A few bugs with progress tracking a year ago
So, I'm facing a lot of problems with progress tracking and getting the achivements related to it. First of all I completed all the Archives and watched all of the awesome comics stiled animations related to it. But it doesn't count them as finished.

Another problem is the monsters, specifically the blobs. The most common blob is just not being counted. Killed it thousand of times already and nothing, it doesn't show in the archive.

And finally the Turrets. Built them all a couple of times, even the turrets of Comrade. But in the achivement for building all turrets I'm still missing 1.

Also not sure if it's a bug or not but after completing the game two times and shuting down all core defences the game still shows me that I didn't find any keys on any of the 3-rd floor premises. Also missing a key on the core floor but maybe I get it for completing the game for the third time (Correct me if I'm wrong)