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Resource Respawns : Fun Feature or Tedious Chore?

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12 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 9:45:37 PM

​Hey everyone,

Hope you're all doing well! I wanted to kick off a discussion about some of the mechanics in "Endless Legends" and "Humankind," especially when it comes to exploration and resource gathering.

In both EL and Humankind you are rewarded when exploring by being able to collect bonuses scattered across the map. I really enjoy this aspect because it makes exploring so much more exciting and pushes you to venture further. It's a great way to add cool discoveries without flooding the map with natural wonders, keeping them unique and rare. The minor factions and ruins in Endless Legend also make exploration a blast.
But what I'm not a big fan of is when resources to collect spawns on explored territory. For example, in Humankind, the respawning resources can turn simple logistical moves into a real drag. Instead of a simple 5 turn movement that your army should do on its own and not have to worry about, you have to instead go hex by hex to check in its vision range some resources should be collected. I find it tedious. The same goes for collecting pearls or dust eclipse every few turns; it feels more like a chore than something fun. I get that the idea is to make us interact more with the game world, but it often feels forced.  My pet peeve being diplomatic resource gathering as it often leads to accidental run-ins with the bots' invisible armies.
I am absolutely stocked about EL2, and looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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