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6 years ago May 08,2019, 14:59:40 PM

EL Community Scenario #5: To the Stars

1 190 Views

Hey everybody,

Have you ever found yourself returning to the same settings time and again, all your games following familiar paths? Are you looking to extend your time in the Endless universe, but don't want to return to the same old sights? Then the Community Scenarios might be for you!

Every month, we will share saves and settings (and sometimes story) for our games meant to provide interesting challenges to seasoned players and newcomers alike. You can enter a hall of fame for each Scenario, or just share your experiences and discuss strategies.

To the Stars

We have been looking inward for too long. Obsessed with our past, we failed to notice the signs of our terrible future. Clinging to our dying sense of honor in the face of the wicked hunger that haunts us, we paid no heed as the world grew cold around us.  The frost bites even our cold metal shells, and the dark season has grown long. Even we can no longer ignore the sign of a cataclysm even worse than our curse looms in our future. Our world will turn to ice, and nothing will withstand the eternal winter.

Yet there may be hope. There are rumors of an ancient relic, a ship of metal that sails not the seas, but the stars. These rumors may not be any more than fanciful tales, but times are desperate, and if there is a kernel of truth to them, this ship of the stars may save us yet. We must find this relic. Yet before we can even begin our quest, we must settle the strife within the empire.

In this scenario, we’re pitting the Broken Lords against the elements themselves. An arctic environment, scarce resources, powerful minor factions, and harsh winters leave only one hope for survival and victory: Finding and restoring the fabled starship, the Grey Owl. Many Endless Space 2 fans have (sometimes seriously, sometimes in jest) requested that we add the Broken Lords to ES2, or at least return Keldron Bor. So, how quickly can you take them to space by Quest Victory?

Save: CSEL-1905.sav

You can join us next Monday, May 13th at 4:30PM CEST for a stream of this scenario. Click here to set your event reminder on Twitch.

Have fun,


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6 years ago
May 13, 2019, 8:14:19 AM

This one was fairly easy. You have plenty of free space around you. The only thing you have to worry about are minor faction roving armies; so all you have to do is focus on your faction quest line.

It's been awhile since I played Broken Lords, so I had forgotten much of their quest line. There were several steps I choked on, but managed to pull off a turn 98 win on my first try.

Save file: Game Finished - Turn 98.sav

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6 years ago
May 13, 2019, 9:32:09 AM

No, HBumblebee, I'm afraid this is just me having a bit of fun with the jokes going around the community. Poor Keldron Bor will remain trapped and lonely in ES1.

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6 years ago
May 19, 2019, 1:24:25 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

No, HBumblebee, I'm afraid this is just me having a bit of fun with the jokes going around the community. Poor Keldron Bor will remain trapped and lonely in ES1.

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6 years ago
May 19, 2019, 1:24:44 AM
JetstreamLee wrote:
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

No, HBumblebee, I'm afraid this is just me having a bit of fun with the jokes going around the community. Poor Keldron Bor will remain trapped and lonely in ES1.

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