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5 years ago Mar 20,2019, 15:57:17 PM

EL Community Scenario #3: Cold Waters

1 205 Views

Hey everybody,

Have you ever found yourself returning to the same settings time and again, all your games following familiar paths? Are you looking to extend your time in the Endless universe, but don't want to return to the same old sights? Then the Community Scenarios might be for you!

Every month, we will share saves and settings (and sometimes story) for our games meant to provide interesting challenges to seasoned players and newcomers alike. You can enter a hall of fame for each Scenario, or just share your experiences and discuss strategies.

Cold Waters

Shunned by their kin, the Forgotten have always had to fend for themselves. They learned to survive on a hostile world. They thrived in the dark. They took whatever they needed, and sometimes what they wanted. The riches of the land and sea, and the coffers and knowledge of others are theirs for the taking. The others may not want to share their wealth, but they will never even know who took it.

Some would call them mad to pursue power as Auriga dies around them, but they are no madder than the world itself. The once great continents have been shattered into craggy islands. What little land remains bakes in the heat of the sun, fertile plains turned into scorched desert, while the seas are ravaged by violent storms. The dark season grows ever colder, threatening to snuff out the warm light of civilization.

If the lights go out, why would the Forgotten care? They were born and raised in the shadows, as cold as the Aurigan winter itself.

Hide away for the end of days, they will get you anyway.

In this scenario, the Forgotten are placed on a resource-rich map of desert island and faced with violent weather and harsh, unpredictable winters. They are surrounded by other factions more capable of handling the parched terrain, deep oceans, and oppressive winters. They can strive for any victory, but our veteran players are challenged to win a Supremacy victory as quickly as possible.


You can join us next Monday, March 25th, at 4:30PM CET for a stream of this scenario. Click here to set your event reminder on Twitch.

Have fun!


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5 years ago
Mar 21, 2019, 11:45:00 PM

I had a great time with this scenario, I would like it more if I had a map from the beginning...

This is my 2nd game, Supremacy Victory at turn 59.

Early game...

From Undand to Dertan to Chah, not to complete the first chapter of the faction quest, but only to get some pearls.


I spent the first 10-20 turns build a 2nd city and an Elite army... 4 Predatore LVL 2 Titanium and Glassteal equipment..

At turn 20 I already bought all the researches I needed for the whole game.

I would say Wealth Harvester is necessary for a great boost of Dust so you want to get luxury extractors 1 turn earlier than strategic extractors. I sold everything to the market. Aquapulvistic is also nice to have since you want to found your city on the river.

Assassins are terrible units in my opinion, so Predatore I also think it is a must. 

This is one of the rare case you can skip mill foundry, you will buyout pretty much everything in the game.

The sewer is also nice. You can get fervent even after your 2nd city and get the 30% Dust boost...

Why the 2nd city? Just to assimilate the Delvers, nothing more... I don't really know if that 5% of Dust made the difference.

Vs Allay

My first objective was Garint, Allay's capital... The fight was not so hard. My elite forces exterminated the Allays. No loss... I didn't even had to siege, I attacked directly.

Meanwhile my Elite army was marching towards Hareil, Morgawr's Capital, the Allays tried to get the city back many times so I had to buy some mercenaries and defend it.

It was hard, but the mercenaries could resist all the attacks until the Allays were exhausted and asked for a truce..

Initially they offered me the city of Sarad as price for the truce but I made a counterporposal asking for more strategic resources (Still titanium and Glassteal) and unfortunately they only had 80 dust and about 60 useless pearls. 

Initally I wanted to raze down their capital but after the truce I decided to keep it since was a pretty good source of income and still had fervent approval. 

Morgawr's Capital was a little bit tougher, the fortification value there mattered so I had to siege the city first.. 

After that, still a pretty easy fight with no loss, not that this matter since you cannot use this army on your final war...

The Fall of Marebond

Meanwhile I was fighting the Morgawr, I was building a second army of (4) Elite Predatore to send against Tearan, a Broken Lords'city. I couldn't get directly to capital with this army, even if Elite, Broken Lords' army was already huge. No way I could win. I decided instead to get control of Tearan fist and then buyout 4 more predators and 2 Rumbles mercenaries.

My Forgotten hero was wounded so I had a look in the market and choose a 2nd General.


After few turns finally Marebond fell... Broken Lords were definitely the hardest fight since you couldn't get in with just 4 units.

The game was all based on dust and rush for the capitals before they get to big...

Broken Lords (as always) were so much ahead since the beginning of the game, but it is thanks to their mindless expansion that I could take them down.

Game Finished - Turn 59.sav

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5 years ago
Mar 24, 2019, 7:59:30 PM

I was able to pull this one off with a turn 47 Supremacy victory.

When I first started, I cringed when I saw the game speed was set to Fast, because military units are less effective in faster game speeds. And playing on an island map only further compounds the problem. So I knew if I was going to pull this off, I was going to need to come out swinging with hard hitting elite units. Luckly, the starting region has Glassteel and Titanium, so it was easy making elite units.

Game Finished - Turn 47.sav

The biggest mistake I made, was not attacking the Broken Lords sooner. I overestimated their strength, and sent more troops than was needed. I think I could have shaved 7 turns off if I attacked them sooner.

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5 years ago
Mar 28, 2019, 5:30:42 PM
Crystallking1 wrote:

... I'll see myself out...

No need. I've got a giant umbrella handle and I'm not afraid to use it. *yoinks you off stage*

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