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3 years ago Sep 02,2022, 14:06:01 PM

First Run Dev Debrief Stream


Before we left for GamesCom, we shared a brief summary of feedback and some fun stats from the OpenDev with you. Now we're gearing up to take a deeper dive into your feedback and how we're addressing it.

The lead designer of Endless Dungeon (and perhaps others) will join us live on stream on Wednesday, September 14th at Twitch.tv/Amplitudestudios. The stream will run from 16:00 to 18:00 CEST, with interviews starting at about 17:00 CEST.

If you have any questions about the OpenDev you'd like us to answer, feel free to leave them in the comments here. We'll try to answer as many questions as we can in the time we have with our guest.

See you then,

the Amplitude Team

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3 years ago
Sep 3, 2022, 9:58:41 AM

I was pretty hyped about this game, hoping for another fun and very strategic sequel to Dungeon of the Endless. It seems the graphics and music are going in the right direction but after watching a lot of hours of this OpenDev on Twitch the game looks more like a "pew-pew-pew" looter shooter without to much brain cycles involved rather than the strategic, complex masterpiece with tough decisions and fantastic atmosphere that was Dungeon of the Endless. I hope you just tested some of the features in the OpenDev and the final product will not be a Humankind like bad surprise, but a true sequel that has not lost the very important strategic layer, amazing atmosphere and tough decision making.

Also what is with the controller only option that made me not join the OpenDev? I hope we will get mouse and keyboard option in the final product as I never play with games with a controller

I also hope you will drop Denuvo from the final product as Amplitude did so well in the pre Sega/ pre Denuvo era and had success with that formula. It is a shame to punish fans that bought all your games and DLCs like that, with DRM that affects performance, leave you locked out of the game you bought when Denuvo servers go down in the future years and be treated in a untrustworthy manner from start, just like a thief, just because you are a loyal customer. Amplitude never treated their customers like that before and had success. Why is this happening now and what changed?

Updated 2 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 3, 2022, 3:24:43 PM
GlorySign wrote:

I was pretty hyped about this game, hoping for another fun and very strategic sequel to Dungeon of the Endless. It seems the graphics and music are going in the right direction but after watching a lot of hours of this OpenDev on Twitch the game looks more like a "pew-pew-pew" looter shooter without to much brain cycles involved rather than the strategic, complex masterpiece with tough decisions and fantastic atmosphere that was Dungeon of the Endless. I hope you just tested some of the features in the OpenDev and the final product will not be a Humankind like bad surprise, but a true sequel that has not lost the very important strategic layer, amazing atmosphere and tough decision making.

Also what is with the controller only option that made me not join the OpenDev? I hope we will get mouse and keyboard option in the final product as I never play with games with a controller

I also hope you will drop Denuvo from the final product as Amplitude did so well in the pre Sega/ pre Denuvo era and had success with that formula. It is a shame to punish fans that bought all your games and DLCs like that, with DRM that affects performance, leave you locked out of the game you bought when Denuvo servers go down in the future years and be treated in a untrustworthy manner from start, just like a thief, just because you are a loyal customer. Amplitude never treated their customers like that before and had success. Why is this happening now and what changed?

You could join even with mouse and keyboard, they just recommended controller for better experience if i'm not mistaken

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3 years ago
Sep 3, 2022, 3:39:18 PM

Wow, ok, that is a good information to know. Unfortunately it was not made clear

When I wanted to join they gave you some forms with questions that you had to go through before joining in and one of the questions was something like: do you have a controller as this OpenDev is controller only or something very similar. So I just exited when I saw that, I assumed it was as they said there.

Updated 2 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 5, 2022, 4:40:32 PM

We saw the potential for crafting and stuff but didn't get to experience it so one off the cuff thought is that if you are doing a series of open devs maybe one could be dedicated a bit more to just that mechanic. In a rogue like these persistent mechanics may be ignored in favor of just 'running' the maps/dungeons because they take time and don't help you through the runs. 

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3 years ago
Sep 5, 2022, 4:51:53 PM

I didn't get as far into it as some users but I noticed that diverse weaponry was available in the later zones. Is that the expected progression or are more diverse weapons/tools still being worked on?

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3 years ago
Sep 6, 2022, 5:00:12 AM

First off, thank you for including me in the OpenDev. Very excited for this game. I have one question about the OpenDev and then one about the game in general. My question regarding the OpenDev, what was the most surprising thing you learned through the OpenDev, and how is that knowledge going to shape the final product of the game? Secondly, what is the current way of unlocking more characters in the final game? I really loved how in Dungeon of the Endless unlocking every character was a challenge, not only to survive with them but also forcing you to learn how to play them effectively enough to progress. Thanks, and very excited for the show.

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