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Endless Mods for other games.

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5 years ago
Aug 21, 2019, 7:24:51 AM

I guess I put this in off topic because there isnt a "other games" forum

But this post was inspired by the thought, "Holy shit someone needs to mod all the Endless Legend/Space  factions into Rimworld." Seriously it would be a blast.

Not the first time I've had this thought. While playing Empyrion, a game that is like minecraft with vehicles and space travel, I thought how cool would it be if you could build a ship and take it to ES2 faction worlds, maybe take a mercinary job from theVodyani to go fight Sophons, etc - in FPS combat.

Any games you guys would love to see get the Endless treatment? 

Or do you know of any that exist? There isn't even a EL skyrim mod... makes me sad, because Endless lore is best lore.

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