Hey, everyone! I have tried solving this issue for months but to no avail. I connected my G2, Steam, and Twitch accounts when Endless Dungeon had Twitch drops and watched enough to get all the drops at their respective times of dropping. I've yet to actually receive those skins in game, despite me trying to find a way to email the Endless Dungeon team to try and fix this issue. I've browsed the forums here and there are a few other people with this exact same problem months ago. I attempted to collect the Blaze and Fassie skins when I first got them on Twitch, but now my twitch inventory has cleared out and It's impossible to try and claim them again. If anyone knows of any fix to this problem or if any developer is reading and can get in contact with me that would be greatly appreciated. I absolutely love this game but this has been turning me off of it for months.
5 months ago Oct 11, 2024, 9:39:51 PM
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