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The co-op servers are too buried in the UI, it makes finding an open co-op game a chore.

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a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 9:32:13 PM

Title says it all I guess, but co-op games are being (or going to be) hosted across a lot of servers. So far there is:

  1. Europe
  2. USA, East
  3. USA, West
  4. Canada, East (Why? Toronto's a 30 minute flight to NY)
  5. Asia
  6. Japan
  7. Australia
  8. South America
  9. India
  10. South Korea
  11. South Africa
  12. Turkey

And each one hosts its own games, which means you need to check each one for an available game to join. Which sounds pithy, but I've jotted it down, and to check every server for an open game, it takes about 1 full minute and 22 clicks to check every one. Why is it designed like this?

Multiplayer games have perfected the server list years ago, why are we using this odd drop-down? We should combine all available servers in a simple list with their details in columns. That way it's one quick glance-through and no more hunting.

Like, look to any PVP game to see a standard server list:

Updated a year ago.
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