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a year ago Oct 27,2023, 14:34:46 PM

Co-op Update: Hero Unlocks for all Players

2 502 Views

Hello everyone ! 

With today’s patch, we are changing how you can unlock heroes in multiplayer. This has been requested by many of you, and we wanted to tackle this issue as soon as we could. Thanks again for your feedback and for helping us improve the game, we really appreciate your input! 

With these changes, it will be much easier to share your hero unlocks with all your friends.

So, how can you unlock more heroes when playing with your buddies now? There are two ways: 

  • If the host did not have the hero unlocked yet, all players in the squad will unlock this hero together when the conditions are met and the host talks to the character in the saloon 
  •  If the host had already unlocked the hero, you can unlock it yourself by playing as the hero and either
    • Reaching the end of the first floor 
    • OR Completing the first quest step of the hero 

This should make unlocking heroes together with your buddies a much smoother experience, and we hope that you'll enjoy these changes! We’re also still working to add achievements for clients in multiplayer, and keeping an eye on your feedback. 

And of course, there are some bugfixes included in this patch. You can check out the complete changelog below. 

Have fun conquering the station with your friends! 

Version: This is the number you will see inside the game [1.1.10109]

  • Improved the way meta progression works in multiplayer sessions. 
  • Fixed an issue where MitoSis monsters could not be killed anymore. 
  • Fixed several issues with Crystal Bot pathfinding, lowering the occurrences where it could become stuck. 
  • Fixed an issue where a map could be generated with a chest blocking player from progressing. 
  • Fixed an issue where an opened Game Menu appeared empty and couldn't be closed. 
  • Fixed an issue where an error could occur for the Host after taking a Memento in multiplayer session. 
  • Fixed an issue where the number of keys required to unlock a District is not updated dynamically in the Station Map. 
  • Fixed an issue where Difficulty choice window does not open on first run.
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a year ago
Oct 27, 2023, 2:59:23 PM

Hello, any ideas about the cloud saving system update ? I can't find any information about it and it's still not working ... 

Thank for your answer

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a year ago
Oct 27, 2023, 4:39:48 PM

What's your next step? Hoping you are going to fix bugs and the translate mistakes.And also, pls update your Weapon Atlas at Comrade, I'm making a WIKI in Chinese but I think the weapon info has some mistake, in especial the Knockback and Elem Power.

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a year ago
Oct 28, 2023, 3:24:38 PM

And Is their going to to be any updates to add more accessibility options like enlarging the text in the game other than the subtle size, ........mah peepers aren't what they used to be

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a year ago
Oct 29, 2023, 9:34:50 AM
Bobmybob wrote:

Is the update going to be applied to the ps4 and ps5 versions as well??

Oh yes. I'd love top know as well. PS4 ist like the stepchild nobody loves.

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a year ago
Oct 30, 2023, 8:39:33 AM
Bobmybob wrote:

Is the update going to be applied to the ps4 and ps5 versions as well??

As far as I know, yes, but I don't know when. The patch will need to go through certification, once the patch currently going through that process is released.

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a year ago
Oct 30, 2023, 9:22:08 PM
Bobmybob wrote:

Is the update going to be applied to the ps4 and ps5 versions as well??

I would also like to know the status of the ps4 update. How soon can we expect an update for ps4 players? As it stands the game is almost unplayable. So many bugs and crashes.

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