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3 years ago Sep 05,2022, 14:01:23 PM

Hero Trailer 3: Blaze - Appetite for Destruction

1 210 Views

We don't know where Blaze came from, how they got here, or why they keep wearing that hat inside a space station, but we do know they'd been running with a whole gang of cravers. Had been. They're looking for a new posse now, for some reason... 

Blaze is an expert on explosives, and between mines and missiles they can hold off hordes of enemies to defend your team and your crystal. Just be a little careful, as judging by their skills their approach seems to be "If you can't solve a problem with explosions, you need a bigger boom." 

  • Afterburn (Passive): Percent chance to add fire damage to target 
  • Hive Mine (Special): Area damage explosives that trigger with a brief delay after enemy contact 
  • Brimstone (Ultimate): Robot arm launches bombs that target nearby enemies 


Some of you already had the chance to play Blaze during the "First Run" OpenDev, but we hope you enjoyed this glimpse at their background and personality. We'd love to tell you more about them, but frankly we're afraid to ask... 

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3 years ago
Sep 5, 2022, 4:31:13 PM

...and that's why you don't play Pacifist Cravers, that's what their society ends up with.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2022, 9:30:46 PM

I noticed Blaze is referred to as "they" - do craver drones not have a gender or is that a Blaze thing?

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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2022, 10:27:25 PM
Eulogos wrote:

I noticed Blaze is referred to as "they" - do craver drones not have a gender or is that a Blaze thing?

well the Cravers are portrayed like a ravenous swarm, a hivemind with a queen as its head, think of them like ants or bee's, just supersized and a alot more dangerous.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 12, 2022, 9:31:50 AM
DragonGaming wrote:
Eulogos wrote:

I noticed Blaze is referred to as "they" - do craver drones not have a gender or is that a Blaze thing?

well the Cravers are portrayed like a ravenous swarm, a hivemind with a queen as its head, think of them like ants or bee's, just supersized and a alot more dangerous.

I have consulted Slowhands, and for Blaze it is indeed just a Craver drone thing. That said, from what I have seen Endless Dungeon does have a pretty diverse cast.

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