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Vote complete

Locksmith Animation


After discussing and choosing most elements for Viggie (such as the Lore, the Active, the personality, etc.). Today we have arrived at the last vote (I'm sad) for the character.

For this occasion, we reserved the vote regarding the animation of Viggie.

As a quick reminder: This animation is played when you are "not doing anything" with the character, but you will need to wait a bit in order to trigger it

Based on the personality and the lore we have 3 funny ideas for you to choose from:

  1. Catisfaction: More cats? YES!
  2. Twister: They see me spinning!
  3. Busted: Oh no, not again!

Here you have some gifs we prepared as a way of representing the different concepts:

1. Catisfaction
2. Twister 
3. Busted 

(*Disclaimer): This is not the final version and some of the elements might change a bit, to adjust them to the game 

I would like to take a minute to thank all of you for participating in the different votes that helped us to shape Viggie. She will be joining the game on the next update for free to everyone! I cannot tell you much about when the patch will be deployed, but sooner of than you might think.

Have a nice day ^-^

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10 months ago
May 2, 2024, 3:14:18 PM

I like Twister, but Busted is funnier. Also might make some players poop themselves thinking they got hit with some kind of debuff haha

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10 months ago
May 2, 2024, 3:22:06 PM

Ah, the third is funny but I don't want to see the chair damaged! Twister feels a bit weird, maybe I'd like it better if it was horizontal rather than a barrel roll, idk.... but since I have no objection to the kitty, the kitty it shall be. :<

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10 months ago
May 2, 2024, 3:24:37 PM

Well, if we can’t go all the way with her being a crazy OLD cat lady who escaped the retirement home, at least we can be sure she’s a cat lady. More cats it is. 

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10 months ago
May 4, 2024, 9:17:49 AM


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