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a month ago Jan 23,2025, 18:34:40 PM

Amplified 2025

5 724 Views


The long-awaited sequel from our beloved science-fantasy 4x is here (well...almost here...Soon™) 

On behalf of the team, I have the honor to present to you ENDLESS Legend 2! We have a dedicated blog with all the information, so please CHECK THE BLOG HERE 

Wishlist and Follow the game on the Steam Page to get updates on its progress! 

Endless Legend 2 will enter Early Access to gather player feedback and ideas before releasing the game. It will be Soon™, but answering “When do we release?” is for another day 😉 

We will be sharing a series of blogs to reveal the different parts of the game, like the factions, the Tidefalls 🤔, or the combat. Do not forget to follow the game here on Amplifiers so you don’t miss all the news we have prepared for you! 


Do you want to be one of the first to try the game? 

We have opened the Insiders Program so people can start sharing their feedback and thoughts early on Endless Legend 2 before the Early Access. You simply need to Sign up with this form


We will be selecting new players each month. Good luck! 

Say Hi to Hooded Horse 👋 

We are super excited to announce that we partnered with Hooded Horse to publish Endless Legend 2 🎉 

We immediately recognized shared values with Amplitude's philosophy upon meeting them, most notably, our mutual love for strategy and our community. That is why we’ve decided to work together on this amazing game.  

In case you do not know who they are, they are the publishers of some amazing games such as Against the Storm or the recent Manor Lords. Feel free to check their website if you are interested to know more! 



The announcement of EL2 is not everything we have prepared for you, but I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you that we have some stretch goals available for the entire community so you can work together to unlock free rewards for the entire community. The only thing you will have to do is play your favorite Amplitude game. For the moment, you can claim for free the new Amplified 2025 Wallpaper (reward section) that looks astonishing 🤩 


You can follow the progress on the main page of Amplifiers as it will be automatically updated after some time.  

Community Creation Spotlight

We started the second day of our Amplified streams with a quick look at some impressive fan projects from Amplitude's past and present. Of course, we want you to be able to check them out yourself, so here's a quick overview:

  • Auriga for DnD 5th Edition by Gnonpom: An RPG supplement focused on providing background and inspiration for your DnD campaigns set on Auriga, also adapting some Endless Legend items to DnD.
  • Auriga for Fantasy AGE by Morlugon: An RPG supplement focused on providing new character options suitable for games on Auriga, with some sections about the world.
  • Endless Moons for Endless Space 2 by Tychonoir: This mod adds a variety of lunar anomalies you can explore and develop, including rare temples of the Endless and artificial moons known as Celestial Orbs.
  • Culture Super Pack for Humankind by Uncle2Fire: This mod expands the culture selection by no less than 63 cultures, each with interesting gameplay effects and new artwork that merges into the game's style.
  • VIP Mod for Humankind by BrunoCarvalho: You love the core Humankind loop, but there are some areas where you would like different balancing to freshen up the experience? Check out the VIP modpack, which touches almost every area of the game.
  • The Stars Shine New by 华1 : Another mod that touches almost all aspects of the game, but where the VIP pack tries to refine the existing Humankind experience, this mod pursues its own vision, completely overhauling the game.

We hope you'll have fun with this small sampling of the impressive fan projects we've seen over the years.


We’re not done yet, we have a free update for HUMANKIND available now! Let me introduce you to: the Achilles Update. 

We noticed a lot of feedback from the community about War Support and the War Score. So, we have made some tweaks on how War Support is calculated, and changed the Surrender mechanics to let players push their wars further at the cost of stability. We also simplified the War Score calculation, to make it more intuitive. 

You can check all the details in the dedicated blog for the update 

HK_Achilles-Update_FINAL-2_1920x1080 (1).png

Cultures of Latin America free to claim and keep on Steam 💃 

From today until January 30th, you will be able to claim and keep on Steam this amazing DLC that adds some iconic cultures, such as the Nazca or the Inca. 



Humankind FREE WEEK (23th – 27th) 

Ou yeah! If you haven’t played the game yet, or if you want to jump in with your friends, during this weekend you and your friends can play the game on Steam for free (hey, this will also count in the community stretch goal 😉). 



More, More, Mooore 

- “I need MORE”
- “...okay... HERE YOU HAVE IT!” 


Sales everywhere  

To celebrate all this exciting news, we have prepared some massive sales on all our games for you. Here are a few examples from Steam 

  • Humankind Definitive Edition  

  • Endless Dungeon Last Wish edition  

  • Endless Legend Definitive Edition 

All the Definitive Editions you see above include all the DLCs/Expansions and the price varies depending on the content you already own.  


Endless Legend Art Book 

What can I say? It's just gorgeous! This is the updated physical edition, refined from our original version and packed with plenty of new content, such as new sketches, text and even some incredible art originally made by the community during the Cultist Art Contest. 

Here is the link if you want to grab your own copy. 

A warning for you... it is pretty heavy, which is good? Hehe 



Are you looking for an amazing Science-Fiction book set in the Endless Universe? 

Stephen Gaskell, one of our writers here at Amplitude, has been working on this project for several years and recently we released the book, Shadow of the Endless 🌌 

Shadow of the Endless is about a young Pilgrim named Sewa, who uncovers a plot to betray her people, resulting in a wild adventure across the galaxy. For those who don’t know, the Pilgrims are an offshoot of the United Empire, who fled into space in a dozen or so fleets when Emperor Zelevas sought to eradicate their Endless-worshipping religion. As a hunted people, the Pilgrims are constantly on the run, and as such, Sewa’s first duty is to her people’s survival. She wants to be a caver, but it seems fate has other ideas... 

Here you can get all the information you need and also the link to buy the Book. 

Do you need any amazing art for your room? 

Thanks to our friends at Displate, we have some nice discounts for you. Do not miss the chance to get any of the fantastic art featuring your favorite factions of Endless Space 2, Endless Legend, or some of the incredible culture cards from Humankind 




We wanted to say a huge thanks to the entire community for all your support over all the years. Couldn’t be here without you 🤗 


Have a nice day ^-^  

The Amplitude Team 💓 


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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 6:54:21 PM


I was waiting for this so many years!
Please let me join the Insider Program :)

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 7:56:17 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:
Thanks to our friends at Displate

do you maybe have a direct link to the collection? Too many posters there to look through

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 8:41:42 PM

Ooooh! Unexpected. That reference to the first Endless Legend trailer... I will miss Auriga (not really, I still have to play EL1 more XD ) but the different attitude(s) seem interesting. Very pretty trailer too, as always. 

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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 9:45:01 PM

Excellent, can't wait. Thank you!

Finally, one of my favourite all time games getting a long overdue sequel. 

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 12:53:37 AM

its beautiful, a return to form, and im also glad your partnership with displate is continuing.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 4:15:33 AM

It's good to see a return to the formula, I loved the endless games and Endless Legend especially, it's art style still compels me to launch it from time to time.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 9:28:33 AM

Juc wrote:

Return Endless Space 2 in russian region, please!

before that Russia must do one very specific thing, we all know what

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a month ago
Jan 25, 2025, 4:10:46 AM

I hope you did something for the regular flaws in your games, so I don't need to do a mod about that.

For example: Progressive difficulty.

I suppose you know the problem, AI opponent strong in first turns, then after a peak turn, player snowballs and rest of the game is easy anyway. 

Best thing you could do is use AI Machine Learning, instead than giving FIDS bonus to AI.

I don't know if it's possible on Unity, but I found a module on javascript able to do that.

Just to say that even a basic language like Javascript is able to do it!

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a month ago
Jan 26, 2025, 12:48:53 AM

This is really really cool. I love the art of endless legend so I need to cop the physical edition of the art book

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a month ago
Jan 29, 2025, 12:13:46 AM
I'm fairly new to strategy games besides some civ (not sure what number) i played back when i was a kid (in almost 40 now) but you guys have become one of my favorite studios. Between the art style, the constant support and overall quality of the games just wanted to say thanks.

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a month ago
Jan 30, 2025, 11:04:08 PM

Cultures of Latin America free to claim and keep on Steam 💃 

From today until January 30th, you will be able to claim and keep on Steam this amazing DLC that adds some iconic cultures, such as the Nazca or the Inca. 

Here it is, Jan 30th, and it's still not claimable? What are the steps to claim it?

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a month ago
Jan 31, 2025, 6:52:34 AM
It's so beautiful, so nostalgic and enlivening at the same time. I'm looking forward to the release EL 2! Thanks, Amplifiers!)
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