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3 years ago Jun 28,2022, 16:01:10 PM

Feature Focus 03: The Crystal Rush


We often call ENDLESS™ Dungeon a rogue-lite tower-defense dungeon crawler, but how do “dungeon crawler” and “tower defense” go together? Well, your heroes are not the only ones who have to survive your trip into the bowels of the station! It’s time for us to tell you about the crystal and what we call the crystal rush.

The crystal rush is another element of Endless Dungeon that has been inspired by our previous rogue-lite Dungeon of the Endless. In both games the crystal is crucial to your survival, powering your defenses and various systems of the ruins you are exploring. And in both games, the crystal attracts the attention of monsters, but you have to move it to new locations to progress. 

Back in Dungeon of the Endless, one of your heroes would carry the crystal, and that lump of Dust was heavy enough to slow down even the strongest heroes, creating a tense finale to each floor. However, crawling at a snail’s pace is no fun when you are controlling your heroes directly, so we decided that for Endless Dungeon, the crystal should move independently. At first, we had the crystal moving along rails, but that felt too mechanical and restrictive, so we created a little robot buddy to carry it for you instead. Not only does this open up your tactical space, but it also adds a lot of character!

Just look at the adorable little bugger!

Did we mention the crystal attracts monsters? Because it attracts a lot of monsters. Especially when not securely slotted into the station floor. Whenever you are trying to move it, wave after wave of monsters will spawn and come to smash your crystal, or take a bite out of it, or whatever it is these critters want with it... But you need the crystal to progress. If it breaks, it’s game over. So you better prepare well for this rush of monsters: Plan your route, secure the chokepoints, place your turrets and your heroes. No matter how much you prepare, though, no defense can stand forever, and the monsters will just keep coming, so you better not dawdle. Then again, there are some juicy rewards over there. It’s just a little detour. What’s the harm...

Damn it, Zed! You had one job!


Do you have what it takes to take this crystal deep into the dungeon and uncover the secrets of the station? 

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3 years ago
Jun 28, 2022, 4:04:31 PM

Not punishing an individual player with reduced movespeed feels like one of those decisions that just makes sense in the transition to this new format that you'd think was obvious once it is implemented.

Glad to see these kinds of great considerations and hopeful to see Skroig or some access to the in-dev so I can gush firsthand (within NDA reason).

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3 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 3:02:57 AM

At 2:23:

Hero Revived

Zed has been revived, but lost their equipment!

Is permadeath not a thing anymore?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 9:57:39 AM
SpikedWallMan wrote:

At 2:23:

Hero Revived

Zed has been revived, but lost their equipment!

Is permadeath not a thing anymore?

Yes, heroes now revive during the run. The decision comes from a similar place as not forcing you to carry a crystal instead of fighting: We don't want to create situations that would not be fun to play. In single player, it might be okay to lose one hero and fall back on the other, but in multiplayer it could be very annoying to have a good run, die because you made a mistake, and then your friend is forced with the decision to abandon the good run or to make you wait it out...

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3 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 4:10:56 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:

At 2:23:

Hero Revived

Zed has been revived, but lost their equipment!

Is permadeath not a thing anymore?

Yes, heroes now revive during the run. The decision comes from a similar place as not forcing you to carry a crystal instead of fighting: We don't want to create situations that would not be fun to play. In single player, it might be okay to lose one hero and fall back on the other, but in multiplayer it could be very annoying to have a good run, die because you made a mistake, and then your friend is forced with the decision to abandon the good run or to make you wait it out...

But wasnt that one of the main points that made Dungeon of the Endless good and notable, infact now that hero's cant truly die, is there still a way to lose the game or are there no game over or failed screens.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 4:59:22 PM

Gonna quote a reddit comment of mine:

Ngl the fragments of the new soundtrack sounds absolutely amazing.

Also the decision to change crystal mover to a robot and being able to move it between a doors is a brave one. If I can ask - seeing as there is mentioned finding secrets or opening doors by the moving the crystal to a new dock, would there also be incentive or something to not move crystal at all, with the exception of going straight to the ending (just like moving toward elevator in DotE)?

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3 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 5:42:31 PM
DragonGaming wrote:
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:

At 2:23:

Hero Revived

Zed has been revived, but lost their equipment!

Is permadeath not a thing anymore?

Yes, heroes now revive during the run. The decision comes from a similar place as not forcing you to carry a crystal instead of fighting: We don't want to create situations that would not be fun to play. In single player, it might be okay to lose one hero and fall back on the other, but in multiplayer it could be very annoying to have a good run, die because you made a mistake, and then your friend is forced with the decision to abandon the good run or to make you wait it out...

But wasnt that one of the main points that made Dungeon of the Endless good and notable, infact now that hero's cant truly die, is there still a way to lose the game or are there no game over or failed screens.

I'm guessing that the only way to get a game over if the crystal gets destroyed.  Not sure I particularly like this change, but I guess would cater more towards the casual action shooter segment of the market.  (Which seems to be their target based on the gameplay style changes and the art direction as compared to DotE.)

Anonim97 wrote:
Also the decision to change crystal mover to a robot and being able to move it between a doors is a brave one. If I can ask - seeing as there is mentioned finding secrets or opening doors by the moving the crystal to a new dock, would there also be incentive or something to not move crystal at all, with the exception of going straight to the ending (just like moving toward elevator in DotE)?

Assuming that the power mechanics are the same as DotE, it seems like this would make power management easier since you could power down a segment of rooms, move the crystal, change the power config, move it some more, etc.  I'll need to try out this change before I formulate a definite opinion on it, but it seems like this would significantly reduce exploration risk since you could park the crystal right next to the exit and then explore elsewhere in the map without having to really worry about increasing the number of unpowered rooms between the crystal and the exit.

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3 years ago
Jun 29, 2022, 6:42:46 PM

On the Permadeath note, it looks like you have to slot the crystal and (potentially) clear the wave before revive can happen. This would mean that game over can still happen if everyone dies before this can be completed. Additionally, the lose of equipment will further scale the difficulty, dying right before the elevator would me that there is a penalty, but on the new floor your will have a chance to gather up gear again before it gets too rough, dying in the middle of a run means your lack of gear is nearly a death sentence.

I like the idea of the mobile crystal freeing up all players, it also leads to ideas of alternate "extra reward" (greedy) options. For example, a high security room that is locked unless the crystal is brought too it, but not slotted. This would mean you get the loot in the room, but the infinite mobs keep spawning while you are looting. Or a room with a machine that requires the crystal be slotted to activate it, activating damage the crystal , but provides large rewards (Overcharged turrets for 30 sec, item produced, etc.). Additionally, you could have the lights you turn on only be reachable to X rooms from the crystal, thus requiring you to move occasionally before the exit.

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3 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 7:23:53 AM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
I'm guessing that the only way to get a game over if the crystal gets destroyed.

That, or all your heroes being dead at the same time. It takes a significant amount of time for heroes to revive, and of course repelling the onslaught of monsters gets harder with every hero who goes down... Trust me, it's spiraled out of control for me more than once.

SpikedWallMan wrote:
Assuming that the power mechanics are the same as DotE,

They're not. You do a lot less room power management in Endless Dungeon, but in turn that precious Dust has other uses as well, and all investments are permanent. Also, you can't just put the crystal anywhere: If it is not connected to one of the few crystal slots, you get infinite waves.

But you all get to experience that yourselves soon enough.

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3 years ago
Jun 30, 2022, 11:53:18 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
SpikedWallMan wrote:
I'm guessing that the only way to get a game over if the crystal gets destroyed.

That, or all your heroes being dead at the same time. It takes a significant amount of time for heroes to revive, and of course repelling the onslaught of monsters gets harder with every hero who goes down... Trust me, it's spiraled out of control for me more than once.

SpikedWallMan wrote:
Assuming that the power mechanics are the same as DotE,

They're not. You do a lot less room power management in Endless Dungeon, but in turn that precious Dust has other uses as well, and all investments are permanent. Also, you can't just put the crystal anywhere: If it is not connected to one of the few crystal slots, you get infinite waves.

But you all get to experience that yourselves soon enough.

Very interesting.  Thanks for elaborating on these points.  Looking forward to giving this a try soon.

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