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2 years ago Aug 30,2023, 15:55:45 PM

Hero Trailer 6: Fassie - Sir, Would you like a drink?

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Sit, relax, and get a fancy drink! It is time to present the gentleman of the Station, Fassie.

Fassie will play around with the drinks he has access to at the bar of the station and will try to "cheer up" his teammates. Let's see if you start a bar fight.

  • Stay Classy (Passive) - Wit is increased for each monster in the same room (up to a cap)
  • Shot! (Special) - Throws a drink at a targeted Hero whose Fire rate and Attack Damage are increased depending on the spiciness of the drink, increasing with time passed in the proximity of monsters. 
  • Bar Fight (Ultimate) - Nearby monsters fight each other and buffing nearby heroes 

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the basic concept of Fassie, it is time to get to know a bit more about the Narration, the Game Design, and the Art evolution of the characters. For that, we will have with us, Jeff, Narrative Director, César, Expert Concept Artist, and Victor, Game Designer


Our beloved bartender, Fassonasandu, is a Drakken. They are an ancient people, derived from a native species of the planet Auriga. Once the Endless started playing with their DNA, however, Drakken specimens began springing up anywhere the Endless had laboratories. Fassie himself was born on a planet that was an Endless zoo, until one day the keepers disappeared and the Drakken, as the largest and smartest of the inmates, took over. Thousands of years in the future, Fassie is one of those itching to see more than just his own too-familiar environment.

As the Drakken value sophistication, history, and a quest for knowledge, Fassie has this in his blood. This drive, coupled with his desire to perfect his potions and cocktails, brought Fassie to the Station on purpose, not by accident. He has seen images and notes on ancient Endless relics that indicate great works were done on the Station; works done by the one Endless who was arguably the greatest beverage master of that wealthy and discriminating civilization…


As said, Fassie’s skills rely on other entities to work as he is the crowd focus hero. 

Fassie skills are based on his status as Bartender, a “buffer/debuffer brawler”. He is one of the heroes who wants to be in the crowded room with another that will be buffed. Moreover, with his passive he can be a great operator in time of need, matching even more so with DPS focus heroes, multiplying their potential. His ultimate can be both panic button and really offensive depending on what is crucial at the time. Overall, he is one of the best supports in the center of the wave.

Fassie is suited for players who like to play support and be close to the action. As he has to be near other heroes to really shine, players should think twice about his strategic placement, making him more advanced than the average heroes.

During the run, Fassie will be able to increase his skills and defensive abilities to dive deep into the brawler archetype. He can also branch to tank, melee fighter, or operator with the right upgrade. He is able to be flexible to fit best with the other hero(es) he is serving. 

Thank you all! And enjoy the totally non-alcoholic beverages the Bartender has to offer! 


The initial concept revolved around creating a Drakken Bartender. We explored three distinct design approaches: one portraying a refined and elegant bartender with a slender appearance, another depicting a bodyguard-like figure showing strength and composure, and a third, a friendly local barman characterized by a jovial look and a more robust physique.


After careful consideration, we opted for the sophisticated and classy bartender design. This choice was driven by our desire to introduce visual diversity to the rest of the cast in terms of shapes and aesthetics. This Drakken would be all about perfectionism.

One of our talented 3D artists made a concept that resonated with us. We liked how the character's stance, attire, and facial features, made him look experienced and elegant, like someone who’s been around for a long time. So, we fine-tuned that concept.

We added some practical touches like a belt to carry cocktails and make up special drinks during battles. We gave him a fancy mustache, and an elegant bow tie, we experimented with various accessories before arriving at the version that now exists in the game

A reminder that next week, the Closed Beta will start!
Do not hesitate to check the blog in case you have any burning questions,

Have a nice day ^-^

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2 years ago
Aug 30, 2023, 4:10:21 PM

This was done *solely* to finally put down those Endless™ discussions about whether Drakken survived into ES and you can't convince me otherwise.

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2 years ago
Aug 30, 2023, 5:19:16 PM

September 7th can't come soon enough! So excited for the closed beta with my friends :D

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2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 3:03:43 AM

I always enjoy seeing the concepts and art designs that go into games. I think that the team made a good decision with the character design. Final result is nice.

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2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 11:25:22 AM

Honestly glad to see the Drakken didn't die off with Auriga.

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2 years ago
Sep 5, 2023, 8:23:39 AM
DNLH wrote:

This was done *solely* to finally put down those Endless™ discussions about whether Drakken survived into ES and you can't convince me otherwise.

No doubt due to the fact that the Drakken are one of the fan favorites from Endless Legend, and they share a slightly more intimate history with the Endless. While I still hope for us to see some drakken characters from Endless Legend like the more unique Researcher Namkang to appear in ES3 (maybe with the Nidya as a minor species given their connection with the Hissho), I am glad to know that the Drakken will exist after the events of Endless Legend.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 5, 2023, 7:43:55 PM

Jokes aside, that's the major reason why I'd love to see a proper Endless RPG, ED and its saloon is a nice slice of life for Endless galaxy, but I'd love to have hundreds of bigger and lesser (mostly lesser) characters from all over the place to meet and greet.

The other major reason for it is to play as a Craver who mastered Kalgeros martial arts.

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