Long story short, yesterday my game crashed but steam kept saying i was in-game. Tried to terminate Endless Dungeon with task manager but couldn't, task manager even became unresponsive. Tried to stop it from steam page, it was permanently stuck on "Stopping". Tried terminate steam, same deal, couldn't close it. Tried restarting/turn off pc, i couldn't even do that. Had to suffocate my pc from the power button to get stuff going again.
Today same deal, i completed a run with a friend, his loading screen got stuck at 99% after the ending cut-scene, he did manage to alt+f4 but i'm stuck with the same problem as yesterday.

Reported on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1485590/discussions/0/3874844033649370819/

Crash Dump:

Player Log: