I was in the middle of a wave in the procedural factory and was just holding Q to target Bunker's ability (the square one that does an AOE onto the floor) when the whole game froze for a few seconds, then crashed to desktop. I had Zed in the other room on "stay" mode. Can't say much else about the exact situation. Logs attached (I can see stack trace in there, an index-out-of-bounds error). - Note that I already restarted the game before copying the logs, so the useful data seems to be in Player-prev.log.
Crystal Savior
Crystal Savior
18 300g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report mgiuca?
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Dev in Disguise
By reading this, you hereby forfeit your soul to the machine god as fuel to connect to the holy internet.
Dev in Disguise
30 200g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report Sigmagor?
Are you sure you want to block Sigmagor ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock Sigmagor ?