We wanted to thank you for being part of this Second Chance OpenDev, from enjoying the game, writing your suggestions (some crazier than others), expressing your frustrations, reporting bugs to helping other members of the community.
We've shared your feedback with the team and they will be analyzing and brainstorming how to improve or change the different systems. We can't give you a statement on how X system will be yet, but we hope to tell you more in the future! That way we will try to alleviate some of the negative feelings and frustrations you might have encountered during this Second Chance OpenDev (for example the wave system).
Also, we wanted to thank to all of you that have been active and following the "Wall of Fame" during the OpenDev, as it was the first time we did it and we have seen that the reception was super nice. Here we will be sharing the top players for each of the challenges and will distribute specific badges the team has designed around it.
If you have further feedback on this type of activity or any suggestions/crazy ideas, hey!, they are super welcome, I am the first one interested as I was the first one playing and competing alongside the community.
We will try to organize another "Defrief Stream" to talk to you on a stream about this OpenDev2, but for the moment we don't have a date, we will let you know once we have more info. And of course, you can expect some nice stats about this OpenDev, in not that long hehe.
Again, thanks ❤