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Locksmith Alternate Skin


With our last vote, we rounded out Viggie's gameplay kit by asking you the Ultimate question (What her Ultimate should be, that is... Not the last question we're going to ask.)

Of course, nyan other than the Holokitties won! =^.^=

We really could have seen that coming...

We might be done with voting on gameplay, but we're not done yet! Viggie will be given an alternate skin that's free for all players, and we want you to choose which one you like best: Granny, Warden, or Neon.

Let us know what you think!

2 168 900

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1 555 700

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859 800

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10 months ago
Apr 18, 2024, 3:45:13 PM

That's a tough one... Any chance the other two will appear anyway sometime later? ^^;

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10 months ago
Apr 18, 2024, 9:15:27 PM

All are great and would be good to have them in the game at some point. For the time being though. Neon (Tron) looks best to me.

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10 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 3:09:27 PM

Neon looks cool, but it's also the closest to the default skin, colors-wise, which is a bit of a shame for a first alternate skin imo... Ah well, it looks like it's clearly winning though. Can't be helped. :'-)

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