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5 years ago Nov 10,2019, 16:54:40 PM

Endless Legend is now in Chinese!

1 841 Views

Hello everyone,

We know we had said that we had wrapped up with Endless Legend, but we have one last suprise update for you. We have just added localization in both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

In addition to that, we have added a new minor faction inspired by Chinese folklore, the Magtay:

The Magtay are fiercely protective of their culture and their ways. Hard-working and independent, they see little need to bow to another empire and change ancient traditions. After all, what can you tell them about agriculture, warfare, and respect for their ancestors? Many other tribes and peoples have tried to dominate them, and none have succeeded… Perhaps a demonstration of your capacities will convince them that you are the way not only to survival, but to a greater future.

The Magtay Minor Faction includes everything you expect of Minor Factions in Endless Legend

  • A unique Assimilation bonus
  • Their own Assimilation Quest
  • A unique unit, the Zujajun

Celebrating this addition to the game, Endless Legend and most of it's DLC are 75% off until November 13, so if you're missing anything in your collection, now is a great time to grab it.

We hope you will enjoy the new content,

the Amplitude team 

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 11:07:58 PM
Sublustris wrote:

I'll repeat specifically  to Celeir, cause he pretends he didn't understand

Ah, now I understand. I thought, cumulative files should have been updated to contain +CH lang inside (like one of final patches to Pillars of Eternity: ~2Gb to fix few typos at text). Separate CH files look odd indeed

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5 years ago
Nov 14, 2019, 2:51:55 PM

Good move @The-Cat

Thank you to have listened what the active players said.

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5 years ago
Nov 13, 2019, 4:41:08 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Yes, we saw your reports, and I hear our producers are already working to integrate them.

Additionally, the "+10 Fortification per Pacified Village" Assimilation bonus is bugged, as it is meant to be "+10% Fortification Bonus per Pacified Village." We're intending to fix this, as well as the Magtay Unit not being counted as a major faction unit by quests, in the patch that would update the localization with the suggested improvements.

After reviewing some of the feedback we have received, we also think that the Magtay Unit may be a little too devastating (for both sides of a battle) and are considering reducing their Disease ability to level 1 rather than level 2 (reducing the damage to 10% of maximum health instead of 15%), which will make them a little less powerful but also make their disease capacity less likely to wipe out your own supporting units.

Thank your answer,in the future, the traditional Chinese translation errors I have seen will continue to be posted in this post. Please pay attention.

By the way, I am a mod maker of the endless legendary traditional Chinese language translation. Before you officially support the official Chinese language, I am doing traditional Chinese language translation. I will directly put forward text suggestions on the code of your localized documents. Also, I think that the code of your traditional Chinese localization file is not the same as English, like \xxxx\ should be as empty as English, where x refers to the number.

There is also $xxxx, if there is a space at word to be empty before, if there is still word behind it, there is a space in the back, where x refers to the English word.

If there is a sentence before #xxxxxx#, you should leave a space in front of it, like #CFE14F# or #F3EAD8#.

Finally, I would like to say that you can refer to the module localization code that I translated in the previous version. The URL is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1865065342,English name is call TraditionalChinsese(Official support for Traditional Chinese, this mod is no longer updated).

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Nov 13, 2019, 10:46:24 AM

Yes, we saw your reports, and I hear our producers are already working to integrate them.

Additionally, the "+10 Fortification per Pacified Village" Assimilation bonus is bugged, as it is meant to be "+10% Fortification Bonus per Pacified Village." We're intending to fix this, as well as the Magtay Unit not being counted as a major faction unit by quests, in the patch that would update the localization with the suggested improvements.

After reviewing some of the feedback we have received, we also think that the Magtay Unit may be a little too devastating (for both sides of a battle) and are considering reducing their Disease ability to level 1 rather than level 2 (reducing the damage to 10% of maximum health instead of 15%), which will make them a little less powerful but also make their disease capacity less likely to wipe out your own supporting units.

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5 years ago
Nov 12, 2019, 1:00:55 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Hey everybody,

we're sorry for saddling a lot of you with an unduly large update of over 2GB. Due to a mistake on our part, Steam distributed the dubbed faction intros to everybody rather than only players who had set the language to Chinese. The issue has been addressed and the update should now be in a far more reasonable range of less than 100mb.

Do you see i post endless legend bug at froum name call "TRADITIONAL CHINESE TRANSLATE ERROR "?

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5 years ago
Nov 12, 2019, 8:52:03 AM

Hey everybody,

we're sorry for saddling a lot of you with an unduly large update of over 2GB. Due to a mistake on our part, Steam distributed the dubbed faction intros to everybody rather than only players who had set the language to Chinese. The issue has been addressed and the update should now be in a far more reasonable range of less than 100mb.

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5 years ago
Nov 12, 2019, 2:54:37 AM

its nice to see some new content, but how about a minor civilization inspired by your newest project humankind! 

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5 years ago
Nov 11, 2019, 12:26:22 PM

The update on steam is a bit weird. It mentions the discount and Chinese localization but no reference to the minor race and added content. Perhaps due to translation in my native language (Dutch).

BTW, thanks for the update Amplitude. A little love for a great game!

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Nov 11, 2019, 2:14:07 AM

I hope there will be more suprise updates in the future. "Endless Legend" is still a relevant game; whoes genre is currently experiencing a drought. 

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 10:21:15 PM

Localization and Languages (Steamworks Documentation)

On the other hand, if your product has a large amount of language specific data, then it's recommended that you store that data in separate language specific depots. One additional depot per language. This way Steam will only deliver the content specific to the language the user is running. See Uploading to Steam for more details on how to build language specific Steam depots.

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 10:07:50 PM

I'll repeat specifically  to Celeir, cause he pretends he didn't understand: one third of game content are chinese movies with bad voice over.

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 9:54:17 PM
MezzoMax wrote:
Lerian wrote:

Cool, I really enjoy the attention EL gets. But why though, all of a sudden? 

I think it is just a bonus for the new Chinese localisation and the new Chinese players. New stuff is allways good, especially if it is free. And adding a minor faction is not that hard or time consuming, they didn't change a core gameplay element. It is fairly minor in scope.

That said there could be potential backlash. I want to stress that I am not against this mini free dlc. And I don't have a problem with it.

- Some people could be offended because a real life culture gets some spotlight in a fantasy/sci-fi game which was free of real life references. Besides some obviously design in form of medieval knights and culture (Broken Lords and to some extent Sisters of Mercy). But it was never mentioned that a specific faction is based on any folklore.

- The way the Magtay are described could be interpretated as to get a favorable outlook bye the Chinese government. Which, lets face it, has a big say in their gaming market. Just see the latest Blizzard controversy regarding free speach and their poor handling of it and not taking a stand.

- Some could argue that their description would be more fitting for a major faction instead of a minor one. It sounds like a faction with a rich history. Which is not surprising since it is based on chinese folklore.

I don't want to bring politics into this. And I stress again, that I don't have a problem with it. If someone does, there is allways the possibility to not use this free DLC.

Keep up the good work, Amplitude.

well its not a free dlc, its an update so you have to download it. But yeah overall a new minor faction is welcomed, they even have their own modelled village which is a plus for me

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 8:23:35 PM

You all are missing the fact everyone is forced to download 2.6 Gb of chinese movies, that's 1/3rd of the game, lol.

Like, open \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Endless Legend\EndlessLegend_Data\StreamingAssets folder and look what you see there.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 8:23:06 PM

Wish you luck with China

MezzoMax wrote:

Some people could be offended

Oh, some people will be offended by literally anything you may do. Let's don't overthink our actions to such extent

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 8:19:41 PM

Good news. The chineese market is, obviously, of an utmost importance.

The unit looks interesting, original. Archer with poison damage. Pretty powerful.

It's a shame that the assimilation bonus is so weak.

+10 Fortification per village is NOTHING.

You should have gived +50 fortification per village, so +150 for 3 villages!

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 7:18:19 PM
Lerian wrote:

Cool, I really enjoy the attention EL gets. But why though, all of a sudden? 

I think it is just a bonus for the new Chinese localisation and the new Chinese players. New stuff is allways good, especially if it is free. And adding a minor faction is not that hard or time consuming, they didn't change a core gameplay element. It is fairly minor in scope.

That said there could be potential backlash. I want to stress that I am not against this mini free dlc. And I don't have a problem with it.

- Some people could be offended because a real life culture gets some spotlight in a fantasy/sci-fi game which was free of real life references. Besides some obviously design in form of medieval knights and culture (Broken Lords and to some extent Sisters of Mercy). But it was never mentioned that a specific faction is based on any folklore.

- The way the Magtay are described could be interpretated as to get a favorable outlook bye the Chinese government. Which, lets face it, has a big say in their gaming market. Just see the latest Blizzard controversy regarding free speach and their poor handling of it and not taking a stand.

- Some could argue that their description would be more fitting for a major faction instead of a minor one. It sounds like a faction with a rich history. Which is not surprising since it is based on chinese folklore.

I don't want to bring politics into this. And I stress again, that I don't have a problem with it. If someone does, there is allways the possibility to not use this free DLC.

Keep up the good work, Amplitude.

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