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5 years ago Apr 17,2019, 14:59:41 PM

EL Community Scenario #4: Standing Strong Together

1 536 Views

Hey everybody,

Have you ever found yourself returning to the same settings time and again, all your games following familiar paths? Are you looking to extend your time in the Endless universe, but don't want to return to the same old sights? Then the Community Scenarios might be for you!

Every month, we will share saves and settings (and sometimes story) for our games meant to provide interesting challenges to seasoned players and newcomers alike. You can enter a hall of fame for each Scenario, or just share your experiences and discuss strategies.

Standing Strong Together

Our empire has been sundered. We used to be unified. Strong. Yet the Dark Season was stronger than even we could be. Now are a divided people, like two tribes with naught but distant recollection of a glorious shared past. Much of the wisdom of the ancients has been lost. And the foul hives of the Necrophages have been left unchecked, festering across the world.

We must keep them in check, perhaps even eradicate them. Can we stand against the tide of ravenous beasts on our own? Perhaps we can, but mere survival is not victory. We need to seek the aid of our long-lost brethren. We need to stand united once more. For as the seasons grow even darker and the hordes even larger, we need to stand together, or escape.

In this scenario, we have pitted two Drakken against 4 Necrophage empires with very limited space for expansion. While the Necrophages next door threaten your existence, wiping them out will not bring you victory. With Auriga dying, only two outcomes can be considered a long-term victory: Leaving the planet (Quest Victory) or pooling resources with the other Drakken (Diplomatic Victory) as soon as possible. Can you leverage the common threat to forge a strong alliance?

Save: CSEL-1904.sav

You can join us next Monday, April 22nd Tuesday, April 23rd, at 4:30PM CEST for a stream of this scenario. Click here to set your event reminder on Twitch.

Additionally, we are taking the next step towards the real goal of this project: Scenarios by our community for our community. We have opened a submission form for your own Endless Legend scenarios (and a similar form will be available for Endless Space 2 next month). For the time being, we will only feature individual scenarios in the Community Scenario blogs, but we hope to improve our ways of sharing these scenarios with you.

Have fun,


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5 years ago
Apr 21, 2019, 4:55:44 AM

"... as soon as possible" means we're racing to minimize the number of game turns?  Then I think I'm already doing it wrong, finishing Museum and Megapole and capturing Keeper-of-Eggs's city Forany instead of focusing on the faction quest.  (A village quest made me do it!)  Maybe we should turbo-research instead to get to Era IV ASAP and make the alliance?

This is my first-ever game with Drakken, and with Fast game speed (and going for Diplomatic victory). I quite enjoy the metronomic pace of building things. For those of us accustomed to the pace of ELCP Endless (egad), the base game on Hard is ... oddly relaxing. I was first into Era III, even with only 3 cities and 0 pop in science.

I am (ahem) enjoying the clever map set-up, up against Necrophages with no access to healer minor factions, and no Hurnas for longbows. Also, there's no Palladian anywhere in the player's corner. I now realize that Drakken have a particularly enjoyable early game (through Era I), since all Drakken heroes heal. In a different game, Drakken might actually outrace an AI to the Destroy 10 version of Visionary Leader. In this game, it was Pacify 8, and it took me ~35 turns to finally win it. I suspect that the small map size (and only Hard difficulty) means that AIs can't even find 8 villages to kill. Actually, they haven't killed any villages, anywhere (that I can see).

Funny: As Cultist, I hire a Drakken governor for Narrative Master 3. So as Drakken ... I hired Andom the Seer as governor. I actually have vast surplus of +influence, so I don't need Narrative Master, and Drakken governors are blah without that.

Sad: I spent 3 precious turns researching Diplomat's Manse, to offer Peace Treaty to Reyap (the Drakken AI). 1 turn before completion, Reyap offers me peace first. Necrophages can't peace, so now it's a completely wasted tech slot. (So don't do that.)


Turn 49 so far, just into Era III, seeking ... a focus. Winning two huge showdown battles with Keeper-of-Eggs vaulted me to #1 in every metric, except ... Quest and Diplomatic :) I trail Reyap by -2 DP, probably for the 2 turns I wasn't at Cold War with Keeper-of-Eggs. I'm dead last in the faction quest (by -1 full chapter), having never seen Drakken's quest before.

That fight: Inga Haunts gave me "Mortal Enemies" to destroy Forany, with (II) Meritocratic Promotion as loot -- confounding because now I can't research it before that fight :) My Nacham+4 and Boakye+4 siege Forany, Keeper-of-Eggs attacks with 3+3+3 but holds Feeds on Bones +5 in reserve. I defend and win (which does not consume my Action Points). Forany stands empty, but I know that a defensive reinforcement negates capture. I split off 1 lone Daemon as mop-up (to keep its AP), counterattack Forany with 4+3 (this eats my APs), Feeds on Bones +5 reinforce (and gets to set up inside the city, not appearing through its flags -- huh), I win that. Now there's nobody else in range, and the lone Daemon captures Forany. Next turn, Keeper-of-Eggs truces. I realized that there's no point in playing defensively vs. Necrophages when I have only 1 healer, so I played it exactly like any other fight: fast Drakkenlings pinned two Necrodrones on their flags, I quickly win board control and play whack-a-flag. Two fights in a row left most of my guys at 20% HP, but zero casualties. And I promptly merge into groups of 6, so I could probably repeat this and win via force. Except I'm pretty sure I should not be doing that, because it's probably too slow. Sigh.

Drakken are fun, Fast is fun. Wow, I already have 266 of "only" 1,125 DP needed to win. (vs. 8 Endless, it's 7,770 or so.) Confound: Reyap and I seem to gain DP exactly in lockstep, except he's +2 DP ahead. Obviously, any symmetric relationship with him (including Alliance) doesn't close that gap. I see only a few possible solutions:

a) goad 1+ Necrophages to declare War on Reyap
b) ally with Reyap, start a joint war vs. a Necrophages, and kill more enemy units than Reyap does?
c) win by Quest first :(


UI/rendering oddity: During the 1st fight with Keeper-of-Eggs' 3+3+3, Feeds on Bones('s army) was rendered on the battle board as a non-participating unit. Normally, such a group becomes an impassable hex, exactly like cliffs, or is quietly erased (hidden) for the duration of the battle, and then its empty hex is a normal tile. But -- that hex happened to be one of Keeper-of-Eggs's two reinforcement flags! And so it had to remain a passable hex, but Feeds on Bones was still rendered there. So the game engine simply rendered two groups in that hex, for each round of the fight: Feeds on Bones as ephemeral non-participant, and the next available reinforcement. They simply coexisted in the same hex, exactly like a district and a watchtower.   I conjecture that a non-participating army that is locked into a different combat that hasn't been resolved yet will appear on your battle board as a non-passable tile, while an army that is non-participating through elective choice is usually just erased -- unless it's on a flag? I think this is the first time I've ever seen that case, so I can't generalize to deduce the rule.

Onward. I guess I can guarantee an inevitable Quest win, and so the challenge is to do something with the alliance faster than that.

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5 years ago
Apr 21, 2019, 8:47:27 AM

Haha, my Nacham+6 group walked north into Caquag (a peninsula, still neutral).  Then Keeper-of-Eggs settled Masweyr behind me, and promptly closed borders.  So now my borders are:

- Davanor and Masweyr (Keeper-of-Eggs), closed

- Zoperusk (Only-Fresh's capital), closed

and ... I'm trapped.  Until I declare war.  Haha.


Oddly, I think all of the AIs have been set to not kill minor faction villages.  Since Necrophages never parley, they cannot pacify their villages.  So all of their regions are full of angry villages with 3-4 inhabitants each, and these villages frequently spawn groups of 4 Minotaurs or similar, which then beeline to the AI city in that region, and besiege it.

So that's what all of the Necrophage AIs have been doing all game: fighting off sieges :D


It's ... a trap!  It's so easy to utterly dominate this map through military strength that you might (cough) do it accidentally. I foresee the plot twist: that being much stronger than Reyap lessens her(?) willingness to ally with you.  Maybe the secret is to be deliberately weak, so as to make Reyap think that the alliance is a good idea.  We shall see :)

You can freely capture and keep all four Necrophages capital cities (with Palace), and it doesn't hurt your expansion disapproval at all.  Your empire plan costs would go up, but each capital should more than pay for itself.  Booster costs go up, and that's unavoidable, but I'm already not relying on having luxuries.  (Oh yes, on Hard the AIs have next-to-zero production bonuses, and so they sell basically nothing to the marketplace. I wasted a tech slot on that, and the max I see is 12 Glassteel, 12 each of 2 luxuries, and everything else are at single-digits.  This either makes the marketplace completely useless if you want 30+ of something for a fun build, or indispensible if you need exactly 10 Adamantian or similar to build a faction quest item.  I still rue that tech slot.)

I can build Boarding Vessels now.  AIs on Hard are passive as heck, so I think all the neutral seas will default to me.

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5 years ago
Apr 21, 2019, 11:12:14 PM

This was a fun and challenging scenario. Six empires crammed on a resource poor map, that's designed for four. Two Drakken pitted against four of their mortal enemies, the Necrophage. Something like this would make for a fun co-op.

Necrophage are a hard counter to Drakken, because: 1) Drakken can't force peace/alliance, thus shutting down their most powerful ability. 2) Drakken have high HP units that like to fight in tight formations, so disease just wrecks them.

While Drakken are the best faction for achieving the Diplomatic Victory, don't try for it, it's a trap! The Diplomatic Victory is the hardest victory type in "Endless Legend". Even when you can make alliances with everyone, it still takes a long time to get. And in this scenario, you can only ally with one. So if you're going for a speed run, your best bet is the Quest Victory.

The Drakken quest line is one of the more difficult faction quests in the game. But if you're an experienced Drakken player, most of the quest line is within your control and can be quickly done. There are only two random factors that can hang you up.

Factor #1) You have to capture a randomly assigned city. Sometimes the city is close and easy to capture. Sometimes it's on the other side of the world and hard to capture.

Factor #2) Getting 15 Mithrite. This scenario will have no Mithrite in the marketplace. So you'll have to pillage villages and explore ruins in hope of randomly finding some Mithrite.

Being an experienced Drakken player, I know their faction quest line very well. I was able to get a turn 86 Quest Victory.

Save File: Game Finished - Turn 86.sav

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2019, 9:16:57 AM

No, that is not intended. I had deisabled all options that should require log-in, but I guess google forms just insists that you used a google account anyway. I'll look into this and migrate the form somewhere else if necessary.

EDIT: It's fixed. Unfortunately, using the "file upload" option requires users to log in to answer the survey, so you will ahve to uplaod the save to a file hosting service of your choice and share the link instead.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Apr 26, 2019, 11:12:58 AM

I finally finished the Drakken faction quest.  Haha, it got me good. 

Turn 088, with 3 Mithrite + 1.3/turn (and 612 DP + 7/turn).  I project:

+30 turns to earn 37 Mithrite (Temple costs 40 Mi 40 Hy)

+08 turns for its build cost of 22,320i / my capital's build rate of (1158i + 1600i) for an industry stockpile every turn.


Turn 126 (projected) for a Quest win by wonder.  I'll stop here, though (without the Drakken win achievement).

In contrast, it would take 74 more turns * 7 DP to exceed 1,125 DP for a Diplomatic victory.


Turn 069: (Chapter 6.2) I finally capture Granthen, and start the 10-turn timer.  Since this is my 1st-ever Drakken game, I proceed to ... conquer the world :D

Killed Belly-Slicer, Cutter (and kept all of their cities).

Turn 080: 6th winter begins.  Finished (7.1-7.2), but (7.3) very cleverly says: (Note: not during winter).

Era VI, conquered Only-Fresh, Keeper-of-Eggs.  I now have 15 cities, all Fervent except for the newly-captured ones.  I own all of the oceans, and every fortress.  Hunting the Maw.

Turn 084: 7th summer, finished (7.3).  (8.1) is trivial, as there no longer exist any Necrophages to war upon.  I'm still allied with Reyap.

Turn 085: Wow, (8.2) is to build Auriga Institute in all fifteen cities.  That eats up 75 Mithrite(!)  And Masweyr is a 1-tile city with influence 2, which is much less than the 20 required.  At 48% ownership, it would take 4 turns just to raze it.  I buy out all of its Era I-II improvements.

Turn 086: Influence 18.  I buy out National Museum.

Turn 087: Influence 31.  I buy out Auriga Institute.  I attack the Maw, and kill all of the little tentacles.  (Next round, attack again and one-shot them all.)

Turn 088: Finished (8.2) and the quest, killed the Maw.

There is literally nothing left to do on this map.  No more pearls, searched every ruin (including sunken), pacified every village (by bribing when neutral).  I cannot even gain any more XP because there's nothing to fight.

The only possible way to speed up the win now is to declare war on Reyap, capture her capital Rouster, build Strategic Intensifier on the sole Mithrite extractor on this map, and move my Broken Lords governor.  That would give me +7.5 Mithrite per turn, which cuts the waiting time from 30 turns to 4.


So that's the Drakken-newbie trap :)  Obviously, had I seen (8.2) even once before, I would have known to just raze 8 cities, which would have saved 40 Mithrite.  Then I might have won on turn 96.  (Funny: I end with 370 Hyperium, mostly from quest loot.  I actually had 109 Mithrite at one point, but spent about 30 on armor.)

Disease 1 isn't a show-stopping threat, regardless of your faction.  I lost a total of 4 units all game (2 ships, 2 grunts), and one was a Harmonite, so Disease wasn't an issue there.  (With claws for Sweep Strike Back 4, he was so efficient at killing enemy units that the next one up would run into the hole and hit him again, and so he took 2-3 hits per round, plus a string of bad AI criticals.)  If your Diseased units never actually die, the Disease never spreads.  Then it's, at worst, -60% of your unit's max HP over 6 rounds, which is survivable if you manage the other 40%.  OTOH, I know how to beat Necrophages, and it plays out pretty much the same way with any faction.  I take your point that Necrophages might nerf Drakken's usual play style ... but it reduces Drakken to something I already knew very well.

Updated 5 years ago.
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