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Can I recover my Meta-Progression?



a year ago Mar 25, 2024, 7:07:08 PM

Currently, I am wondering if there is anything I can do to regain my meta progression that I lost awhile back, like searching for an old save file from it in my computer. I made a post in the bugs section 2 months ago about how my meta progression was reset, and I found out after downloading a content update. This is that post:


Originally, I assumed it was caused by the update I downloaded, but just today I came across this bug post that deals with the same issue.


I'm wondering if maybe this was the cause for me, because I vaguely remember playing solo before the update and having to force quit my game. EItherway, please let me know if its possible, as I've found it hard to want to begin playing again after that.

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a year ago
Mar 29, 2024, 11:21:04 AM


I had a similar issue recently, while migrating from an odl PC. It may be that your save is not found anymore, because ED Saves are located in the Documents folder on your PC. Usually here: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Endless Dungeon\SaveFiles

If you have OneDrive there is an option to automattically sync that folder as well.

I luckily fond my saves there, even though the cloud save didn`t work for it. 

Loading the game new on my old PC, the saves are still there.

Maybe they are for you as well, or are in the OneDrive file path. C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Documents

Maybe it helps you.

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