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Game Save Unusable After Crash on Elevator

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2 years ago
Jul 3, 2022, 2:17:02 PM


Completed a level and ended up on the elevator screen claiming success. Went to proceed to the next screen when the game crashed.

Upon reloading the game, shows 'Continue: Elevator - 03/07/2022 15:04'. Goes to the loading screen with the station in the background and an endless spinning Endless logo in front of 'Loading Elevator'. See images attached.


Cannot continue game save and will need to start a new game to progress. 

Problem occurred after completing the first level. 

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 3, 2022, 5:24:53 PM

Please include your player log and diagnostic files.

  • Diagnostic files: These files need to be compressed as a zip or rar file or the upload will fail! Located by default in: \Users\[username]\Documents\TED\Temporary Files 
  • Player.Log: These can be found in: Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\AMPLITUDE Studios\TED This folder is hidden by default. You will need to reveal hidden folders (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/show-hidden-files-0320fe58-0117-fd59-6851-9b7f9840fdb2)
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2 years ago
Jul 3, 2022, 9:43:01 PM
Eulogos wrote:

Please include your player log and diagnostic files.

  • Diagnostic files: These files need to be compressed as a zip or rar file or the upload will fail! Located by default in: \Users\[username]\Documents\TED\Temporary Files 
  • Player.Log: These can be found in: Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\AMPLITUDE Studios\TED This folder is hidden by default. You will need to reveal hidden folders (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/show-hidden-files-0320fe58-0117-fd59-6851-9b7f9840fdb2)

Thank you very much for reminding me. See the attachments below. 

Diagnostics - 2022'07'03 @1410'04''664.zip


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2 years ago
Jul 4, 2022, 1:30:09 PM

Sorry to hear about that. We reported the issue to the Dev team so it doesn't happen anymore. Thank you!

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