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When signing on to your favorite website today, you may have noticed a big change. Our community has been renamed to Amplifiers! 

Over these past 12 years Games2Gether has grown beyond our wildest dreams. It has even grown beyond the four walls of our studio. Recently, we were super excited to recently work with two of our sister studios as SEGA to open their very own Games2Gether platform for Company of Heroes 3 and Two Point Campus.

Which got us thinking: how can we differentiate Games2Gether the platform, used by multiple studios, from the Amplitude G2G specifically? And we decided that it was time to give our community their own name!  

So who are the Amplifiers? Why it’s you guys of course! The folks who have helped us create our games every step of the way from our first ENDLESS Space game all the way to HUMANKIND and beyond.  

 Let’s recap:  

  • GAMES2GETHER (G2G) is the name of the platform -- a tool that provides forums, but also votes, ideas, tutorials, badges, rewards and much more. 

  • AMPLIFIERS is the name of the official Amplitude Studios G2G. And the Amplifiers are you guys! To us the word means that we want this place to a channel for your voices to be amplified and heard by the devs.   

We also really want Amplifiers to remain a place where we bring players into the development process. To help with this we’ve created a cast of characters that represent the different gaming careers that make up the production team. Let’s meet ‘em! 


Each of these characters has their own personality and role to play, and some are even inspired by real people here in the studio! They’ll be popping up around the website soon to help guide you through the various steps of game development. 

Thank you again for having accompanied us on this journey so far, and here’s to many more games to be created together in the future!


 the Amplitude team