So i have Lots of issues with the state of the Game:


- Why do hero litterally HATE collecting or reading in game lore elements ?
       Phrases like "I do not care it's not a map " just kills the story

- Why Heroes are not treated as such in the wider universe ? 

       They have been bathed in Dust and should have experience a tremendous shit in personnality just like the rest of the Heroes in the Universe

- The Endless are at war at the end of their civilisation why portray them as Idiotic capitalists 

        DUST only became Unstable because of the war !!!!! it was there Universe Wide WEB 

-Character design feels out of place Why "Not Samus Aran" (Zed) ? Sara Numas was Better in every way and there was Close Combat !!!

- Why do we Have Endless legend races In the station they are supposed to be unique experiement from Auriga and only Vaulters escaped in the current Lore !


- Heroes Clearly leach Turret XP why no hero Level UP ? 

- Turrets can only level up once and it's NEVER explained

- Meta Progression blocker are infuriating for the final level ! easy fix let dust disable them !

- The Procedural Factory screen recap is bugged

- Heroes feel them same and their ultimate skills should be unlock through level ups

Final Thought WHat happened ??

I love the series and it's lore the fun mechanics and evething about the DNA of the Games ENdless

It feels like you tried to Balance thing that should not have been ; Next time give in to the Power creep LOOK Vampire Survivors Like that is the trend in the current game industry ; Going the other way like the Latest Assasin Creed will not work !
Look Baldur 3 a Level cap to keep the game Coherent is also possible but removing stuff if it is too complexe will not work !