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a year ago Oct 20,2023, 16:21:00 PM

Future Changes to the Co-op Meta Progression

6 773 Views


Thanks to all of you for the early reception of the game, we are really happy to read your first feedback! 

There is a lot of different feedback about the game but there is one topic that we see frequently: the confusion about how the meta progression works in multiplayer but also criticism of certain aspects of it. 

We are mainly talking about the fact that unlocking new heroes, when playing multiplayer, works only for the Host of the game, which has left some players with a feeling of frustration, after playing for several hours with their friends to end up discovering that they didn´t unlock the heroes.  
Thanks to your feedback and explanations, we've realized that this was an important topic and that we absolutely needed to improve this experience when playing in multiplayer. 


Starting next week, the team will start working on a solution, and we think it will take us a couple of weeks tops to implement and test it, and ensure that it is working properly. We've made it our top priority. 

We'll go into more details later, but in short: The currently planned changes will make sure hero unlocks in coop are shared with all players


Apart from this aspect, which will be our priority, we wanted to say that the unlocking of achievements, when playing in multiplayer, is not working as intended, and we will be working in the future to solve this issue as well. But this case will take the team a bit more time. 


As a reminder, here is an image of how, right now, the meta progression is working when playing in multiplayer: 

Enjoy the game and have a nice weekend :)

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 5:46:03 PM

Great to hear that you're changing that! I want to add though that my buddy has also been frustrated at seeing things like this image (see attached image) when we've just cleared the first floor together. This is a co-op game after all. It's very frustrating that we can't just progress together.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 5:52:45 PM

Hello, I am said frustrated friend.

I want to preface this with the fact that I am having fun with the game.

But like, did anyone playtest this game?

You hand an actual player this game for five minutes and they could have told you that this is a huge problem BEFORE release.

I even had to quit out of the lobby to go unlock the workshop and other stations in my single player saloon! What the hell is this?!

I do not remember a SINGLE modern game that has such a byzantine progression system. Pretty much every single game just shares progress. I feel like you did more work creating a worse progression system, somehow.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 21, 2023, 5:24:39 AM

NoChance to Control offliner?

The litte Boy cant finde the way to the Sockel, is hanging on the wall. The follow me dont work "He is in action"

I Like the new Game, THX for the moments of Fun.
4/5 Stars (-1  no butten for ingame voice? IS crasy to hear all, keyboard, Street and many another stuff)

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 21, 2023, 7:02:36 AM

That will be great, i just played with my friend for a hour or so to die and back to saloon. And he has 3 heroes unlock while I'm stock with default one...

Those it mean I will finally be able to do the heroe objectives of mg friend game? At this moment events if I completed an objective. It does not complete since I am not the host

Another annoying things, why I cannot have the weapon I uograded in my game to be used in the host game?

I can use the chips that I upgraded in my game. Host cannot use them. Why it cannot be done with weapons??

Also why I need to go my in my game to upgraded chips to go back in my friend game. It's ridiculous.

Its soo combersun the coop with all the limitation. when the game design seem to be coop play.

Great game though I just wish it was more coop friendly. 

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a year ago
Oct 21, 2023, 4:45:54 PM

It pains me to see the game like this.

After waiting years for it. A game that is mostly for multiplayer as the whole coop system completely broken.

dont know how you release the game like this. All this was clearly visible during beta ... 

game is awesom but this completely broke the fun 

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a year ago
Oct 22, 2023, 12:54:44 AM

Great to hear. As someone who is playing pretty much only co-op this makes it much easier for us

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a year ago
Oct 22, 2023, 2:07:14 AM

I hope you will make some changes to your design strategy to stop problems like this happening in the first place.
A senior developer obviously made the decision to allow this multiplayer progression design into the final build.

And this one issue (judging by the steam reviews) has caused at least half of the negative steam votes.
So this one decision has put the game from "Mostly Positive" down to "Mixed".
Which will probably have a massive impact on sales.

So whoever made that decision probably shouldn't be allowed to make these type of decisions going forward?
Or is that too harsh a reaction?

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a year ago
Oct 22, 2023, 8:05:14 PM

Are you guys work on an way to help people who have lost there progress do to the multiplayer bug/Syncing problem? I would like to see some form of compensation for me an other's experiencing this problem. I literally lost everything after I just maxed out all the wepons an unlocked all the characters.

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a year ago
Oct 23, 2023, 1:27:50 AM

Please just add couch Co-op to PS5. I was so excited to think I could play this with my boyfriend. We're not both going to have PS5's so please add couch Co-op

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a year ago
Oct 23, 2023, 12:11:27 PM

So as a game I believe you guys got the basics of the progression down to the final bit but there’s a few things that are acting as a road block for a lot of players. Now I move forward with keeping the fact that it is still a fairly new game and I come from the PlayStation communities point of view. This being clarified I would like to discuss some available issues as well as give my insight as to add to this otherwise wonderful game, putting aside the bugs and multiplayer as a whole and as a single player experience it’s a great game. The multiplayer progression is killer, it’s rough at best and sometimes it makes even trying to enjoy it unbearable. I recommend porting over the PS5 version of the multiplayer system to the PS4 it has what is needed and works pretty well. It sounds easier said then done but overall I think it would not only speed up the process of fixing multiplayer progression but also move the game one step forward to being able to have cross play between newer gen and old gen consoles more likely. I did not think a game like this wouldn’t support cross gen console support which was horrible, because the PS5 version is very well made and polished while the PS4 version is like a beta or a early access. So I had to start from scratch just to play with my other friends just to find out the PS4 version is by all means inferior except the upgraded system is superior? Kinda weird. All while being hit with the exact problems every else was having. Also there’s a multitude of bugs that occur during fights when playing multiplayer. First being if one is playing zed they get slingshoted randomly. Also please change zed, bunker and sweeper, I get there beginner characters but they’re worse than fodder. I suggest making them able to move while using their abilities especially because it leaves them open for mobs to kill them and to be honest it’s quite hard playing on multiplayer and trying to unlock stuff with these characters that are no more than just walking punching bags at times. Also please buff the hunting rifle. It’s damage lacks horribly compared to the mini gun and at times feels like you’ll struggle just to survive the most basic of mobs, either increase the damage or give it a big knock back effect. The campfire flamethrower could use a bigger range of fire too, I often get hit using it because I over estimate it’s size just to realize I’m already two feet in the grave. There’s also a bug where people have to do two runs just to receive shroom, I don’t know if it was intentional but it was annoying. There’s also a problem where Cartie will take damage while loading in on a elevator, probably the biggest problem because such a glorious creature must be protected at all costs. Also sometimes Comrade’s ultimate turret feels very lack luster, it’s described as a beast of a turret that’s overpowered yet I had to purely focus all I had on a single elite blob, the big one with the stomach mouth and he was red and glowing. Please buff it so it does more damage, has more fire rate or at the very least is moveable like a wheel chair, I wouldn’t mind taking that as a augment chip. Also the biggest bug I had was with the Boss located at Core I forgot its name but it has a chance to just not trigger its final phase and just despawn completely. I’m talking not in any rooms and there’s nothing anywhere outside of the turrets, crystal bot, and med stations. It is nowhere to be spotted, me and my friends saved and restarted it all to no avail. Those are just some problems I had with the game multiplayer wise. Single player I received no such problems but the the bots do need a upgrade, they rarely use their abilities if not maybe once per floor and never use their ult. Please fix this or add a thing to allow players to adjust when they can or should use said abilities. Currently I just run Cartie and Shroom as the other two bots because they’re the only ones to actually do something with their abilities, except ults, they never use those. Cartie’s is just good because it doesn’t matter the criteria, if you use it then it’s good and well shroom heals, that’s it, extra hp, but please reduce the number of kills needed for the bots to obtain a soul as shroom. I had the bot use all its souls to heal the team then not receive anymore for the rest of the game. These are just some problems I thought could be improved for the betterment of such a find game. I see the potential and how it could be wonderful but right now it’s mediocre at best due to these slight problems creating a snowball effect and pulling the game down as a whole. I’ve seen many games let these small types of issues never be fixed and had these things make it’s player base lose thousands of what would be fans. If you genuinely care about the game please acknowledge the feedback given. There are definitely some posts that don’t need to be said but that’s just the community ranting about being angry. I do hope you guys won’t abandon this game and make it truly something enjoyable and great to remember.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 23, 2023, 9:10:06 PM

Great to see taht your listening to the comunity! Thanks for looking into it and personaly i played singleplayer untill i unlocked all heroes so idk why people are so upset. Its nota big deal, do few runs and you can get them all unlocked. 

And there is a way you can unlock them even with coop, just google it..

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a year ago
Oct 24, 2023, 1:38:17 PM

I like the game and I have managed to pass the hero unlocking issue in coop and I made peace with it. Now I want to know when is this game going to be 60 FPS? I hope this going to be in your nearest future update plans. 

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a year ago
Oct 24, 2023, 2:25:50 PM
ColHathi wrote:

Great to hear that you're changing that! I want to add though that my buddy has also been frustrated at seeing things like this image (see attached image) when we've just cleared the first floor together. This is a co-op game after all. It's very frustrating that we can't just progress together.

Quests are attached to the hero you are playing in multiplayer. So you can progress on the quest of Bunker (as an example) and your friend with Zed. Both arguments are good, but it makes sense in a way, at least to me, that you progress only the hero you are using

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a year ago
Oct 24, 2023, 3:52:46 PM
xFrozenx wrote:

Are you guys work on an way to help people who have lost there progress do to the multiplayer bug/Syncing problem? I would like to see some form of compensation for me an other's experiencing this problem. I literally lost everything after I just maxed out all the wepons an unlocked all the characters.

I'm sorry to hear that, if you play on PC it's possible to restore your progression from a previous save. Here's a how-to guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3057673293. I hope it helps.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 29, 2023, 9:37:52 AM
Dgl25189 wrote:

Please just add couch Co-op to PS5. I was so excited to think I could play this with my boyfriend. We're not both going to have PS5's so please add couch Co-op

Oh yes. Please do

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