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Locksmith Ultimate


Viggie’s personality and gameplay are starting to take shape! We already learned that our “crazy grandma” enjoys sipping a nice cup of tea while virtually investigating the Station’s secrets, knits as a hobby (rumors say that Blob patterns are her signature style), and has a talent for trapping monsters. 

In March, you picked her active skill, Linked Lamps, and it's now time to vote for her Ultimate!

What will be her ultimate Station hack?

  1. Holokitties
    Generates static virtual cats in the room that attract monsters. They deal damage if attacked, but disappear if they take too much damage.
  2. Seeker Squadron
    Deploys several drones nearby that seek out monsters, then explode and stun them.
  3. Laser Copter
    Activates Viggie’s chair defenses, deploying lasers in 4 directions. Lasers rotate slowly, damaging and stunning monsters. 


 Cast your vote now!

2 424 600

g2g pts



832 200

g2g pts

Seeker Squadron

Seeker Squadron

887 000

g2g pts

Laser Copter

Laser Copter

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a year ago
Apr 4, 2024, 4:11:01 PM

how can you not choose a cute kitty.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Apr 4, 2024, 4:35:49 PM

That's actually a hard one, all of these sound so much better than the lamps, haha ^^;

But, I'm not going to be any more creative than the others. Kitties!!

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a year ago
Apr 4, 2024, 4:37:00 PM
Hexblithe wrote:

I started reading, I saw the word cats, I stopped reading, I voted.

Same, lol

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Apr 4, 2024, 5:43:32 PM

Seeing the chair do more would be great, but my first instinct was cats because cats. And because they’d fit the crazy granny personality a bit too. 

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a year ago
Apr 4, 2024, 7:51:52 PM
Arkalis wrote:

What if there is a small chance for Holokitties to spawn a Holopug?

Gasp yes!

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a year ago
Apr 4, 2024, 9:33:12 PM

Damn I never got the idea to pitch my idea for Deja Vu where she rewinds time for the enemies 5-10s.

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a year ago
Apr 5, 2024, 1:14:58 AM
VoynichEvHo wrote:

Damn I never got the idea to pitch my idea for Deja Vu where she rewinds time for the enemies 5-10s.

There was an option in the last vote similar to that for active skill. Traps that would reverse enemies for a few seconds.

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a year ago
Apr 8, 2024, 10:19:12 AM
VoynichEvHo wrote:

Damn I never got the idea to pitch my idea for Deja Vu where she rewinds time for the enemies 5-10s.

Spawns a black cat hologram to do that? =^_^=

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