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Favorite Amplitude Game

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10 years ago
Apr 28, 2015, 5:58:30 PM
Endless Space. It's criminally underrated even within this very community. The only Endless game I had no intention of playing was DoTE. Well, look at me now. I know what Gork says when he unplugs the crystal. #truehardcore
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2015, 7:54:21 PM
I love all of the games - Although you wouldn't be able to tell that from my Steam library stats. I have so many games that I rarely get hooked to the point where I just keep playing it again and again (Well that and ADHD... Heh)

I've only played less than an hour of Dungeons of the Endless after release - But it's a great game. Endless Space is the game I've played the most, but it's rougher around the edges than Legend these days. Really shows how far they've come as a studio.
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2015, 8:33:55 PM
Endless Legend is my favorite Amplitude game, so far!

As far as 4x games are concerned I still consider Masters of Orion 2 to be number 1.

However, Endless Legend is easily my number 2!

I could on forever about it ---but in short --- Everything about Endless Legend is beautiful.

And this may sound a little pretentious, but, I think being compared to MoO2 is a huge honor <.<

It's kind of the benchmark to which I (and I assume many others) measure all 4x games too.

Been on every PC I've ever owned!

DotE is an incredibly mish-mosh of genres that is a tower defense at it's core.

I'm not usually into tower defense, but I love it! You get that same hazardous exploratory sensation you get from FTL.

>.> Instead of one more beacon getting you killed, it's on more door!

Endless Space was our introduction to Amplitude and what they are are about. Nostalgia!

It's essentially a very pretty user friendly spread sheet with a very relaxing soundtrack!

It's great to sit down and play when I want something completely stress free.
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2015, 8:49:32 PM
Definitely, DotE .. its actually in my top 5 Steam games ever .. competing for top 3! Anyway its forever in my Hall of Fame. The game is outstanding .. the only thing I do not like is that there are not enough dialogs on the lift .. and i really want more and more expansions for this game .. gonna buy all.
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2015, 9:07:41 PM
I love Endless Legend -- and not just because I'm a huge fantasy nerd! Each faction plays differently and you can really feel it! I may just be biased though since EL is what introduced me to Amplitude. Having said that, I really hope/wish they go back to Endless Space and "update it" in regards to some stuff they've learned from Endless Legend (e.g., diplomacy, how battle works, etc.). I mean, I enjoy Endless Space too, but in light of EL it is "rougher around the edges" as Mansen said.
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10 years ago
May 1, 2015, 5:00:39 PM
Endless Space with Disharmony... though it would still be without it.

I play and love all 3 of them of course and, from a mechanical standpoint, EL is probably the best while DotE shines when it comes to creativity.

However Endless Space brings me the most joy when I play it for some reason and I can't even exactly explain why lol. It's also the best when it comes to custom factions smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 6, 2015, 1:10:00 AM
As of right now Endless Legend.

Endless Space is right behind it and I haven't played DotE yet so I've no take on that one.
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10 years ago
May 6, 2015, 9:07:55 AM
Endless Space (Scifi great fan)

Dungeon of The Endless

I don't like so much Endless Legend, I am not so fan of fantasy. But I should spend more time on it !
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10 years ago
May 7, 2015, 11:50:06 AM
I will say Endless Space because i am also a fan of Scifi and it remembers me a little bit Imperium Galactica 2 which was the first Scifi game i played (so many hours..).

Then Endless Legend and this is strange because when Amplitude announced this game i was pretty sure to not buy it. Indeed the only 4X I have tried like that was Civ5 and really it was not a good experience. But with Endless Legend, i don't know thanks to the universe, quests, etc... i really enjoy it.
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10 years ago
May 9, 2015, 6:48:37 PM
I've spent the most time with DotE so far, because there's so much action to be had in small spaces of time (like after work before dinner). I'm massively impressed with Amplitude Studios, though. I think they're the most exciting studio to come about in ages, and now I own all their games... can't wait to have a few days off in a row to get stuck into to either of their 4x games.
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10 years ago
May 9, 2015, 11:45:13 PM
ds108j wrote:
Endless Space (Scifi great fan)

Dungeon of The Endless

I don't like so much Endless Legend, I am not so fan of fantasy. But I should spend more time on it !

It's actually pretty scifi, if you pay attention you can see tech everywhere! --- In the flavor text of the anomalies and faction quests. Even in the magic! Magic is pretty much a result of dust and manipulating it to bend physics.

From my understanding Dust itself is some kind of assortment nanobots that probably operate on a molecular level and manipulate physics so drastically it looks like magic.

It might help you get into it if try to look at it like tech painted up in a fantasy theme and have fun trying to interpret and decypher it! Putting things together, like a scholar!

Remember that you're looking at the world of Aurgia through the eyes of primitives who see technology so advanced that it looks like magic because they simply don't have the context to know better!
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2015, 2:20:31 PM
Endless Space even tho I gotta admit my game hours in that game tanked somewhat the last few months. I m still watching any news about it but as of now I played the game so completely that other games in my library keep me more entertained.

I was really looking forward to Endless Legend and even tho its superior in almost every aspect (tech, source code, graphics etc) it never "clicked" for me not like ES did. Probably cuz I m a sci-fi geek at heart hehehe. Roguelikes really are not my forte but I never regretted buying it and EL simply for the fact that it helped Amplitude to stay in the market (your skill at sucking up increases by 1). I gotta say even tho DotE started out as a "fun project" it really turned into a serious number in the genre (I ll start it in earnest one day for sure). Evidence that my trust in Amplitude is justified, they just got the wrong focus at the moment (do ES2 damn you!!!)
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10 years ago
Jul 3, 2015, 12:04:51 PM
There aren't that many to chose from, but here are mine rated by hours played (online on steam). Endless Space, Endless Legend and a far far off Dungeon of the Endless.

I think Endless Legend will get a lot more play though in the long run, A LOT.
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9 years ago
Jul 17, 2015, 1:44:57 AM
After having played each game for a good bit now, I think Endless Legend is my favorite. While I do quite like 4x space games, I find the gameplay and more in-depth lore of Endless Legend quite appealing. Dungeon of the Endless is my 2nd choice, with Endless Space being 3rd.

But perhaps I am just a sucker for sci-fantasy settings.smiley: dust
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9 years ago
Aug 1, 2015, 7:23:39 PM
ds108j wrote:
Endless Space (Scifi great fan)

Dungeon of The Endless

I don't like so much Endless Legend, I am not so fan of fantasy. But I should spend more time on it !

Hey, you just wrote my post for me! Thanks! xD
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9 years ago
Aug 2, 2015, 5:08:47 AM
Endless Legend. I like the 4X, and I like the medieval fantasy. EL is not stricly medieval fantasy, I know.
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 6:02:23 PM
Endless Space...though its really hard to choose. I like all of them so much.
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