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How much time it takes to activate my deluxe rewards

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8 years ago
May 14, 2017, 9:46:56 PM

I already bought the upgrade to digital deluxe edition of endless space 2 but i didnt get my rewards(The bonuses and the founder bonuses). Do you know when can i get it, and if im gonna get it at all?

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8 years ago
May 15, 2017, 6:12:03 AM

Have you linked your G2G account to your Steam? I'm assuming you bought the upgrade on Steam. It should automatically apply your rewards once you've done that.

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8 years ago
May 15, 2017, 4:54:44 PM

Yep, i bought the upgrade on steam, and yes, i linked my account months ago. I got the badge when i got endless space 2, but now nothing happened, it's strange.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 16, 2017, 3:42:28 AM

Ah. That would be a bug, then. As far as I can tell, the rewards will apply if you bought the Digital Deluxe Edition itself. The upgrade might not be registering on the G2G forums because it still thinks you only have the standard edition.

You'll want to PM a mod about this. Good luck!

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8 years ago
May 18, 2017, 2:43:31 AM

Has there been any update on this? I'm having the same issue. Purchased the game. And then bought the Digital Deluxe upgrade. Haven't received the bonuses on g2g.

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