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Favorite Classic 4X

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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 7:36:42 AM
I wonder i if anyone remembers a game Destiny : From Stone Age to Space Era. A very old game.
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12 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 2:25:05 PM
LOL where did my post on Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion go ?

So is this how that Game2gether works ?

Nice Work.
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12 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 3:01:07 PM
I never saw your post but, as much as i love sins... a new release is not a classic, no?
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12 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 3:17:35 PM
Celeste wrote:
LOL where did my post on Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion go ?

So is this how that Game2gether works ?

Nice Work.

Since the forum is new and does not have a dedicated Off Topic section yet it is understandable if some off topic threads get deleted, others get combined, etc. And no this is not how G2G works, G2G has nothing to do with OT threads, its goal is to involve the community into the development of ES.
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12 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 4:38:25 PM
Raptor wrote:
Since the forum is new and does not have a dedicated Off Topic section yet it is understandable if some off topic threads get deleted, others get combined, etc. And no this is not how G2G works, G2G has nothing to do with OT threads, its goal is to involve the community into the development of ES.

I think that it's a little early to say how G2G works and/or how it doesn't works, but I do agree with you that it's probably temporary measure until we have an off topic sub forum; something that should be there already to tell you the truth. In any case I replied to his post, so it did exist; for however brief period of time it was there. Mainly I pointed out the shortcomings of SOASE and it's new "iteration" in IMO manner. I hope we get that off topic place soon to avoid these kind of things in the future.
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12 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 9:53:38 PM
TrashMan wrote:

SOTS2 is looking better every day too.

Wait to see how Endless Space will look smiley: smile I plan on not touching other games when I get my hands on ES.

reynanuy wrote:
I think that it's a little early to say how G2G works and/or how it doesn't works

Well there has been a number of G2G votes already so it's not hard to tell how it works, my point was deleting a particular thread has nothing to do with G2G like Celeste implied, it has to do with the forum rules.
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12 years ago
Apr 9, 2012, 3:22:38 PM
Master of Orion (the first one, not the second one which in my opinion starts out more fun but is ruined by the midgame by the micromanagement) and Sword of the Stars (with all the expansions) are my favourite 4X games, no question. However, I've also liked all the Civilizations except #3, Master of Magic of course and many others.
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12 years ago
Apr 9, 2012, 7:15:18 PM
Thana wrote:
Master of Orion (the first one, not the second one which in my opinion starts out more fun but is ruined by the midgame by the micromanagement) and Sword of the Stars (with all the expansions) are my favourite 4X games, no question. However, I've also liked all the Civilizations except #3, Master of Magic of course and many others.

I took a major dislike to Civ 3 too. Perhaps I just never devoted enough time to it...
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12 years ago
Apr 9, 2012, 10:17:00 PM
Thana wrote:
Master of Orion (the first one, not the second one which in my opinion starts out more fun but is ruined by the midgame by the micromanagement) and Sword of the Stars (with all the expansions) are my favourite 4X games, no question. However, I've also liked all the Civilizations except #3, Master of Magic of course and many others.

Boygor wrote:
I took a major dislike to Civ 3 too. Perhaps I just never devoted enough time to it...

Really? Both of you? To me it was one of the the best, I mean 2 is my all time favorite; but that's more out of nostalgia that anything else. And IV did eventually became the best of them all, giving the amount of features it ended up having. But 3 for me was so much fun, we finally had borders for example and graphics were animated; plus much nicer than 2. Diplomatic options were expanded as well with new treaties and a much better AI that actually took advantage of them. It must be because you guys played them at release, by a rule of thumb any CIV game sucks at release; only much later, with a few expansions, they get to the "classics" category so to speak. Believe me that I speak from experience, I bought CiV on release day and to this day I regret it smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2012, 5:20:59 PM
I felt the same about Civ V for a while but after uninstalling it a long time ago I went on a Civ hiatus. It's now my most played game clocking up over 200 hours! I'm really looking forward to the expansion.

Beyond the sword was great but I've now officially exhausted Cv 4. I got bored of doom stacks. Civ V though lacking in some features has a nice clean kinda feel that I can appreciate.

3 must be dirt cheap nowadays... I might give it another go smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 18, 2012, 5:56:08 PM
Nothing has ever touched MOO2 so far but this looks like it might from what I have seen so far. One of the things I liked about MOO2 was the atmosphere created by the in game music and cut sequences. I also liked the scientist telling me when he had researched something new. Not forgetting the little men you could transfer to farming, science or industry. Setting up a colony on a new planet was great. I loved the animation of the colony ships landing. It was nice to see your new planet that you could then start to transform. Also great to see your structures built on a planet. Steller converter was fantastic. Big thick beam weapons are a must for this game. Think Babylon 5 and the beam weapons the ancients had.

I always thought it would be really cool to be able to zoom in to the bridge of a ship and see your crew as they were issuing orders and under attack. They would shake as the ship was pummeled by weapons fire. That would help you get far more attached to your leaders, captains and admirals ect.
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12 years ago
Apr 18, 2012, 9:26:48 PM
CashBackAdvertising wrote:
Nothing has ever touched MOO2 so far

So true and, until recently, also very depressing.

There is just something special about Moo2. I was really looking forward to Moo3..
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 6:06:12 AM
I strongly suspect that the greatness of Master of Orion 2 really just comes from nostalgia. If you were to take most anyone who plays 4x games but who had started playing said 4x games well after Master of Orion 2, they'd probably say it was an okay game.

Better yet, gather some gamers who had never played 4x games before, and introduce them to the genre. Assuming they enjoy the genre, have them play Master of Orion 3. They'd probably enjoy it. After having them play Master of Orion 3 for a time, introduce them to Master of Orion 2. I bet they'd prefer 3 over 2.

I've seen such things quite often in a game franchise. Those who started out in the beginning say that the first installment was best. Those who joined the bandwagon at the second installment will say that one is best. Those who joined at the third installment will probably say that was best, too.
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 6:23:54 AM
Sorry to disappoint you but I played MOO1 before playing MOO2 and still think MOO2 is the best! smiley: smile

Didn't play MOO3 due to me being a No RL EQ-HC-Player, so can't comment here. smiley: smile

SomeGuy wrote:
I strongly suspect that the greatness of Master of Orion 2 really just comes from nostalgia. If you were to take most anyone who plays 4x games but who had started playing said 4x games well after Master of Orion 2, they'd probably say it was an okay game.

Better yet, gather some gamers who had never played 4x games before, and introduce them to the genre. Assuming they enjoy the genre, have them play Master of Orion 3. They'd probably enjoy it. After having them play Master of Orion 3 for a time, introduce them to Master of Orion 2. I bet they'd prefer 3 over 2.

I've seen such things quite often in a game franchise. Those who started out in the beginning say that the first installment was best. Those who joined the bandwagon at the second installment will say that one is best. Those who joined at the third installment will probably say that was best, too.
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 6:29:20 AM
Well, just to nail the coffin....

Baldur's Gate 1

Baldur's Gate 2...

I love BOTH, but BG 2 is vastly superior due to the gameplay being wayyyy more user-friendly. smiley: smile

(Ok, that and having Cespenar around)

SomeGuy wrote:
Hmmmm...... perhaps the theory will need some fine-tuning, then. smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 10:39:16 AM
MOO2 is still my all time favorite 4x. I can't count the number of playthroughs!
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12 years ago
Apr 19, 2012, 6:30:24 PM
SomeGuy wrote:
I strongly suspect that the greatness of Master of Orion 2 really just comes from nostalgia. If you were to take most anyone who plays 4x games but who had started playing said 4x games well after Master of Orion 2, they'd probably say it was an okay game.

Better yet, gather some gamers who had never played 4x games before, and introduce them to the genre. Assuming they enjoy the genre, have them play Master of Orion 3. They'd probably enjoy it. After having them play Master of Orion 3 for a time, introduce them to Master of Orion 2. I bet they'd prefer 3 over 2.

I've seen such things quite often in a game franchise. Those who started out in the beginning say that the first installment was best. Those who joined the bandwagon at the second installment will say that one is best. Those who joined at the third installment will probably say that was best, too.

I think it'd be more likely that they would abandon the genre if Moo3 was their introduction!

As for nostalgia... I still play Moo2 (having an epic game just last week). It 'ain't nostalgia if you never stopped playing the game!
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