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6 years ago Feb 19,2019, 16:02:00 PM

Community Scenarios #2: Back to our Roots

2 080 Views

Hey everybody,

Have you ever found yourself returning to the same settings time and again, all your games following familiar paths? Are you looking to extend your time in the Endless universe, but don't want to return to the same old sights? Then the Community Scenarios might be for you!

Every month, we will share saves and settings (and sometimes story) for our games meant to provide interesting challenges to seasoned players and newcomers alike. You can enter a hall of fame for each Scenario, or just share your experiences and discuss strategies.

Back to the Roots

You may have seen the precursors of this concept in the general Endless Legend forums, dotting the virtual landscape like Endless ruins. The time has come to breathe new life into it and take it to the next stage, giving it a more prominent position and refining it with your feedback. We will usually share these scenarios on Wednesdays, to give you time to play them yourself before we stream them the following Monday, but we're sharing this one a day early because we have plans for Thursday and wanted to give you a bit of extra time.

Much like our recent Endless Space 2 scenario, we’re not going wild with the settings for the scenarios yet. To welcome the wave of new players who have joined our wonderful community since Endless Day, we’re keeping the settings fairly straightforward with only a few tweaks. Though we’re sticking to “core” factions from early in Endless Legend’s development, the limited space and resources of the New World map should make it harder than usual to gain an early economic or military edge. We’re eager to see how quickly our seasoned players can win this but hope that newcomers will enjoy it as well.

You can join us next Monday, February 25th, at 4:30PM CET on Twitch for a stream of this scenario.

Have Fun!


Endless Legend Game Settings

Wild Walkers (Player)
Broken Lords (AI)
Vaulters (AI)
Necrophages (AI)
Difficulty: AnyGame Speed: AnyVictory Types: All
Objective: Win as quickly as possible
Map Type: Normal New WorldContinent Shape: RegularTemperature: TemperateTopography: Average
Winters: Light AdvancedDust Eclipse: short and oftenWeather Difficulty: EasyUrkans: Yes
Seed: 183217096World Difficulty: Hard, but Easy minor factions

Save: All DLC CSEL-1902All.sav, No DLC CSEL-1902None.sav

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6 years ago
Feb 19, 2019, 5:20:50 PM

Loving this scenario idea as mentioned before, was hoping for an Endless Legend one! Will definitely give this one a go. It'll be fun to see when these scenarios go more wild later.

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6 years ago
Feb 20, 2019, 12:36:55 PM

Nice a new one for this week-end :D please do the same on DOTE and this will be perfect :D

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6 years ago
Feb 23, 2019, 5:05:36 PM

Hey guys,

just finished a game with your EL-Scenario.

And indeed it’s a challenging scenario!!!!

Especially in the beginning phase - the minor factions are so hard to defeat.

Until the end I ignored the middle area(Ightohin) completely.

Basic strategy: 

  • Went for the necro first
  • Very soon start war with BL
  • The rest is trivial

Did it in 81 moves with a Supremacy/Expansion Victory (411 Points)

Next time I’ll play with Community patch by LeaderEnemyBoss

By the way, 

do I have to upload a sav.file to get a place on the scoreboard?

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6 years ago
Feb 24, 2019, 5:16:16 AM

On my first attempt, I scored a turn 33 victory. I'm not very experienced with Era 1 wars, or playing Wild Walkers; so I refined my build order and gave it a second attempt, scoring a turn 27 victory. I still feel that I could have done even better, but I'm happy with 27, and will leave it at that.

My save file: Game Finished - Turn 27.sav

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6 years ago
Feb 24, 2019, 3:49:37 PM

So today 

I took the hard and painful approach to finish the scenario.

Actually I started on the wonders victory path – 

  • due to the scenario description “back to our roots” I thought we had to go for the “Temple of the Earth's Core” 
  • and due to the WildWalkers-description it’s their most common way to win! 

By the time I noticed that the Tempel needs 40 mithrite I decided to switch to quest-victory. 

Afterwards it wasn’t any time saving at all cause I had to cross the other continent alike. Conquering this one was probably the hardest part of the scenario. So at the end it made no difference to take quest or wonders victory. But at 225 I escaped Auriga.


I’m looking forward to twitch-stream but probably join the stream a bit later due to working reasons. Perhaps Cat-o-Nine could tell us how the title of this scenario was meant.

By the way this time I played with community patch by LeaderEnemyBoss and it improves this game so much. Thx again to him

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6 years ago
Feb 24, 2019, 5:50:11 PM

turn 66...

i was waiting for erea 2 before attacking, seems like everyone did alot better then me :/
the AI never expend so i could probobly won even on erea 1

but i build a great main city, even in a normal game i would have take this one.
and with the shortage of resources, it was samething new to me. i count not build whatever i want...  and i even started to use porls as armors! (which i never did before)


Updated 6 years ago.
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