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2 years ago Jul 12,2023, 14:57:38 PM

Decrypting the Station - Economy

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Hey everyone!

For today's blog, we wanted to talk about a topic that is always a hot topic in the community of almost every game. Which one? Well, it is about the economy of the game; from the initial approach to the current state of the game, after the feedback players provided during OpenDevs and Insiders (right now).

To talk about this specific topic we will host Armand, Expert Game Designer.

If you are not a fan of seeing a lot of numbers/maths, do not worry, as it covers other things, such as the rationale of what things we have changed and why (which is super interesting, from my point of view)

The Basic

Endless Dungeon has a door-based economy. The more you explore the dungeon, the more resources you produce, but the more you need to spend to survive. We have 3 main Resources (Food, Industry, and Science) that increase when you open a door. We also have 3 secondary Resources (Dust, Medkit, and Crystal Shard) that are not door-based and can be obtained by exploring the Dungeon. Today, I'm going to focus on the main Resources, as there's already a lot to say about them. 

To build a balanced economy, we need Sources (production) and Sinks (consumption). For Sources, we have the Doors (astonishing for a door-based economy), the Generators (which increase the door-production of a main Resource), the Tanks (scattered around the Station), the Crystal Slot (when the crystal bot reaches it for the first time), the Chests and the Boss Rewards. As for Sinks, we have the Generators construction, the Turrets construction (in Industry), the Research Machine (in Science), the Hero Upgrader, the Medkit Dispenser (in Food) and the Merchant. 

To offer you the best possible experience, we have to find a fair but challenging balance between the sources and the sinks.  

The rationales


At Amplitude Studios, we always define the rationale for our features to ensure that we achieve our goals when implementing them in the game. Here's the one we defined for Endless Dungeon's economy: 

  • Overall feeling of scarcity of Resources 
  • All the 3 main Resources are key to be used 
  • What is more expensive is stronger 
  • Multiple Sinks per resource to force you to make choices 
  • Impossible to unlock all economy-based content within a single run


The balancing during the Open Devs 

All along the OpenDevs of 2022, opening a door gives you 2 Food, 2 Industry and 2 Science. If you build a Generator, you increase the production of one of the main Resources by 4. With this setting, Generators are the main pillar of Resources and their destruction could ruin your run and lead to game over. It was this argument that led us to make the major balance changes, but if you look closely there were many other flaws: 

  • Too great a difference between an economy based on 0 Generators and an economy based on 3 Generators 

  • Unbalanced Sinks on the 3 main Resources (Food, Industry & Science) 
  • Linearity in Hero Upgrader, Research Machine and Medkit Dispenser prices 

  • Low cost of Generators while they have a big impact on the economy 
  • Lack of variance in Turrets construction prices and Weapons purchase prices

A new hope methodology

Thanks to OpenDevs, your precise and qualitative feedbacks, and the analysis of the collected data, helped us pinpoint our new approach.  

To rebalance the economy as a whole, we change our balancing methodology and begin to work with scenarios. So, we define typical scenarios for the use of the system, the mechanics, and the content to establish radically opposed situations but well-balanced. From the state of the economy, it is possible to identify the average prices for each content in the game. By combining these typical scenarios and average prices, it is possible to evaluate the balancing of the economy and to correct its invisible weaknesses. 

The minimum scenario represents the content required to progress (but not complete) for new players. 

The maximum scenario represents the content required to complete a run for core players.


The average scenario is established from the min and max scenarios to serve as a reference in the balancing. 

The impossible scenario represents all game content unlocked for 3 Heroes. 

By applying this method, we identify 2 major problems in the OpenDev balancing: 

  • For each scenario, the gap between the Sources and the Sinks is too large. Although this contributes to the feeling of lack, it can also generate frustration. By reducing this gap, it is possible to keep our intentions and reduce frustration. 
  • The analysis of the Sinks by type of resource reveals that the quantitative needs are very different, which makes one resource more important than the others. 

The new balancing for Insiders

To solve the problems exposed previously, we decide to change the gains of the Doors (2 → 5) and Generators (4 → 5): 

  • To reduce the gap between 0 and 3 Generators' economy 
  • To present the economy via multiples of 5 and 10 (the simplest multiplication table) 
  • To be more generous with average players while being harder on good players 

Then, we update the formula of Hero Upgrader, Generators construction, and Research Machine: 

  • To have quadratic and non-linear prices 
  • To better balance the Sinks between the 3 main Resources 

Finally, we update the calculation of Turret prices: 

  • To rebalance the price of Lv1 turrets (by type) according to min-max prices values 
  • To increase the cost of Lv2 and Lv3 turrets by 1 and 2 
  • To increase from 6 unique price values to 13 (x2) 
  • And thus answer the rationale: what is expensive is powerful! 

After all these changes, we think we have a more balanced economy, adapted to new players as well as the most hardcore while respecting our rationales. And to prove it to you, what better way than with a final round of spreadsheets and graphs to compare balancing before and after? (note: 'current' = OpenDevs balancing and 'new' = Insiders balancing) 

The balancing for the release

Although we're pretty satisfied with the new balancing, the work is never totally finished, and we'll be continuing to make various small changes to find a formula that responds to your feedback and our rationales. For example, we currently find that the scarcity feeling isn't strong enough, so don't be surprised if we test a few tweaks on this in future Insiders releases. 

Finally, I'd like to thank our Live Ops team for providing us with top-quality tools for tracking game data, and our Community Management team for bringing your voice to our ears and providing us with invaluable feedback to help us find the best solutions. 


Hope you like all the changes and the rationale we have been following, as it tries to solve some of the main frustrations of players and make the game much more fun (from my bias perspective of course)

Have a nice day ^-^

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2 years ago
Jul 13, 2023, 3:10:00 AM

The balance of the economy has been improved with the update. Really liked to read through all this information. Was surprised to see the level of detail that was explained and the charts. Loved the charts. Always enjoy reading through the ideas and processes that went into the games development. Keep up the good work.

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2 years ago
Jul 13, 2023, 2:12:00 PM

Definitely a good thought process. Really you could increase the feeling of scarcity while keeping the "smoothness" of the 5's and 10's of numbers simply by increasing the cost of purchases by X%, so if you want resources to feel 10% more rare, increase cost of sinks by 10%. That being said, I still feel the food sink into health (medkits) is pretty rough when heroes only return to maybe 10 or 20% health due to the health breakpoints, if players feel the need to heal instead of being forced to walk around in a state where they'll die instantly on the next hit. Let me break it down this way: due to the merchant it does make you have to choose between (industry) building vs buying, (science) researching vs buying, and (food) leveling vs healing vs buying. See where it feels like players are limited? If they have such a strong need to heal and don't have Shroom (suddenly feeling required to limit sink options), they can't save their food and their heroes are consequently nerfed in either gear or level depending on where they spent their food, likely on medkits while learning. That's why I'm not suggesting heroes heal to 100% like in DotE because that would make Shroom pointless, but not to be as punishing as only healing to 10-20% where Shroom feels mandatory in successful runs. If it was simply split to 40-50% where medkits are appropriately used as emergencies during an unexpected wave rather than main-stay healing, so players can maybe still survive a small hit or two but not the big enemy hits (not one-shot, more on that later) and still have a benefit to including Shroom to keep the group out of trouble. This would return food to being more in-line with the other resources for what their spending options are and still punish players for taking reduced defense or health options in favor of damage and still die very quickly from 40-50% to zero health quickly, rather than going full glass cannon logic of "well the health breakpoint is 10-20% and I don't want to spend my food on medkits, so I might as well glass cannon because I'll die in one hit anyways without a healer, can't hit me if it's dead". That all being said, it's also nice to prevent one-shot mechanics in games where you want to instill the feeling pressure or panic before their inevitable demise.. that is, prevent the player from dying in one hit (stops at 1 health on the first hit, kills the player on the second hit). That all to me sounds like it maintains risk vs reward, increasing player choice while keeping all current pieces relevant, and makes things feel exciting or panicked when in a high pressure scenario.

I'm not a professional game designer, but it's just me going off of the "feel" of the game and my own intuition, I'm not great at putting the numbers down to generate examples but I am pretty good at understanding how it all feels when together and seeing dynamics of what works better and what produces less effective results. In games, you generally tend to make the choices of what creates the best result every time. I'd like to see less runs rely on Shroom so heavily and I think that would be the changes to hit all those points, so I hope my feedback could be considered for those reasons.

Regardless if these are done or not I'll support y'all, have been a big fan and absolutely plan on playing this more!

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