rule 4: Adapt Your Squad
Even if you have mastered the first three rules, you might still fail sometimes, overwhelmed by wave after relentless wave of enemies. At times like these, the odds might seem insurmountable, and you might be tempted to quit, but perhaps it is simply time to let one of your heroes catch a break and rethink your team. Whether it’s raw firepower or survivability you need, a different group of heroes might just bring the skills (and perhaps synergies) you need to succeed.
Well, once more from the top...
We hope you enjoyed this brief look at how to survive, and maybe even thrive, in Endless Dungeon. And don’t forget you can still vote for the band’s name, and the bonus skin you get for subscribing to the newsletter.