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My hopes in regards to what I feel is one of EL1's largest weaknesses.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 3:16:12 PM

This is obvious only my personal opinion.
And I also know that a lot of people will disagree with it, as it is technically a part of Endless Legend's main mechanics.
Being the lack of faction units.
Every faction only having 3 units, which limited ability to change them and adapt, was kinda annoying, if not straight up frustrating.

My personal hope and desire, would be for each faction to have 4-6 basic unit types (Similar to the hulls from ES2) which you yourself requip with equipment to fullfill roles.
Something in the vein of.

- Heavy infantry
- Light infantry
- Cavalry
- Support (magical)
- Large units
- Special units (Completely unique to the faction that don't fit in any other role)

I would love for these unit types to be equippable with a variety of weapons and equipment.
You could for example equip Light infantry with a sword and shield, or a two handed weapon, or a spear or a bow. Allowing them to do completely different tasks on the battlefield.
Large units being another example, imagining a golem unit or the like, that has access to a huge two handed hammer, but also access to essentially giant bows, making them equivalent to ballista.

And then you can have factions that lack heavy infantry for example or lack large units, to fit their fantasy in question.

I know this is probably a bit of an unrealistic demand as it would double the units required for each faction as well as making it harder to design each to be somewhat unique both visually and thematically. But I personally would find this EXTREMELY appealing.

Of course, this would / could cut into the purpose of the minor factions to fill certain roles.
But I have to be honest, IMO, I think the minor faction system is extremely flawed.
If you play a faction that lacks a solid melee unit (Morgawr comes to mind) I hope well you spawned next to a melee option. Because otherwise will you struggle early if you are surrounded by eyeless villages for example.

I just want to really focus on the faction thematic and allow customization inside of that bubble. 

That is just my hope, of course.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 3:34:38 PM

You know I do somewhat agree. While the idea with the older system was that you would get 3 combat roles per faction and then try to fill out the missing roles with the minor faction units, which did not always work, I think it could be better too. My idea is just make it so two units of the same role play very differently from each other.  And with them adding active abilities in EL2 they could in theory do that.

Now they could also still keep the 3 units per faction and just rework the minor faction completely to make it easier to get a role you are looking for. I suppose we will have to wait and see what they do, but I do agree with you.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 3:43:09 PM

UnderKingDuck wrote:

You know I do somewhat agree. While the idea with the older system was that you would get 3 combat roles per faction and then try to fill out the missing roles with the minor faction units, which did not always work, I think it could be better too. My idea is just make it so two units of the same role play very differently from each other.  And with them adding active abilities in EL2 they could in theory do that.

Now they could also still keep the 3 units per faction and just rework the minor faction completely to make it easier to get a role you are looking for. I suppose we will have to wait and see what they do, but I do agree with you.

It is one of my core personal nitpicks.
When you can't have an army / fleet (in the case of ES2) where you have a uniformity.
When heroes and / or units don't match the rest.
It is just me and my personal preferences there of course, but it is just something that bugs me and I want to be able to avoid it, if possible.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 4:19:54 PM

Tnecniw wrote:

It is one of my core personal nitpicks.

When you can't have an army / fleet (in the case of ES2) where you have a uniformity.
When heroes and / or units don't match the rest.
It is just me and my personal preferences there of course, but it is just something that bugs me and I want to be able to avoid it, if possible.

​I get you. In Legend 1 I would never recruit heroes from other factions because they didn't match with my units/faction. I also only rarely got any neutral units for the same reason; but I would go with full neutral armies... But I am also not a power gamer and I am okay having a suboptimal playstyle. 

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 4:29:53 PM

I think yours is a very reasonable suggestion. EL having been their first foray into Civ type 4X gaming, I think 3 main units per faction was Amplitude's way of limiting scope in order to focus on core game mechanics. I can easily see them expanding this in EL2 since they are more experienced and PC's have come a long way from 2013, with massive processing gains which will allow for a more complex and fleshed out game. I like it.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 9:13:02 PM

You know since you did mention it, it would be really cool if when you do get a minor faction unit in your Empire they adopt some of the Aesthetics of your Empire. I realize that's a ton of work but man that would be cool.

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a month ago
Jan 24, 2025, 11:33:40 PM

If an army builder was in their vision for implementing EL2, they could use a similar system to hero outfitting with slots for the different components. Would it me archetypal, like Stellaris were every unit of that type is built or upgraded to the new loadout? Or have a number of possible saved variants, like Alpha Centauri, governed by an overall cap (20 designs)? It would allow customisation with resources availability, titanium in abundance but no glassteel, or iron because resources are needed elsewhere. I would like a settler module, Cavalry settlers (fast and fragile), Large settlers (costly but more developed). 

I would add a setup toggle for symbiotic minor spawn to allow players to eliminate the randomness if they desired.

You could have a tech (like Cultural Indoctrination) align minors to your empire aesthetic. There would need to be a large number of common assets to decrease bloat. 

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a month ago
Jan 25, 2025, 7:41:32 AM

Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote:

If an army builder was in their vision for implementing EL2, they could use a similar system to hero outfitting with slots for the different components. Would it me archetypal, like Stellaris were every unit of that type is built or upgraded to the new loadout? Or have a number of possible saved variants, like Alpha Centauri, governed by an overall cap (20 designs)? It would allow customisation with resources availability, titanium in abundance but no glassteel, or iron because resources are needed elsewhere. I would like a settler module, Cavalry settlers (fast and fragile), Large settlers (costly but more developed). 

I would add a setup toggle for symbiotic minor spawn to allow players to eliminate the randomness if they desired.

You could have a tech (like Cultural Indoctrination) align minors to your empire aesthetic. There would need to be a large number of common assets to decrease bloat. 

All I want is 
1: Visual unity. 
2: Flexibility.
I want the ability to make my units ranged or melee at my discression. 

The units themselves can have unique quirks and stats (to fit the factions) but having infantry that could be archers as well as spearmen is important IMO.

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a month ago
Jan 25, 2025, 6:59:34 PM

When I first started playing, I thought it was weird each faction only had three units – two of which you had to research. But once I saw the amount of customization and specialization from loadouts , one unit now felt like six or more units depending on your designs. I ended up liking it, because this forced the faction play styles to be completely different from each other. If they add more units, I'm worried it's going to homogenize the factions, and make them bland and boring. If they do add more units, I hope they're something completely different and unique to the faction, and make the factions more asymmetrical.

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a month ago
Jan 25, 2025, 8:06:56 PM

Zentgraf wrote:

When I first started playing, I thought it was weird each faction only had three units – two of which you had to research. But once I saw the amount of customization and specialization from loadouts , one unit now felt like six or more units depending on your designs. I ended up liking it, because this forced the faction play styles to be completely different from each other. If they add more units, I'm worried it's going to homogenize the factions, and make them bland and boring. If they do add more units, I hope they're something completely different and unique to the faction, and make the factions more asymmetrical.

I don't disagree either necessarily.
But I always found it a tad bit annoying that it feels (To me) whenever i play EL that I can't field "my faction" as much as I need to field "A few units and minor factions" no matter what I do.

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a month ago
Jan 26, 2025, 1:21:13 AM

Phonet wrote:

I dont think units should be customizable though

How so? :3

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a month ago
Jan 27, 2025, 1:18:27 AM

Having different units is a big part of faction asymmetry, so I'm happy for there to be more units per faction, but each faction should have a defined gap in their roster (no ranged, no big monsters etc.)

Total War Warhammer factions are very diverse, but as more units get added to each faction, the differences between the factions can get more blurred

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a month ago
Jan 27, 2025, 4:12:01 AM

dongliz wrote:

Having different units is a big part of faction asymmetry, so I'm happy for there to be more units per faction, but each faction should have a defined gap in their roster (no ranged, no big monsters etc.)

Total War Warhammer factions are very diverse, but as more units get added to each faction, the differences between the factions can get more blurred

Not disagreeing on that either.
I just found the 3 Unit limit way too annoying.
I even mentioned above that the factions could lack 1-2 versions or restrictions and so on.

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a month ago
Jan 27, 2025, 11:11:20 AM

I cannot confirm the number of units but all factions will have their own units and will share similar archetypes, like having X ranger on Y faction and then having something similar on another faction, but different. In the end, we will try that the units of factions feel different in their own way.
Difficult to explain without the details 😅

Also, you will count with minor units, that have their units that could synergize with your current game/playstyle,

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a month ago
Jan 27, 2025, 1:54:59 PM

I didn't mind the 3 unit system. I enjoyed customizing them to fit my needs.

If they do go with set units, I hope they do something similar to the earlier Age of Wonders games, where each faction had unique units to them, not just reskins on "light melee", "heavy melee", "cavalry", "ranged", etc...

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a month ago
Jan 29, 2025, 10:47:30 AM


Just my 2 cents here...

I was not bothered by the unit limits. It was a good way to take first in the game back in those days.

I am more concerned by somthing Civ games have for a very long time and Endless Games never had : the Hotseat Multi ! I know it seems old fationed but Civilzation kept it. I played Heroes Hour an Indy HOMM like game and the Dev kept the multi hotseat. SO why not get a multi hotseat for Endless ? It would be great IMO

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a month ago
Jan 29, 2025, 12:48:43 PM

I hope there won’t be the same frequent desynchronization issues as in EL1 and Humankind. It really frustrated me that when playing with friends, we often encountered desync and had to restart the session.​

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a month ago
Jan 30, 2025, 12:54:22 PM

I agree combat was the main problem in EL, I wonder what path they took in that sequel. I'd love if it became some sort of chess.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 30, 2025, 6:04:12 PM

FabionFox wrote:

I hope there won’t be the same frequent desynchronization issues as in EL1 and Humankind. It really frustrated me that when playing with friends, we often encountered desync and had to restart the session.​

Yes please. This issue has plagued my multiplayer games.

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a month ago
Jan 31, 2025, 10:38:59 PM

I feel like your suggestion is how the system already works in Endless Legend 1 though? The units have very different appearances between factions, but they all have 3 out of Infantry, Support, Cavalry, Ranged or Flying, which you can equip with different gear to fulfill different battlefield roles:

  • Infantry: Two-handed for damage; Sword and Shield for frontlining.
  • Support: Buffing/Healing or Debuffing/CC
  • Cavalry: As unit type counters
  • Ranged: Crossbows for frontlining with the benifits of not getting hit back; Bows for kitting
  • Flying: AoE damage or unit type Counters

I forgot the exact weapons for the types beyond infantry and ranged.

Some factions put twists in these unit types, specially the minor factions, for instance Vaulter infantry gets Claws, which have different benefits and status effects when compared to two-handed and sword and shield. Forgotten being able to dual-wield. I think there is a faction or minor faction with Ranged Cavalry.

I found it really fun to add minor faction units which complemented my faction's unit rooster. Not that I am against them changing this system or improving upon it, it just sounded to me like the changes you are suggesting are how Endless Legend 1 already works.

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24 days ago
Feb 7, 2025, 7:53:47 PM

NoTLucas wrote:

I feel like your suggestion is how the system already works in Endless Legend 1 though? The units have very different appearances between factions, but they all have 3 out of Infantry, Support, Cavalry, Ranged or Flying, which you can equip with different gear to fulfill different battlefield roles:

  • Infantry: Two-handed for damage; Sword and Shield for frontlining.
  • Support: Buffing/Healing or Debuffing/CC
  • Cavalry: As unit type counters
  • Ranged: Crossbows for frontlining with the benifits of not getting hit back; Bows for kitting
  • Flying: AoE damage or unit type Counters

I forgot the exact weapons for the types beyond infantry and ranged.

Some factions put twists in these unit types, specially the minor factions, for instance Vaulter infantry gets Claws, which have different benefits and status effects when compared to two-handed and sword and shield. Forgotten being able to dual-wield. I think there is a faction or minor faction with Ranged Cavalry.

I found it really fun to add minor faction units which complemented my faction's unit rooster. Not that I am against them changing this system or improving upon it, it just sounded to me like the changes you are suggesting are how Endless Legend 1 already works.

I think hes talking about increasing the unit rosters in general. i.e more than 3 units

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23 days ago
Feb 7, 2025, 9:44:58 PM

Everyone and Amplitude would say the battles was the weak point of EL1 anyway, or else ES1 would never found its public.

Just throwing thoughs/ideas, and preachings for my point of vue :

- Beauty of chess is 6 units... There no need of the artificial diversity of a Total War roaster in a game to be interesting. In chess, what is important is positions, strategy. There is no paper-rock-scissors. You win if you best your opponent. When you win, it's because of your skill and a minimal portion of luck.

- To talk about Total War roaster, esp their most successful games which would be all the TW Warhammers, this one still have the problem of doom stacks, aka full armies of 20 same OP units. A great mod that I use in this game is one that put a rating to your troops, and allows 1-3 say "gold units", 5-8 "silver units" then any of the rest. This builds diverse armies. And yes, heavy cavalry factions use very good cavalry rated silver, and the same unit would be rated gold in another faction => this improves faction lore aswell.

- If the game is to remove lots of dice throws with almost no random like chess then the trap is to fall in a paper-rock-scissors (PRS) game anyway, or any of its variations (monkey-pirate-robot-ninja-zombie etc).

PRS imho are bad because, imho, it is felt as a fatality by players. This would lighten the "I won because I'm  better player" and boost the "you won because you had luck" feelings, which are bad player feelings.
Even if a few dice are kept to reduce the PRS factor, there is the same "random of doom" trap, because dice are still thrown at composition of armies. The player do not have full map view => he can't see what armies he will fight => here is your random. Chess doesn't do this. But still, you have to consider that composition random as an undodgable one. You have that base random by design. You'll have base random added by compositions already, but it could be predictable by the addition of a gold-silver-bronze rating ("I fight against the centaurs ? I expect lots of cavalry. Let's put some pikes. Oh noes, heavy bow elves are helping them ! I should plan more cavalry."). This base random by design puts a lot of variance in battle result. That's why I'd like a lot of random elements to be removed from actual battles.

In wargames what I like are positions. I could gamedesign a battle system that would work (I wrote wargames) but we need details on what to expect of EL2 to see what they plan for the game, to see if any of our ideas (any, others or mine) are in the spirit of the game :p

Updated 23 days ago.
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19 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 3:06:55 AM
I wouldn't mind more than 3 units per faction if they added more unit types but i'd still want every faction to have a different collection of starting units and have to fill in the gaps with minir factions.

Legends 1 has a very particular balance when it came to units. There are only 5 unit types (not counting navy and guardians) so most factions can get access to a unit of each type with 2 of their 3 minor faction assimilations. You can easily get a unit of each type if you look for them with 1 left over for a specialist unit, (a healer, winter movement or diesase immunity) and build a well rounded army. It also feels like a deliberate choice on the devs part for your end game army to be 50/50 between your faction and assimilated units (barring factions that want to use minor factions as cannon fodder in lore like the morgwar or cultists).
I'd rather we see more weapons for units than new unit types. Like a new ranged weapon, in legends 1 almost all of the ranged units are the same weapon wise, longbow or crossbow and shield(/another crossbow if you're forgotten). The only exceptions are the ardent mage one which uses support/mage weapons because they are a wizard only faction and the mykara ranged unit which also uses the more magical weapons to reprsent the debilitaing effects of their spores. Outside of those 2 very specific for lore reasons, all the ranged units use the same weapons. It would be nice to see something different like a javelin, sling or maybe even a chakram just to mix it up at least a little.

I also really want to see an alternative for claws. The handful of units with only claws always stood out to me, stuff like the cultist cav or the geld minor faction unit, or necrophage/ardent mage fliers not having an alternative weapon/role they can be switched to, just claws. I get why that is, they are closer to beasts than other units (or seemingly can't use opposable thumbs in the geld's case?) and can't really wield proper weapons/tools. Still it would be nice to see something like horse armour down the tech tree giving them another way to use them.
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19 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 7:31:13 AM

Just chiming in to heavily disagree, what sets EL apart from other 4X is its highly asymmetric style (and very engaging fantasy universe), having factions have only 3 types of core units is part of that. When you build around that, customizing and equipping accordingly your units with what you have well that's interesting. Having to weight in this faction minor's bonus to your empire against what unit it brings to the table in terms of unit, that's an interesting choice. That's the gameplay I want.

If you didn't spawn next to what you already decided you need, well now you can try to play the game differently then what you're used to do every game. Out of constraint you get creativity, if the goal is to have a BO for running your empire I don't find it fun.
Disclaimer : While I played a lot of multiplayer EL, none of it was competitive and my view point is much of a single player perspective.

Finally the customization in EL is one of the best thing they have, both in terms of strategic and aesthetics. I spent as much time creating army models in EL as creating characters in BG3.

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