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4 years ago May 06,2021, 16:59:40 PM

Monstrous Tales DLC and Auriga Map available now

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At Amplified back in late January, we announced 2 new DLCs for the Endless Universe games, Monstrous Tales for Endless Legend and Dark Matter for Endless Space 2. Unfortunately, we had to shift their release back twice for various reasons, but today both DLCs are ready to be played, alongside some new free content! 

So, what do you get with Monstrous Tales?

A heap of new quests exploring the fantastic inhabitants of Auriga (and often allowing you to play with content from other DLC even if you don’t own it)! Chase a majestic Skyfin or capture a mighty Guardian to place them in your service. Face the indomitable golems of the Kapaku. Aid a Vaulter archeologist in uncovering the past of Auriga, and its connection to the stars. This, and more, awaits you in over a dozen new stand-alone quests and a new short multi-chapter quest with stunning new art. 

For the release of this new DLC, pretty much all other Endless content is 75% off, so if you are missing anything in your collection, now’s a great time to grab it! 

Even if you don’t pick up the new (or any of the old) DLCs, we still got some new content for you to enjoy: The first official Auriga map! 

Have you ever wondered what the lands of Auriga look like, where the different factions found their homes, and who their immediate friends or foes might be? Now you can explore this yourself by selecting the “Auriga” scenario in the Generation Presets when creating a new game. However, this map is of course still only an approximation, limited in fidelity by the tiles and features available to us in Endless Legend, and restricted to the vanilla features so everybody can enjoy it regardless of DLC owned. 

However, we are already working on another version of this map to share with you later! 

Have fun with the new content! 

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4 years ago
May 26, 2021, 5:12:47 AM

I played a round with the broken Lords today and encountered the problem that in their territory and their continent there is only one region with a foundation for a watchtower. so unless you wait to settle that exact region for your faction quest you will get softlocked (assuming the watchtower requirement in that part is not randomized).

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4 years ago
May 12, 2021, 9:02:33 AM
SpecialJade wrote:

So there have been a couple bugs my friends and I have encountered. The Kapaku are just white mesh that move, and when you go into your hero screen it basically soft locks you, The Allayi quest for the Skyfin doesn't show up unless you reload, all races are pink and look like bubblegum. I wasn't sure if these are being talked about or are being brought to attention. Sorry in advance if they have 

we have  all of your mentioned problems too.

myrk and kapaku heroes crash the game if you go into shop

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 12, 2021, 5:17:08 AM

allayi faction quest does not work any more, no rewards as troops. dont you test the updates before you release them?

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4 years ago
May 11, 2021, 9:10:57 PM

if the map proves to be a big success, i can already see the community wanting a definitive map of the galaxy for ES2.

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4 years ago
May 11, 2021, 5:14:25 AM

Hi. I don't know where to report bugs, but the new DLC made some weird things happen that seems a bit too insane to happen in the first 20 turns in a normal speed game.
Quest "Willed fire"
3 games in row 4 player map
turn 1
turn 2
turn 3 and turn 15
I hope you will fix that. or with this was attentional it is bit broken.

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4 years ago
May 11, 2021, 3:44:02 AM

So there have been a couple bugs my friends and I have encountered. The Kapaku are just white mesh that move, and when you go into your hero screen it basically soft locks you, The Allayi quest for the Skyfin doesn't show up unless you reload, all races are pink and look like bubblegum. I wasn't sure if these are being talked about or are being brought to attention. Sorry in advance if they have 

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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 9:04:01 PM

Played on the Aurgia map today as the Allayi and encountered a problem? Bug?

Never got my first quest to search the ruins and collect my free Skyfin. 

Feels bad.

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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 9:35:41 AM
sd808 wrote:

Hello there,

maybe mods backward compatibility would be a more elegant way of doing updates.

I was in the middle of a long game, using several mods altering significantly the game.

We have a hotfix for this issue incoming.

However, if you want to finish your previous game, I would suggest rolling back to the previous version regardless of whether or not you can load the mods in the current version. The mods may not yet be updated to the new version, and loading old saves on a new version can result in unexpected issues.

PeteCrighton wrote:

So, are you saying we have to wait for a hi-res version of this beauty? :'-(

Yes, I'm afraid you have to wait a bit longer.

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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 11:45:07 PM
Argonauty wrote:

When comes the cloth map of Auriga to the shop? ;)

Theres a store?

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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 5:34:50 PM

Hello there,

maybe mods backward compatibility would be a more elegant way of doing updates.

I was in the middle of a long game, using several mods altering significantly the game.

They are all gone now. 

I have to wait for the creators to update or go back to coding days and re-code them all by myself.

thank you for this 3EUR update, which BTW I've purchased immediately, but now I'm very frustrated by not being able to continue my game or start a new one using any mods until creators will update them on steam.

Not nice, not nice.


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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 7:29:11 AM

There's a guide to set up a TSL game on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/289130/discussions/0/3151934575294995432/

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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 6:46:22 AM

There can only be 8 starting locations, so DLC factions do not get one, only have it shared with closest neighbor.

I just disabled all faction DLCs and used vanilla factions.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 8:26:25 PM

Liking the Auriga map so far. I was confused I wasn't getting dust eclipses, but the map being vanilla does explain that. Although, I did have the pearls and winter mechanics enabled. I like the elevations of the terrain.

Does the map also work with True Starting Location? I started with the Allayi and was in the Cultist lands I believe. 

I did have a bug with the Allayi. The first quest didn't proceed when I searched the ruins, blocking me from getting a Skyfin and the rest of the chain.

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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 7:48:25 PM
PeteCrighton wrote:

So, are you saying we have to wait for a hi-res version of this beauty? :'-(


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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 6:59:28 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

However, we are already working on another version of this map to share with you later! 

So, are you saying we have to wait for a hi-res version of this beauty? :'-(

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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 5:50:26 PM

@The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales  Any plans on little Inferno balancing akin to one planned for Awakening?

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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 5:48:59 PM

Full backwards mod compatibility basically requires full previous version of the game. That's the risk you always have when using mods.

BTW, update was twice delayed and date was announced 5 weeks ago, probably should track these things better next time. 

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