The Steam Autumn sales just started! But today, we're also releasing two add-ons (release notes below):
- "Chronicles of the Lost" [1.1.48] add-on for Endless Space
- "Visions of the Unseen" [1.0.21] add-on for Endless Legend
During the Steam Autumn sales, the Amplitude Endless Pack will be available with a 33% discount. It gathers:
- Endless Space - Emperor Edition
- Endless Space: Disharmony - Expansion Pack
- Endless Legend - Emperor Pack
- Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack
ENDLESS SPACE - Chronicles of the Lost
- Added 24 colonisation events: these events can now be triggered when colonizing a new planet
- Added 8 exploration events
- Added the Vaulters’ introduction cinematic
- Added the Vaulters’ Victory and Defeat screen
- Added a global governor that allows the player to modify all their star system governors at once
- Added the ability to mod the loading screens
- Added 20 portraits for heroes
- Improved the construction queue:
- Bottom of all queues: You can now add an improvement at the bottom of the construction queue of all your systems by pressing CTRL when you click on the chosen improvement
- Top of all queues: You can now add an improvement at the top of the construction queue of all your systems by pressing CTRL + ALT when you click on the wanted improvement
- Top: You can now add an improvement at the top of the construction queue of a system by pressing ALT when you click on the chosen improvement
- Improved the military AI
- Improved the AI threat evaluation
- Improved the way the AI handles retreats
- Improved the AI ship design choices and fleet construction to reduce ship spamming in end game
- Added the ability for the AI to start the game with a custom faction
- Updated German localisation (thanks to Timo)
- Fixed an issue with end game save and manual battle crashes (related thread : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
- Fixed several errors (related threads: 1, 2)
- Fixed an issue with pirate fleets (related threads: 1, 2)
- Fixed an issue with a changed diplomatic condition
- Fixed an issue where turn based improvements statuses were not progressing when another improvement has previously been bought out (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where System Production Queue displayed an incorrect time to completion (related thread: 1)
- Fixed a multiplayer issue with rally points (related thread: 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Fixed an issue where the game crashed when “Auto Explore” mode was activated if the fleet was guarded
- Fixed an issue with the empire influence (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where the custom faction trait “Make Science, Not War” was not reducing weight costs on modules (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where the improvement “Xenotourism Agencies” was affecting the colonisable but not colonised planets of the system (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where the improvement “Advanced App Labs” was not reducing Science during construction (related thread: 1)
- Fixed a typo in a XML file (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where the Mercurite bonus was not applied (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue with the description of the Sower technology “Inorganic Cultivation” (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip was not reflecting the gameplay (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue with the Pilgrim technology “Statis Center” (related thread: 1)
- Fixed an issue where the Portal Particle Screens tooltip was referring to the system instead of the empire (related thread: 1)
- Added a new minor faction: the Eyeless Ones.
- Added new 10 side quests.
- Added Faction-related diplomatic interactions.
- Added loading tips.
- Added the Vaulters' outgame view.
- Added VFX to the unique quest weapons.
- Added more data to the save files, in order to allow parsing for league/stats database.
- Allowed garrisons of AI empires to handle a siege on their own.
- Improved the battle targeting of AI units.
- Reduced the Dust and Food stresses, and increased the Industry stress for the AI empires.
- Increased the importance of Industry when the AI chooses a city spot for its next city.
- Added the use of the retrofit feature for the AI empires.
- Improved the way AI empires manage their Empire plan.
- Improved the way AI empires manage their construction queues.
- Changed the way AI empires manage their researches: must-have technologies begin with a low heuristic value but increase a lot at each completed research.
- Added an "after battle" analysis in order to adapt the unit designs of AI empires.
- Refactored the unit design system used by the AI empires.
- Improved the management of the "Slayer" abilities by the AI empires in their unit designs.
- Increased the weights of resources marketplace technology and the assimilation technology for the AI empires.
- Feedback have prerequisites to avoid strange messages from AI empires (for example: "We appreciate your peaceful behaviour" during a war).
- Open/Close Borders and Map Exchange/Embargo are now used by AI empires.
- Drakkens' Force status declarations increase their costs when they are used.
- Removed the constraints upon land mass from Large and Huge map sizes (issues with too many regions are handled another way by the World generator).
- Added Morale penalty (-1) to Ranged and Support units when there are enemies around.
- Decreased by 30% Damage and by 10% Attack values of Ranged units and heroes.
- Other unit tweaks: WW-Forest Spirit, BL-Infantry, BL-Ryder, AM-Battle Mage, RC-Berzerk, D-Drakkenling, Giant Ogre, Justicere, Ice Warg.
- Unit capacities: Dark Proof added to Ice Warg, Slightly increased BL-Ryder Life Drain, reduced a bit power of Fire Rain AoE for Witches.
- Hero default capacities: downgraded from Lv.3 to Lv.2 Industry and Damage boost capacities.
- Tweaked Luxury Effects: switched Emerald and Grassilk effects, changed Hydromiel effects for Hero Upkeep reduction, slightly reduced Dust Orchid effect.
- Increased the military technologies' weights of the 4th Era.
- Tweaked the cost of some custom faction traits.
- The "We are legion" faction trait requires the Conversion faction trait. Rage wizards technologies are now linked to a faction trait instead of the faction affinity.
- Added prerequisites on terrain tag water for the shipyard.
- Changed the descriptions of 4 Luxury Resources (according to their gameplay changes).
- Changed the position of the "Mindless Slaughter" technology (Necrophages quest reward, Era 4).
- Added an attack odds panel in battle.
- Added the possibility to swap the units' positions in battle deployment.
- Improved the battle targeting rules (decreased cases where units do nothing).
- Added the battle deployment zone size in the Registry file.
- The coloured area of the life bar is more visible in battle.
- The life bar in battle is removed when de-zooming.
- Reachable and attack tiles are now more visible in the Winter season.
- Improved the targeting highlight in battle.
- Clamped min and max Morale bonus from -6 to +6.
- The colour palette can now be selected as a game options of the User Interface tab; includes a colour-blind mode that can be edited through the palette.xml file.
- Added a custom tooltip on the terms' prices that explains what modifiers influence it, in the notification of diplomatic interactions.
- When a notification is about a warning or a compliment, the contract is displayed for clarification.
- Added the number of assimilated villages on each minor faction slot.
- The real number of available assimilation slots is now displayed in the Empire screen (was capped by the number of assimilable minor factions).
- Added tooltips on the "Army in battle" and "Army locked by other battle" icons.
- Added a section in the districts tooltips to explain how to level them up.
- Added the Battle Movement icon in the Unit battle tooltip.
- Display of the World Seed value in the bottom left corner of the Options screen.
- Sorted out the pillar faction trait (no arcana use when there are no pillars and set the right pillar price for Ardent Mage).
- Improved the large version of the spells' icons.
- Added Mastery Strategic Resource Cost Bonus system: the more you unlock item technologies, the more you get discounts on item strategic resource costs.
- Increased by 50% strategic cost of items (to improve strategic resources rarity and to partially compensate the new Mastery system that can potentially decrease by 60% the strategic resources costs of items).
- Increased by 20% Industry and Dust costs of items made of Iron or Dust.
- Improved the stock management in the marketplace.
- Added a feature of auto-supply of stockpiles in the marketplace.
- Reduced a bit the impact of the level up of units on the marketplace.
- Changed the value of the Sellout Market Tax.
- Changed values of the marketplace reference prices of stockpiles and heroes.
- Downgraded Industry Efficient and Damage Boost capacities (Hero default capacities).
- Unit instant heal can now be modded to choose the used resource.
- Renamed the "Low Damage" ability: now "Warrior Apprentice".
- Removed Low Damage (Warrior Apprentice) ability of Support units but reduced their base attack values.
- Sorted abilities to have Range ability on top of the abilities list.
- Fixed an issue where an assert can be raised by the Trade Routes system (some region was not correctly excluded).
- Fixed an issue where an assert can be raised when the Roving Clans lose their main city and have some roaming privateers.
- Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when displaying info about an annihilated army which was a privateer army.
- Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when loading a save where a unit is