Description: Since the October 20th patch/hotfix whenever me and my brother try to play we manage to join each other and play for a bit but after a couple of minutes one of us gets disconnected and needs to rejoin the gam. This happens regardless of who is the host but the person that ends up losing connection is the one that will keep losing the connection for that session. We played close to 10 hours before said patch on the day prior without any issue and this has only started happening since the October 20th patch.
Attachments: Diagnostics - 2023'10'20 @1018'36'' Diagnostics - 2023'10'20 @1423'19'' Diagnostics - 2023'10'24 @1432'24'' UserSettings &

Steps to Reproduce: 1. Host or join a co-op multiplayer game 2. Play for a couple of minutes 3.One of the players lose connection

Expected Behavior: Should be able to play without a player constantly losing connection to the other