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a year ago Oct 17,2023, 14:00:00 PM

Welcome to the Station - Advanced Access

13 421 Views

Today is an exciting day for the entire studio, and especially our ENDLESS™ Dungeon team that has worked super hard these past years to make this game a reality. We've put a lot of passion and dedication into this project, and we're extremely proud of releasing our game today! We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed making it. 

Endless Dungeon is out, at least the advanced access (aka early unlock) for those of you who bought the "Last Wish Edition". For those who own the Standard Edition you will be able to play starting Thursday (16:00 CEST / 15:00 BST / 7:00 PST).

So let's start from the beginning:

Endless Dungeon is a unique blend of roguelite, tactical action, and tower defense set in the ENDLESS Universe (same as Endless Legend, Endless Space, Dungeon of the Endless , etc...). We won't spoil the game for you, but you've ended up in the Endless Dungeon Space Station, and there is a force that makes it impossible to just take a ship and get away. You will need to escort your beloved Crystal Bot to the Core to try to fix the situation and escape.

  • 8 Playable Characters
  • Co-op with up to 3 players
  • Multiple Meta Progression elements (Upgrade your heroes with Chips, spice up your run with the Beverages, etc.)
  • 10 Districts to explore
  • and more...

As the game just released, there are a couple of things we wanted to share with all of you to help you get started!

Wiki and Tutorials

We know that a rogue-lite game can be a challenge to get into and this is why we explored different ways to share additional information and explanations for those of you who want to dig into the different concepts of the game to learn and master.

Based on the feedback from the Insiders who have been helping us test the game over the past few months, we decided that a player-editable wiki is the best approach and created an "Official Wiki" on wiki.gg. We'll be happy to work with any player interested in the Wiki, to answer questions or provide assets to make this wiki the most useful resource it can be.

But that it is not all, we know that a Wiki is not meant for everyone (some people will say is "Too much text to me...", this is why we have been collaborating with content creators such as Hazmy who will have some videos that will help you on your first steps in Endless Dungeon.

Additionally, we will be having some short videos on the different social media channels, you will find the links at the end.

If you make any videos, do not hesitate to share them with us, we are eager to see your tips and strategies of the game!

Feedback and Bug Reports

The community has been and will remain one of the pillars of Amplitude Studios. That is why we are always eager to know your different feedback, from new and crazy ideas, specific balance tweaks and improvement of systems, to bug reports. This is why you are more than welcome to express yourself on all the different platforms; G2G, Discord, Steam, etc. We will try to be present the best we can to hear you, to share your funny and positive moments with the game, and to raise any concerns you have with the team. We look forward to reading your feedback on the game - this is just the beginning and we'll keep on improving the game along the way!

Of course, we are aware that the game can have some issues (here is the list of the Known Issues) and the team is working on solving them.
In any case, if you encounter a bug, please do not hesitate to share it with us in Games2Gether, Discord, or Steam. The main and most practical way is to report it directly in the new Bug Report Section, which is connected to our database and is easier for the team to follow.


We have created an FAQ Thread with all the questions and answers for you to check. So do not hesitate to go there to ask additional things so that we can expand it if needed.
In any case, we've tried to include the main questions you might have at the beginning.

  • What are the recommended requirements to play Endless Dungeon?
    • Windows 10, 64-bit
    • Desktop's Intel Core i7 10th generation / Desktop's AMD Ryzen 5000 Series
    • 12 GB RAM
    • NVIDIA GTX 970 / RTX 2060 / AMD R9 390 / RX 490 / RX 580
  • Do I need a controller to play?
    • While the keyboard and mouse are supported, we recommend using a controller to play
  • Does the game work on Steam Deck?

    • We are working on getting the full verification (green tick). But YES, you can play right now on Steam Deck!

  • How does meta-progression work in co-op?

    • Gameplay: As host, it’s your progress and unlocks that determine what all co-op players have access to when it comes to Playable districts, available heroes, Saloon improvements, weapons mods, and available crystal bot upgrade chips.
      When joining a host’s game you’ll use your own progress when it comes to Hero quests and Hero upgrade chips

    • Unlocks: All collected District keys, Crypto keys, Mementoes, Beverages, Cells and Scraps will be saved to be used to advance your progress in your local game, both in Solo play and when you host your own co-op sessions.
      New heroes are unlocked by players in their local games – A host can play using heroes they have unlocked, and a guest can play using any heroes they have unlocked AND those a host has unlocked. However, quest progress can only be made for heroes that you have unlocked locally. 

  • Will the game have Cross-Play?

    • We are working to support cross-generation play very soon (PS4 with PS5 and Xbox one with Xbox Series) and hope to have this soon after release. The team is working really hard to bring this as soon as possible, since we know it is highly demanded. We are also working on cross-platform Steam-Epic and hope to have that soon as well. 

      We will not have cross-platform between PC/Console and Xbox/PlayStation.

  • What happens if I encounter a Bug, Where can I report it?

    • You can report your bug on the Bug Report section, here on Games2Gether. Here are the guidelines on how to report bugs properly.

      Also, we opened a section on our Discord to report bugs as well, but we do encourage you to report them here as it is easier for the team to track them.

Enjoy the game and see you around the Station!

Get Involved!

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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 2:37:34 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:
Based on the feedback from the Insiders who have been helping us test the game over the past few months, we decided that a player-editable wiki is the best approach and created an "Official Wiki" on wiki.gg. We'll be happy to work with any player interested in the Wiki, to answer questions or provide assets to make this wiki the most useful resource it can be.

As a person that suggested it on Insiders Discord I am really thankful for the uproar and overwhelming support of the Community cause without all of You it wouldn't be possible!

Special thanks to Amplitude Devs for providing us with images and Excel with stats and especially @CyRob for CSS magic and my fellow insiders @MagiWasTaken and @Moot99 (hopefully I pinged correct MagiWasTaken and Moot from Discord) for helping with setting it up. <30

Oh right - the hyperlink to wiki itself for lazy people ;P - https://endlessdungeon.wiki.gg/wiki/Endless_Dungeon_Wiki

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 2:53:48 PM

Happy Launch Day!
Here's to a smooth roll out.

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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 3:26:27 PM
Anonim97 wrote:
Daarkarrow wrote:
Based on the feedback from the Insiders who have been helping us test the game over the past few months, we decided that a player-editable wiki is the best approach and created an "Official Wiki" on wiki.gg. We'll be happy to work with any player interested in the Wiki, to answer questions or provide assets to make this wiki the most useful resource it can be.

As a person that suggested it on Insiders Discord I am really thankful for the uproar and overwhelming support of the Community cause without all of You it wouldn't be possible!

Special thanks to Amplitude Devs for providing us with images and Excel with stats and especially @CyRob for CSS magic and my fellow insiders @MagiWasTaken and @Moot99 (hopefully I pinged correct MagiWasTaken and Moot from Discord) for helping with setting it up. <30

Oh right - the hyperlink to wiki itself for lazy people ;P - https://endlessdungeon.wiki.gg/wiki/Endless_Dungeon_Wiki

Hey, you cannot imagine how happy this post makes me feel. It was my pleasure being helpful to all of you who are doing an amazing job on the wiki and in general during the previous builds on Insiders

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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 3:41:12 PM

Are these really the *minimum* requirements? They match the "recommended" tier on Steam's page, the stated minimum there is 8GB RAM for example.

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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 5:05:38 PM

As in tradition, Steam OST is messed up when played from Steam, and songs that are played do not correspond to their titles.

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 12:46:40 AM

Finally the day has arrived!
The wait felt like forever through all the betas, glad to finally get my teeth into the real thing.

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 7:42:28 AM
louvellyn wrote:

Are these really the *minimum* requirements? They match the "recommended" tier on Steam's page, the stated minimum there is 8GB RAM for example.

You are totally right. We changed the wording to "Recommended" in the FAQ section

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 8:05:40 AM

Happy Launch Day! 

Me and another DotE veteran are very excited of it and having fun again. :)

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a year ago
Oct 18, 2023, 8:35:56 AM

Happy times ahead!

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 9:11:22 AM

Hey everyone!

This has been a long (and occasionally painful) labor of love for the team and the studio, and it makes it all worth it when we see the feedback and support from the community. A million thanks to you all, the coolest players on the planet.

And to those who played DotE back in the day, and are now on Endless Dungeon: a big <3 

You are the folks that keep us going when the bug reports look bigger and uglier than Bug Momma...


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