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What kind of player are you ?

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 1:51:28 PM

Hi everybody! 

I'm a new intern working on AI design for Amplitude, and I have a quick question for all of you! 

I'm creating personalities for my AIs, and I want to see if my metrics system is adequate to truly encompass a lot of different ways to play our games, and also find some quirky and cool ways to play that would be cool for an AI to mimick.  That's where I need you! 

Could you describe your playstyle in one word? 

(And then a few lines, so that I can have a clear idea)

To make your answer a bit clearer for me, something along these lines :

Playstyle Name : 

Goal : 

Main Focus : 

Description :

(Like, if you want to see my playstyle, it's

Playstyle Name : Peaceful Helper

Goal : Help my friends, annoy my ennemies

Main Focus : Economic

Description : I play safe/peaceful, trying to have as many dust as I can, and spend it to help people in trouble. I'm not trying to win myself, but I sure do like to annoy people trying to crush weaker players ).

Every answer, no matter how developped or short, will be helpful for me! :)

Thanks a lot!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 2:33:42 PM

Playstyle Name: Peaceful mind my own business

Goal: Enjoy the game, maybe get an ally or two late game

Main Focus: Whatever comes into my mind

Description: Just doing my stuff in my corner of the galaxy, mostly staying behind everyone in FIDSI but enjoying the game

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 2:42:02 PM

Playsytle Name: Isolationist Giant

Goal: Become the leading faction

Main Focus: Empire develpoment and minor faction assimilation

Description: Avoids conflict and any other empire at almost any cost, but if war is attacked, will show no mercy.

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 2:53:02 PM

AI personalities sound interesting, given that the factions are quite diverse mechanical people often have rather different playstyles for different factions.

For example, I have a similar play style to you when playing unfallen:

Playstyle Name: [MP] Peaceful prosperity 

Playstyle Faction(s): Unfallen

Goal: Vine the galaxy, Stay at peace even at cost.

Main Focus: Wonder or Science

Description: Early game focus on building vine ships & industry, be prepared for pirates spawning, with 1 or 2 vining fleets then focus on building up systems, mostly ignore military. Placate other players by being more beneficial at peace than they could get from war. With powerful enough systems military is not an issue when you can create a full fleet in a turn, normally go for a science or wonder victory depending on allies wishes.

Playstyle Name: [SP] Slow peaceful march to domination

Playstyle Faction(s): Unfallen

Goal: Vine the galaxy 

Main Focus: Any Victory, Normally Supremacy

Description: Build as big an alliance as possible & be at peace with as many as possible, vine the galaxy & store up influence then culturally convert all capitals in one turn. Aka grow slowly, then strike fast to an extreme. 

As a side note this does not feel off topic, discussing playstyles feels very much on topic. Perhaps move to ES2   General? (Which would also let it get more responses)

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 4:19:16 PM

Playstyle name (MP): Mastermind

Playstyle faction: Any faction

Goal: Conquer the Galaxy 

Main focus: Trick players, Utilize cheating methods... and force all empires to Bow at your will- Until the galaxy is Yours. 

Description: Expand early game normally and focus industry, then science... then look the current situation of the galaxy, create a plan... and unsleash it towards its full potential; dominate the entire galaxy. Check players weaknesses, Retrofit ships to counter their strategies... Expand and Conquer. Never assimilate factions trough peace, Only trough War. Depending on the needs of the Empire, forge alliances to help you during Wars, and sometimes protect weak players from the unevitable fate they are doomed to be, since in the end nothing escapes my grasp. 

*Show peacefull players how peace is boring and how war is intriguing by messing whit their plans whit a great fleet at their doorstep

If everything fails, at least die whit Honour. *Cross* 

Playstyle name (SP): Survive 

Playstyle faction: Any faction that i like (sophons, vaulters vodianny...) 

Goal: Survive as long as possible. 

Main focus: To not leave the game in boredoom. 

Description:Start the game. Expand the empire. Build fleets. Go for supremacy. Enemy builds weak fleets whit half potential you has. Dominate them. conquer systems until you win. Rinse and repeat. Until you surrender to boredoom and leave :< 

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 6:04:41 PM

Playstyle Name : Expansionist Upgrader

Goal : Own a set % of the board

Main Focus : Industrial - Ecologic  

Description : Colonize almost all systems available, terraforming and get the most improvements posible. Almost no diplomacy with other players, tend to ally minor factions. Defensive playstyle

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 8:47:07 PM

Playstyle Name : Defensive Empire Builder 

Goal : Secure My Own Slice of the Universe and Hold it 

Main Focus : Industrial/Scientific/Influence (I focus on those 3 just about equally) 

Description : I generally explore my constellation early on, focus on developing my main system while having a few colonies in order to increase the size of my borders (thus the number of uncolonized systems in my constellation that can only be colonized by me). I generally spend quite a bit of influence gaining sovereignty over minor factions around me, not so I can assimilate them but so I can have them as vassals (idk I like that they're semi-independent civilizations within my empire). Outside of my constellation I rarely get involved with other empires and tend not to attack first unless they colonize one of the planets near my colonies. Typically I like to focus on peaceful relations with other empires in the galaxy and having trade/science agreements with them. Often if I'm ahead on techs, I'll give the other empires technology for free, especially underdog empires who aren't doing as well. 

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 8:53:13 PM

Playstyle Name : Televangelist

Playstyle Faction : Vodyani
Goal : Spread the holy word of the Church of the Virtual Endless by all means necessary
Main Focus : Economic-Industrial-Military

Description : Bribe and parley with minor factions to gain new thralls, never hesitate to move your arks to spread the good word to your neighbors. Collect Dust and Essence to Ascend worthy aspirants. Kill all blasphemators with laser weaponry, the embodiment of the Virtuals' light. Forge alliances with major factions willing to serve the Church.
Praise be unto the Virtual Endless !

(Obviously a really RP idea tha only works with the Vodyani, but the idea is to be extra aggressive with your Arks to force territory pressure, and always milk your neighbors and minors dry of Essence to spam as many Arks and Vods as possible)

Playstyle Name : Televangelist, Fantasy Edition
Playstyle Faction : Cultists
Goal : convert ALL Minor Faction villages. Absolutely all of them. No exception.
Main Focus : Military-Influence

Description : Focus as much as you can on Influence to convert every minors you can. Build a strong army to repel the obviously pissed-off neighbours. Accomplish as much Minor quests as possible, and if not, bribe them. Try not to kill your future faithful sheeps.

(Also a RP idea that only works with one faction. I seem to like fanatical zealots, for some reason.)

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 9:41:24 PM

Well if we're talking game-specific...

For Endless Legend:

Playstyle Name : Adventurer

Goal : To do it all.

Main Focus : Flexibility, endgame

Description : I try to do things that open up my options, finish quests, advance my empire in whatever way is expedient while emphasizing my faction's strengths.  It doesn't always mean war unless I know I must in order to avoid losing.  I prefer to keep small, elite armies that can go where they wish without fear to complete epic quests and stop early victories.  To this end, I like the Allayi, the Broken Lords, and the Drakken most.

for Endless Space 2:

Playstyle Name : Perfectionist

Goal : To completely unify every corner of the galaxy

Main Focus : Evolution.

Description : If it's not obvious, Horatio is well suited to not just defeating his enemies, but transforming them into something better.  Every victory equals better population, which only solidifies every lead gained.  Every system has something to offer and everyone has something to give.  Finding the best systems is for mere mortals; I prefer to MAKE the best systems, full of the best planets covered with the best people, fielding the best fleets and getting all the best traits.

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6 years ago
Jul 23, 2018, 10:57:24 PM

First off - congratulations on the internship! 

This is an interesting subject to choose for player contributions and I hope our input is useful. Here's mine:

Playstyle Name: Tower

Goal: to know and to be secure 

Main Focus: exploration followed by high development

Description: exploration is probably one of my favorite parts of 4x games, including the understanding of hidden information. In ES2 that translates into sending well-equipped scout ships far and wide to search every curiosity I can find, locate all the unique planets, meet-and-greet (and assimilate) all the minor factions, and get an unequaled understanding of the "lay of the land." I also like to build tall rather than wide, using a handful of powerhouse systems to dominate my rivals while maintaining strong defenses. Together these preferences make a sort of turtly playstyle, but with an emphasis on exploration rather than isolationism.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 30, 2018, 8:18:24 AM

Playstyle Name : Scientist Explorer

Goal : Win by science.

Main Focus : Explore as much as I can and be sure to just colonize systems with high number of anomalies/resources and unique planets.

Description : I love to explore and discover everything, minor factions, quests, strange anomalies, unique planets...etc and I use it in my advantage. colonizing the best planets and trying to be as friendly with the rest factions as I can, If I can I try to win by Science playing mainly Vaulters I can effectively defend myself against attacks with low amount of ships thanks to the portals and be able to take first unique planets without losing capabilities from being far away, trying to asimilate every minor faction. 

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6 years ago
Aug 10, 2018, 10:57:51 AM

Playstyle Name : Aesthetic Utilitarian Totalist Itinerant Structural Manager 

Goal : Make the planet and all its regions beautiful and efficient, a marriage of form and function

Main Focus : Rapid expansion, meticulous district layout, reclamation of any region looking drab

Description : I pay careful attention to every region trying to beautify each through careful placement of districts, abbeys, intensifiers, altars, and wonders. I do this while trying to capitalize on the terrain given to create a strong infrastructure and production capability to begin assembling reclamation troops to capture enemy territory before they can ruin the layout by building boring districts over any of the pristine anomalies and resource deposits. Should opponents' layouts be poor beyond repair, I will not hesitate to conquer, build a settler while I wait for full ownership, then Salt their City and start fresh. I am the architect of aestheticism Horatio always dreamed he could be.

Destroy. Erase. Improve.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 10, 2018, 11:15:57 AM

This is really cool, will be fun to contribute! I've got several different playstyles I could list, depends a lot on the mood and what I play, but the one I kinda like the most and might be the most interesting to mimic, as I think it's rather unique way of something with diplomacy, I'll stick to just that for now.

Playstyle Name : Explorative Few & Underdog Supporter (Allayi & Vaulters (ES2))

Goal : Explore the world/galaxy, meet as many players, try to cooperate with the weaker ones to add challenge to the better players/AI. Mostly aim to be powerful myself but not powerful enough to be dominating (yet) and instead be a roadblock for anyone who tries to snowball ahead whilst minding my own business defensively. So bit shifting aggression.

Main Focus : Exploration-Military-Science

Description : I go out exploring as much as I can around me, focusing on speed (and probes) early on, nothing too unusual, and then finding the best places to settle (much so with ES2 Vaulters cause they can spread out). I focus on quality over quantity, yet not true tall or expansionist, enough science to be militaristic threat. Playing very defensively (lots of fortification) until it suits me to be aggressive, likely picking on the stronger guys when they go for the weaker, keeping a balance in the game, anti-snowballing. End goal may be to eventually get ahead myself or find trustworthy ally/allies to stick to, turning them from weak to powerful.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 10, 2018, 11:21:16 AM


Thanks a lot for your work! We hope you succeed in a big way! Please, if you can, maybe converse with fans who made AI mods.

Playstyle Name : Fully commit to the lore and nature of nation I am playing - so aggresive as Necrophages, diplomatic as Drakken (but also very protective of my territory), caring for planet as Allayi. I try to utilise as much as possible unique units, traits, strengths.


Goal : Enjoy playing as unique nations against/with other uniquely functioning nations. So I wanna have a lot of diplomacy as Drakken, a lot of research as Ardent Mages, enjoy quest as Vaulters.

Main Focus : commiting to the focus of the nation I am playing. So I would really want to be able to feel powerful playing with strength of my nation and trying to outwit weaknesses. On the other hand, I would love for others to do exactly the same - do to others what hurts them the most. So - make AIs play differently against every faction.

Description : I would love for AI to have personalities - maybe 2-3 per faction. So, for example, we can have for Drakken:

1. Traditionalist - as little as possible fighting, a lot diplomacy, exploring ruins, building.

2. Renegade - little diplomacy, aggresive, taking enemy ruins, diplomacy only to take any advantage possible.

3. Good soul/chosen - will chose an other nation, make alliance, help them, try to convince to cooperate as much as possible, set goal for victory and try to win it.

Or/and maybe more generic AIs (with possiblity to add/set for every AI separately):

1. Turtle - a lof of building, improving, garrisoning. When expanding - do it with full forse, then build fortifications and then move to next region.

2. Aggresive, rusher - tries to bite, take away what's weak/new. Build a lof of units, concentrate on armies.

3. Quester - fully commit to quest line.

4. Balanced - everything to just do fine. 

5. Lore-er - do what the faction is good about - fight, research, expand, build, do quest, etc.

6. Defender - will try to make alliance with strong neighbour and try to cooperate to overcome (with strength/economy/research) enemies.

7. Chaos - a bit of everything with an exception - sometimes will do something unthinkable, like concentrate on building 4 heroes with fully upgraded armies and go directly to capital, etc.

I would love to see anything of that. Thanks in advance!

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6 years ago
Sep 20, 2018, 9:19:18 PM


Goal:Be The Best In Galaxy Without Bloodshed

Main Focus:Economic,Science(Sometimes Wonder Too)


Description:I Play Whatever Serves My Faction And Its People The Best But Also Without Another Faction Suffering Unless They Start Attacking And Disrespecting My Sovereignty And Trying 

To Have The Most Influence And Dust In The Galaxy And Whoever Helped Me In Time Of Need,I Will Stay Loyal To Him/Her And It Will Always Have My Support Behind Their Faction.

And Sometimes For Honor Of My People When All Sovereign Factions Abuse My People:


Goal:To Wipe All Galaxy Of Invaders

Main Focus:Military,Economic And Again Military

 Faction:Could Be Anything

Description:Like I Said,I Will Remain Peaceful But Honor And Prosperity Of My People Is My Top Priority And I Also Believe That All Of These Can Only Be Achieved When You're The One With Guns.Because If You Stay Strong,All Will Need You And Nobody Will Dare Attacking You(Too Serious,Sorry:D).And If They Do,You Will Show Them The Mistake Of Their Ways.

And If All Those Failed(Which I Do Not For A Moment Believe):Die With Honour

And Yes It Was All Serious.I Take And Play Games Very Seriously.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 1, 2019, 12:26:43 AM

Playstyle Name : Human Resources Manager

Goal : To finish in the top three empires

Main Focus : Economy and science

Description : I move around the races in my empire to achieve a near-optimal FIDSI production!

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6 years ago
Jul 1, 2019, 1:37:23 PM

To me it all really depends on what faction i'm playing since I kinda tend to immerse myself in their style but for this i'll be talking about my playstyle with my current favorite faction, the hissho.

Playstyle name: Waiting for the right moment to strike

Goal: Be the dominant power in the galaxy

Main focus: Early economy and industry, late military expansion

Description: I like to play the early game as an isolationist faction. Minding my own business, expanding and making sure i get enough, industry science and dust so i'll have a late game powerhouse of a nation that can easily spam out fleets when needed. Late game I turn to war to try and hinder my opponents and set my own prescence everywhere I can. I also tend to focus on influence a little before I start my military campaigns as to grow my borders of my captured systems as quickly as possible to put more pressure on the others with demands and such.

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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2019, 2:27:14 AM

Playstyle Name :  Monolyth 

Goal :  Build a Grand central City/Starsystem in isolation then clean the rest of the map in a swath of unbeatable units.

Main Focus :  Build

Description : I will try to be isolated from conflict for most of the game, build up and secure my centralized location. I more secluded the better. I may engage in some player politics but more so for the goal of disrupting all parties involved besides myself of course. I will stall the game until the point of no contest in economic and military might.

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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2019, 5:05:07 AM

Hmmm, I tend to pick my factions based on how well I can play the way I like, so this applies basically all the time-

Playstyle Name : Isolationist

Goal : Build a strong economy, and steamroll the opposition when big enough

Main Focus : Industrial/scientific. Military shift when threatened/playing a faction that can have an unstoppable lategame army

Description : In Endless Space, I often leave the military tech tree completely untouched until contact is made with a faction that I'll have to fight, at which point I shift gears in a couple turns to build up a solid defense with the economy I'd built until that point. Depending on my faction (or my mood on the day) I'll direct my lategame resources to whatever victory condition I choose.

A quick description would be "tall and strong, not very wide."

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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2019, 6:11:02 PM

Playstyle Name : Underhanded Opportunist

Goal : Prevent enemies from colonizing home constellation. Hack them whenever possible. Work with pirates at every turn. Snuff out outposts. 

Main Focus : Wonder, Science [Go for Shared Victories]

Description : Rarely go to war. Use other factions or pirates to get work done. Gift techs that will help me in the long term (Companies/Trade). Get Control of the Market. Keep track of enemy and minor faction allies. Heavily packed together systems. Stop outposts near territories.

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6 years ago
Jul 3, 2019, 3:25:33 PM

Playstyle Name : GOTTA GO FAST, but keep it interesting

Goal : do anything QUICKLYYYYY, but also keep it interesting, have fun (if all you do is win, it stops being fun)

Main Focus : Quickest type of victory - conquest/elimination/everyone gives up and leaves (even faster)

Description :

Play random, or pick something trash.
Like lumeris for warfare, unfallen for 1v1 etc.

Clickity clicky spammy pew pew bam bam win or lose have fun.

Only take time to explain incomprehensibile strange game mechanics to strangers, otherwise go FAST.

Quality and quantity over boring passages.

Also don't eat, it's a fast.

Play a second game in the background, turn timers are boring.

Aspire to be the very best, promote qui-gon gym

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5 years ago
Jul 6, 2019, 4:38:24 PM

Playstyle Name : Isolationist

Goal :  Tech up as much as possible and defending my territory

Main Focus : Keep strong defenses as I power to late game tech upgrades

Description : Try to stay peacful with minimum investments to military to keep me safe. Then use my late game tech to steamroll neighbors or just keep pumping science for victory

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