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6 years ago Jul 04,2019, 14:04:41 PM

EL Community Scenario #7: The Perfect (Heat) Wave


Hey everybody,

Have you ever found yourself returning to the same settings time and again, all your games following familiar paths? Are you looking to extend your time in the Endless universe, but don't want to return to the same old sights? Then the Community Scenarios might be for you!

Every month, we will share saves and settings (and sometimes story) for our games meant to provide interesting challenges to seasoned players and newcomers alike. You can enter a hall of fame for each Scenario, or just share your experiences and discuss strategies.

The Perfect (Heat) Wave

The Endless brought us to this place to save us, and it could be paradise: scorching wilds, lava flows, searing hot summers with violent dust storms. Yet, there are problems we need to face: Vast and deep oceans, monstrosities lurking below, and rather unfriendly and terrifying neighbors. If we want to thrive and turn this world into the burned paradise the endless have promised us, we must first seize control of the oceans, and deal with that which lurks below.

In this scenario, we are pitting the Kapaku against several custom factions created by game designer Wilbefast. Mild winters, searing Dust eclipses, and volcanic activity all seem to favor the Kapaku, but there is little land overall, so the sea monster is a serious threat to your control of the planet. How quickly can you destroy the sea monster? 


This Necrophage hive is connected by a strong telepathic bond. They coordinate in battle much better than other Necrophages, and their mere presence can drive other people into a frenzy.

The Court in Yellow

He Who Must Not Be Named will bestow great boons upon you, if you can appease him. The pain of your body, or the minds of your enemies, both are acceptable prices, for a time...

Savegames: CSEL-1907.sav

You can join us next Thursday, July 11th, at 4:00PM CEST for a stream of this scenario.

Remember, the submission form for your own Endless Legend scenarios is still open. For the time being, we will only feature individual scenarios in the Community Scenario blogs, but we hope to improve our ways of sharing these scenarios with you.

Have fun,


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6 years ago
Jul 4, 2019, 11:52:12 PM

A speed run sea monster kill – well that's something diffrent. On my first try, I was able to score a turn 66 kill.

It became painfully obvious that I over compensate, and could have killed it a lot sooner. So I gave it a second try, and scored a turn 48 kill.

So it was a fun little challenge. In this scenario you'll be placed on a three region island. I first started off by using my hero and two golems to pacify the island. There are only three villages, so it should be fast. After that, settle the island and power build infrastructure. Once you get a strong economy going, start pumping out a navy. The sea monster spawns in around turn 45 if I remember right, so you'll want to have a sizable navy at that point. Take note of the quest log, it'll tell you which sea region the monster spawned in. Send your navy there in formation, and most likely the sea monster will find you. Ardent Mage, Drakken, and Morgawr heroes with Keen Observer will help you flood the field with reinforcments. Also be aware that there will be no Glassteel or Titanium on your island, so be ready to buy some off the market.

Enjoy your fish fry!

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6 years ago
Aug 12, 2019, 1:17:58 AM

We really need Chinese language pack , please!

The mod in steam will make the game stuck , it's really uncomfortable.

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