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a year ago Jan 25,2024, 15:09:21 PM

The Dark Path of the Data


Hello there, I am Pedro_Fuer, a data analyst.  

You probably would recognize me If you watched the Amplified streams, as I led during the Data Showcase segment. In the past we showcased to Insiders some data and we thought that this would be an interesting thing to show to the entire community.  

So, I am here to take you on the beautiful trails of data for an exceptional walk.

As usual, for this adventure you will need a guide (that's me) and a functioning brain (that's you). During the journey, keep in mind that I have voluntarily kept together all difficulties and all run types (solo/multi) because they don’t change the results much. 

“On The Rocks” update

The first step of our journey is at the level of playstyle and the changes we have recently made for the “On The Rocks” update. My goal as a data analyst is to see if a change in the game is reflected in the data. 

To put it simply, we have reduced the power of the heroes. The goal here was simple: to favor the tactical aspect over the action aspect. In other words, more turrets less hero upgrade. And in other words, more industry, and less food. 

Let's compare together the distribution of resources produced 10 days before and 10 days after the patch. 


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Believe me, there is nothing more satisfying as a data analyst than to see in the data that the players have adapted to the change. 


Tribute to Bunker

Come on, this is just the beginning, I'm taking you to see a friend who gets few visits. Bunker has been a bit neglected recently. Yet, she's really nice, I promise you. 

Bunker has one of the lowest pick rates in the game. You're going to tell me she'sone of the base characters and you're right. All characters are unlocked around the 10th run. So, if we look from the 10th + 2 runs, we have a correct view of the pick of experienced players. Here is the pick rate of the different heroes from the 12th. 

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Look at this poor little robot completely neglected at the end. I'm sure you already see where I'm going. Wouldn't it be crazy if this poor Bunker, who is shunned by players, had one of the highest win rates in the game? 

Well, you're right. So, I'm not going to spoil all the win rates of all the champions. But I present to you the champions with the three best win rates. Yes, you're not dreaming, Bunker is the 2nd strongest hero in the game. 

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Now, I want to show you a little secret corner. Something that will strongly interest the most try hard among you: the weapons. 

Fire is not always the solution

Weapons are very interesting in the world of data. Why, you ask? Because the game feeling of a weapon can greatly change the perception of power. A big weapon that makes big red and yellow explosions gives the impression that it is powerful. And the opposite for a tiny little weapon. So one of the roles of game designers is to create weapons that match the game feel with the actual power of the weapon. 

And it's not always easy. For example, the Campfire weapon looks very cool with its circles of fire around, it gives the impression that a monster approaching will get vaporized. It is therefore popular with players. It is the 6th most played weapon out of 31! 

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However, it is a weapon, indeed, powerful but very risky because you must be almost in melee. The Campfire is thus, a weapon with one of the lowest win rates in the game. The 4th to be precise. This chart might be a bit confusing, because it looks like the Campfire has a high win rate but take note that what you see is the end of the chart. It shows the weapons with the lowest win rate. 

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Now you know that data can surprise you. 

Are you better than me at the game?

Finally, the last step of our journey is particularly close to my heart because I am going to talk a little bit about myself. I am like you a player of Endless Dungeon. But the question is, with all that I know about Endless Dungeon data, am I a good player? 

When I start a new game, I must go for a ride on (howlongtobeat website). I can't help it, I need to compare myself to others. Here it's even simpler, I can directly see after how many runs on average players have defeated the core. I personally defeated the core on my 12th run and the average victory against the core is 10.87. 

Here is the distribution of the first victory run for the players. 

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Well, it's a bit sad for me but I'm a tad worse than average. 

Quickly, I need to find something where I'm better than others or I'll lose confidence in myself. Ok let's look at the cocktails, I know I feel like I'm not too bad with cocktails. I won for my 3rd run with Pepper Punch and for my 4th with Harvey Headbanger. Let's compare this with the community by looking at the run of first victory with these two cocktails. 

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Bam, I'm better than most players!! I am a great Endless Dungeon player. My confidence is restored. Finally, video games are like everything else, you have to find a spot where you're comfortable. 

This walk is now over. I hope you liked as much as me discovering the data side of Endless Dungeon. I hope you’ll bear in mind what we’ve just talked about for your next run! 

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a year ago
Jan 29, 2024, 4:51:41 AM

Is Bunker the 2nd strongest character in the game or is the game still wobbly/unbalanced and her ultimate provides the necessary balance?

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a year ago
Jan 31, 2024, 8:38:55 AM
Ningauble wrote:

Is Bunker the 2nd strongest character in the game or is the game still wobbly/unbalanced and her ultimate provides the necessary balance?

I think Bunker is quite strong for those who manage to use their full potential. Because if we see the pick rate is the lowest one.

In any case, I think that is the upgrades what makes Bunker strong.

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a year ago
Jan 31, 2024, 11:01:55 PM

Don't play this game, but wanted to say that the graphs are very well made! And the info presented was super clean.

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a year ago
Feb 23, 2024, 7:21:12 PM

I can't believe anyone would chose to use Campfire. It's the least stratifying weapon to use by far. And I am happy to be somewhat proven right. It just does too little damage and has too little range.

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