At Amplified, we dropped a lot of new content about Endless Dungeon, but some if it was revealed live on stream, so you may not have had a chance to watch it at the time. So for those of you who couldn’t join our celebration, here’s a quick recap:
First, we’ve got the “Hero Reveal” for Zed, a short video about how she ended up on this station, also featuring a glimpse at her abilities.
Since Zed obviously loves music (or at least a particular genre), we’ve also started a vote to chose an alternative skin for her to be added to the game. The vote will be over soon, but there’s still time to make your voice heard!
We also interviewed Lera Lynn about her involvement in the Endless Dungeon Soundtrack. Check it out in our Endless Day stream at 41:30 in the video below:
And finally (we know many of you have been waiting for this), you can listen to the full version of “Free Again”
You should also check out the live performance of the song on our youtube channel.
That’s all the news for now. We hope you’re as excited for this game as we are!