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a year ago Jan 17,2024, 15:00:38 PM

Japan Pack - Japanese VoiceOver and Skins


Hello everyone! 


Today we wanted to share some information that, while not being major news for most of our community, is something that we are super happy that is happening. 

We are releasing the voice-over in Japanese for ENDLESS™ Dungeon!  

Note/Fun fact: This is the first time we have a version of our game in another voice-over language apart from English.

There is no doubt that a lot of people in the office are going to change to the JP voice from now on... 

This content will be available for free to everyone!

  • Console: you have it NOW available as a FREE DLC 

  • PC: you will need to wait until tomorrow (surprise incoming) 

And that’s not all... to celebrate this, we will have, as well, 2 new skins related to this milestone that will be for Free to the entire community.
On the same line, console players will have this content available now while PC players will need to wait a few hours. 

  • Cherry Blossom Shroom: no need for further explanation of the reference hehe

  • Popona Bunker: the skin is based on the Vtuber Popona, who is in charge of the voiceover of Japan Bunker (Japan version)

Hope you will enjoy the new voices as much as we do! 

See you tomorrow (starting Amplified2024) and have a nice day ^-^ 

Copied to clipboard!
a year ago
Jan 17, 2024, 3:46:52 PM

It has come a long way since I participated in Japanese community translation mods for Endless Space...

Hoping for Humankind to get an official Japanese translation too.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jan 17, 2024, 7:30:58 PM

A surprise for PC players tomorrow? I really hope that you finally remove YOU KNOW WHAT from the game.

Fingers crossed!

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a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 9:03:11 AM

Pourrions nous avoir dans les future Maj de ED, d'autre version que l'Anglais et le Japonais en voix off.
Comme par exemple (le Français/ l'Allemand/ le Suédois/ l'Italien/ l'Espagnol/ l'Arabe/ le Mandarin/ le Coréen) et j'en passe. Pensez-vous que ça serait possible...?

Car personnellement j'aimerais bien entendre la voix des personnages en VF!

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4 months ago
Nov 8, 2024, 9:18:16 AM

After reading about Lingoda in this review https://nocramming.com/tutoring/lingoda, I decided to give it a try, and it has been a great experience for improving my language skills. The platform offers interactive classes with native speakers, which makes learning feel practical and engaging. I appreciate how flexible the schedule is, so I can fit lessons around my busy routine.

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