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Any player who has ever delved deep into a dungeon with their friends knows that they need cooperation and coordination. Somebody got to deal damage, somebody got to provide healing, and somebody got to draw attention away from those turrets and, more importantly, teammates. And who better to tackle that job than a robot with a big iron on her hip?

We've been calling her Bunker so far, but really, what is her name?

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4 years ago
Feb 26, 2021, 10:34:08 AM

Sigh. Bunker I guess. Lawrine sounds too much like bodily functions in english and Robie sounds like a name I'd give a puppy.

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4 years ago
Feb 26, 2021, 1:18:42 PM

Robie and Bunker are so dull. The best one is Lawrine.I think it came from Laurene and law so...

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4 years ago
Feb 26, 2021, 1:56:03 PM

Lawrine gives it/her much personality, it's a robot. Bunker feels more of a purpouse for it's/her's existence.

Also what's up with those names? Shroomy, Robie, Muchers? Should we expect in the future explosive expert called Boom-boomie?

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4 years ago
Feb 26, 2021, 7:11:03 PM
Froozigiusz wrote:

Lawrine gives it/her much personality, it's a robot. Bunker feels more of a purpouse for it's/her's existence.

Also what's up with those names? Shroomy, Robie, Muchers? Should we expect in the future explosive expert called Boom-boomie?

I don't know about the name, but they are probably Sophon, since they are well known for their clever usage of explosives.

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4 years ago
Feb 26, 2021, 9:22:24 PM
The first to accidentaly blow up their moon XD
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4 years ago
Feb 27, 2021, 5:22:16 AM
GasolinePump wrote:

Boom-boomie !!

You're doin' good lad!

I picked 'Lawrine', because it sounds nice as a corruption of 'Lauren' :)

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Feb 27, 2021, 10:01:26 AM

If they are going to present the long ranged weapons expert, how shall we name him/her? My suggestions are: Gunny, Snipie, Bang-bangie and my personal favorite Clintie (after Clint Eastwood).

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4 years ago
Feb 27, 2021, 11:00:42 AM

The tagline for Bunker is def the best, but I prefer Lawrine as a name I think

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4 years ago
Feb 27, 2021, 10:43:53 PM
Froozigiusz wrote:

Lawrine gives it/her much personality, it's a robot. Bunker feels more of a purpouse for it's/her's existence.

Also what's up with those names? Shroomy, Robie, Muchers? Should we expect in the future explosive expert called Boom-boomie?

Can I pre-vote "Boom-Boomie" for the next character, please?

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4 years ago
Mar 1, 2021, 6:46:02 PM
Froozigiusz wrote:

Lawrine gives it/her much personality, it's a robot. Bunker feels more of a purpouse for it's/her's existence.

Also what's up with those names? Shroomy, Robie, Muchers? Should we expect in the future explosive expert called Boom-boomie?

Is there a particular reason that you would refer to a character who is clearly established as gendered with "it", instead of acknowledging and recognising the appropriate pronoun?
Seems like a red flag from here.

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4 years ago
Mar 18, 2021, 5:15:15 PM
Froozigiusz wrote:

Lawrine gives it/her much personality, it's a robot. Bunker feels more of a purpouse for it's/her's existence.

Also what's up with those names? Shroomy, Robie, Muchers? Should we expect in the future explosive expert called Boom-boomie?

Yeah I was a bit disappointed with the fan voting on names. Shroomie and Bunker are not interesting or unique.

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