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a year ago Jan 18,2024, 14:32:55 PM

Wild Cards Update - Endless Dungeon

9 469 Views

Hello everyone! 

It is time to reveal our next update, Wild Cards!

First of all, we would like to thank all of you for being around, and for sharing some of your ideas and thoughts, as all of them are valuable to the team. You have been vocal about what you feel the game is missing.

We are adding 3 new elements to the game (more info in a couple of lines hehe) that will add more variety to your run.

This is our first step in the direction of improving the replayability and the variety of the game.

Let´s present the 3 pillars of this update  

  • Stations Cards* 
  • District Drawbacks * 
  • 4 Alternate Monsters 

  (*) You can turn this feature On/Off in the Gameplay Settings 

Here are a few words from our lovely Dev team

Game Designer Note: We hope you will enjoy these additions that should bring some variety between runs. In parallel, we keep working on the replayability aspect for later updates, starting with some reworks and balancing of existing content for more meaningful choices and various challenges.


When entering a new district, the Crystal Bot will offer 2 cards (and then 3 with an Improvement at the Workshop). You must pick one at no cost to yourself. These effects are positive, and the chosen effects then stay active for the rest of the run and will synergize with others to create powerful effects. 

  • This will be automatically unlocked when going back to the saloon after having unlocked Comrade’s Workshop (if you have this already then it will be automatically unlocked for you) 
  • You will start with 11 cards and will be able to unlock more cards in the Workshop and by completing Districts.

Don’t worry, the cost is quite low, and we know some of you have too many Scraps in your pockets!

Game Designer Note:  With the Station Cards, we wanted to bring a new feeling of build that can vary each run and create powerful combinations with a bit of chances. 


We will include further details below in the changelog with all the effects but here are a couple of examples of some categories/themes for the Station Cards:  

  • Cheap slot: On special turret slot*, turret cost -70% less
  • Super slot: On special turret slot*, turret gain +1 level
  • Crystal Freeze: Crystal bot specialty** freeze monster for 5s
  • Boom re-Boom: Explosive pot respawn every 20s
  • and a lot more...

*Special Turret slot : In each room a random turret slot give a special effect to the turret

**Crystal bot specialty : Once per wave, the crystal can be shove to apply a special effect



Districts now come with a dangerous effect applied to all zones for that district and only for the current run. Those effects are selected randomly from a specific list of effects.

Players will be able to see the effect they will encounter in the following district before choosing it. Be careful, some of the effects can change the way you need to face the district quite a bit. Here are some examples 

  • Turrets get +30% HP but are permanently destroyed when reaching 0HP 
  • +40% damage and stronger knockback from monsters
  • -80% HP on crystal bot but +3 HP on crystal bot per door opened  

Game Designer Note: District Drawbacks  (randomly drawn each time) are here to push you to adapt your strategy before each district, making the choice of district you will visit even more strategic. Also, it is balanced with the arrival of the Station Cards.

(*) A note regarding the Stations Cards and District Drawbacks!  

It might look like the game will be harder with the introduction of District Drawbacks, but this can be compensated by the Station Cards.  

However, as we know this will make things a bit more tricky for some users, we have made it possible to turn off/on these features in case you prefer to keep the game as it is right now, or perhaps because you want to keep only the negative effects as a bit of extra challenge for those that have mastered the game. 

Hope you enjoy the new additions, and we cannot wait to see all your thoughts and your ideas on how they can be improved!


We are adding 4 alternative versions of monsters that you have already met, but they will have some.... changes... 

These monsters can appear and coexist with other monsters, there are no special conditions to unlock them. 

Game Designer Note: We wanted to add more monster archetypes that will challenge your heroes, pushing you to move and reposition while shooting.

[The videos you will see below are in a controlled environment to showcase the monsters and the attacks]

  • [BUGS] Dissolver 
    • Alternate version of the Webmaster monster 
    • Focuses heroes and throws a battery of long Acid beams straight forward

  • [BLOBS] Fissioner 

    • Alternate version of the Mitosis 

    • Focuses Crystal and splits into two monsters when hurt badly enough 

    • When dying, leaves an Electric zone on the ground for a few seconds


  • [BOTS] Slayer 

    • Alternate version of the Razer monster 

    • Throws a battery of Light missiles toward the heroes 

    • Missiles track the heroes for a few seconds before exploding


  • [BLURS] Ardent Shadow 

    • Alternate version of the Calamity monster 

    • Teleports next to a close-by hero 

    • Attacks with a Fire AoE around

But HEY! This is not everything we have for you, there are a couple more things (well, 3 tbh) we wanted to mention:

Hero Co-Creation

It is been a while and most of you won't remember it, but last year during Amplified we managed to get the latest reward on the Stretch Goals and it was a Co-Creation of a Hero for Endless Dungeon! And well TODAY we start a series of Votes with you, the community, to design a new hero.

But this hero is a familiar face for you >> VIGGIE.

Exactly! Viggie will be a playable hero in the future and we will be having a series of votes during the next weeks/month to decide the archetype of the character, the skills, the background, etc.

On today's vote, which will finish on the 31st of January, we will decide the Origin Story of the Character!


Japanese VoiceOver for Endless Dungeon

Today we are releasing (yesterday for Console players) the voice-over in Japanese for ENDLESS™ Dungeon. This is already included within the content of the patch. 


There is no doubt that a lot of people in the office are going to change to the JP voice from now on...

You can find all the information on the Dedicated Blog

To celebrate this release we have included 2 new skins that will be available automatically to the entire community (available NOW): 

  • Cherry Blossom Shroom: no need for further explanation of the reference hehe 
  • Popona Bunker: the skin is based on the Vtuber Popona, who did the Japanese voice acting for Bunker  

Free Content Creators Skins

Lastly, we have been talking with some Content Creators and we have decided to partner with them by making super nice skins for their favorite characters. All of them are free and in already ingame alongside the Wild Cards Update! 

  • Zombey - Blaze  
  • Gleaney - Bunker (Streaming at 8PM CET next Monday)
  • 2Dkiri - Zed 
  • Two Angry Gamers - Blaze (Streaming at 8PM CET today!)
  • DooleyNotedGaming - Blaze (Streaming at 12AM CET next Monday)

Console Players

We will be working with our partners to bring Wild Cards to consoles! We do not have a date for the release, but we wanted to let you know that we intend to bring the patch to consoles!

I will leave you with the full list of changes from the patch. 

Have a nice day ^-^ 


Click Here to see details

Changes and Additions
  • Introduced the station card feature. When entering in a new district (even the first one), players will be able to choose between two to three buffs remaining for the whole run.
  • Introduced district drawbacks feature. Districts will now have a random modifier applied to them that will help differentiate each run.
  • Introduced 4 alternative monsters that players will encounter when exploring the station.
  • Introduced new skins (Content Creators and Japan Pack skins)
  • Continued to improve the music mix.
  • Added sound effects when players use Dust to reroll options at the Merchant.
  • Tweaked the information pop-up is the main menu so that player don't miss it easily. 
  • Added Japanese Voicelines for the characters.
  • Improved sound effects around the Danger Meter.
  • Improved sound effects when collecting resources.
  • Updated the credits
  • Fixed an issue where Shroom was healing herself even when the hit points lost were minimal.
  • Fixed an issue where skill efficiency was not applied properly to Cartie’s skills.
  • Fixed an issue where all chests could be empty during a run.
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback on the Shelldiver room door was incorrect before stating the boss encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where players could be blocked in Life Incubator in specific conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where players could deselect the chosen cocktail during the UI animation. 
  • Fixed an issue where text could overlap in the description of some elements in the Workshop.
  • Fixed an issue where audio was not played when opening the information pop-up. 
  • Fixed an issue where the button prompt to open the information pop-up could bleed out from the UI when using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where a text for choosing a cocktail could overlap with the navigation button prompt in Brazilian Portuguese.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer games where Eryaudi could be reset to full health. 

Station Cards Effects

  • Crystal Bot Special makes the Crystal Bot immune to damage for 10s
  • Crystal bot special freezes all monsters for 5s
  • Crystal bot special refreshes every skill and ultimate cooldown
  • Crystal Bot Special repairs all turrets and generators by 30%
  • Crystal bot special makes turret, generator and heroes immune to damage for 10s
  • On pick, +50 Science
  • On pick, +50 Food
  • On pick, +50 Industry
  • On pick, +25 Food, industry and science
  • +1 Free item at the merchant
  • Explosive pots respawn after 15s
  • -50% respawn duration on explosive pot
  • +50% explosive pot damage
  • +3% permanent damage bonus for each medkit used
  • +15 maximum health for each medikit used
  • On pick, +2 new turrets level 1 
  • On pick, replaces 2 researched turret types by new random turrets but with +1 level
  • Gives for free 1 turret research on each research terminal
  • +1 Free item in the merchant
  • On Special Turret Slot, -70% of construction cost
  • On special turret slot, +1} level on turret
  • On special turret slot, +30% chance of getting a random turret automatically built
  • +1 special turret slot in each room
  • 'On Special Turret Slot, +40% Attack Damage on built turret
  • On special turret slot, turret is untargetable by monsters
  • +15% return damage on turrets
  • +50% HP on turrets
  • +10 regen per second on active turrets 
  • Heals 10% Health per second on turret
  • Heals 20% Health on deactivated turrets after 15s
  • +80% defense on turret on turret boost
  • +50% turret boost duration
  • +20% damage and +20% efficiency on turret boost
  • +1500% turret knockback on turret boost 

District Drawbacks Effects

  • Turrets get +30% HP but are permanently destroyed when reaching 0HP
  • 3 turrets maximum can be built per room 
  • -50 HP on turrets at every attack 
  • No turret level up
  • +10% movement speed on Elite monsters (red glowing ones) 
  • +40% damage and +50% knockback on monsters 
  • Per zone, turret cost increases of 1 each time this turret type is built
  • -30% damage when heroes in the same room
  •  -40% Attack Damage  -40 defense on heroes in Crystal room
  • 10 Health Max on Generators
  • -30% movement speed on crystal
  • -80% HP on crystal bot but +3 HP on crystal bot per door opened
  • -30% on crystal bot actions speed
  • Damage 15% Health Max on crystal
  • -2 base door Food production
  • -2 base door Science production
  • -2 base door Industry production
  • -80% starting resources

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a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 3:49:31 PM

Very excited for additional content and the addition of additional modifiers to change up the runs. As a game built on replayability, this goes a long way in making sure it stays interesting. 

New skins look great and a new hero is always welcome.

This is a little light on bugfixes though, especially in multiplayer. It'd be nice to have missing objectives for the non-hosting player fixed, as well as that very annoying bug with the non-hosting player somehow buys out an entire store or has their selections somehow wrong when clicking on anything.

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a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 4:02:59 PM

From what I experienced in the test version, the [bot] slayer is a good addition of difficulty, especially when it appears together with its brother

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a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 6:34:04 PM

The Japanese VO is really really cool, even if I probably won't use it (I have nothing to do with Japan).
And it's really great seeing more work (and love:D) put into the game, really nice.

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a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 11:28:27 PM

Happy to see that they aren't making people chase Twitch streams to get the special skins this time around.  The new character in TED will also be a nice addition.

Sad to see that the gameplay changes to TED are only a few additional mechanics (but with a toggle which is a nice touch) instead of doing something about issues with some of the core mechanics like the elemental weaknesses and turret range limiting player choice, the missing power management mechanic, the RNG in the level-up system, etc.  Can you at least remove the Denuvo since it's no longer needed?

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a year ago
Jan 19, 2024, 5:23:42 AM

this update messed up my session with my buddy. despite our versions being updated to the most recent patch, he can no longer join my session that we currently have 2hrs in. we're in the final area already. i also cant join him... we both get "multiplayer cross-compatibility mismatched" error. cmon now -___- first the game keeps crashing, at least once during my last 3 sessions. and now this. i hope this gets fixed in a patch so we dont lose our progress and we can just continue where we left off

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a year ago
Jan 19, 2024, 2:08:34 PM


To investigate, could you please send us your save files ? You can open a bug and attach the files there. 


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a year ago
Jan 19, 2024, 3:20:13 PM

Seeing the Zombey skin is really random because I don't think he ever played the game, but hey cool anyway xd 

Overall the update looks great, even if I doubt that it can save the game from obscurity. 

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a year ago
Jan 20, 2024, 2:12:45 AM

I'm on ps5. i dont think there's a way for me to send you my save file. can you guys just look into this please? like can someone test this out?

Scar wrote:


To investigate, could you please send us your save files ? You can open a bug and attach the files there. 


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a year ago
Feb 16, 2024, 2:42:04 AM

"multiplayer cross-compatibility mismatched" error is still happening when i invite my friend on ps4 to join me on ps5. this ERROR has prevented us from playing since the update last month. what's going on?!?!? how is this not fixed yet? this is literally preventing me from playing the game because my friend cant join. my ps5 version is 1.2.10400+6a6ff00bfd and his version is 1.2.10388+bf45eca37b...does that help? why is our versions different? this is game breaking please fix asap.

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