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There is but one difference between evil and good people

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5 years ago
Sep 15, 2019, 8:00:11 AM

- and that is patience. Those who are evil may LOOK patient, but they are in truth impatient because their patience is FORCED

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5 years ago
Sep 18, 2019, 7:43:44 PM

But isn't patience always forced and predicated by a cause for it?

I know this make me sound... EVIL, but think of it.
What is patience if there is nothing to be patient about?

Does waiting in line make you evil?

Does having to wait in line make you evil?
Does preordering the latest DLC for ES2 and having to wait for a week EVIL?

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 18, 2019, 11:36:47 PM

Palpatine waited what was effectively his entire adult life meticulously planning for the few decades he would be able to control the galaxy. Forced patience is still sincere patience.

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5 years ago
Sep 19, 2019, 12:54:54 AM

"Good" and "evil" can take many forms. Without a universal standard of what is "good" there is no universal standard for what is "evil." 

Therefore, excluding the personal bias and moral compass of an individual; society often accepts a default notion of "good" and "evil" which varies from society to society but generally falls within the ream of:

"Good" people are generally selfless and altruistic.

"Evil" people are generally self-centered and malicious. 

A "good" person will generally work toward the benefit of others, sometimes even at cost to themselves. An "evil" person will generally be working toward their own benefit often at cost to others. 

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5 years ago
Sep 23, 2019, 10:55:08 AM
Valadeus wrote:

"Good" and "evil" can take many forms. Without a universal standard of what is "good" there is no universal standard for what is "evil." 

Therefore, excluding the personal bias and moral compass of an individual; society often accepts a default notion of "good" and "evil" which varies from society to society but generally falls within the ream of:

"Good" people are generally selfless and altruistic.

"Evil" people are generally self-centered and malicious. 

A "good" person will generally work toward the benefit of others, sometimes even at cost to themselves. An "evil" person will generally be working toward their own benefit often at cost to others. 

If we go by the Bible it's very easy to distinguish between good and evil people. The Beloved Disciple, Apostle John says that those who confess that Jesus came in the flesh or at least do not deny the possibility are good; those who deny that Jesus came in the flesh are evil.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 23, 2019, 11:15:49 AM


If we use the Bible as our standard then we accept that God is the universal standard of what is good and all things opposed to God are consequently evil. 

This breeds the notion of "sin" which is to fall short of the perfect standard of God's righteousness and goodness which we are all guilty of and therefore we are all opposed to God by our "Sin Nature" and thus evil as a result. The Bible then explains that God, while holy and righteous, is also loving and merciful and so He created a way by which a fallen, sinful, evil people could be redeemed to Himself in the person, life and sacrifice of the messiah Jesus Christ. 

Taking the passage of Scripture you've referenced then, the Apostle John is stating that all who have aligned themselves with the truth that Jesus Christ is God made flesh, come unto Earth to live the sinless life we are incapable of living and dying the death that we deserve to die in our place so that we could be covered by His righteousness and sinlessness are good because they have aligned themselves with God. All who choose to reject this truth are evil because they have chosen to oppose God. 

You have therein the core of the Christian message which is consistent with a worldview built upon the premise that God is the universal standard of what is good and the Bible is the revelation of God to man. 

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 25, 2019, 7:44:01 AM

if we go by the bible, let's stone some people based on random lines of text.

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5 years ago
Sep 25, 2019, 10:34:02 AM


Let's not turn this into a platform to attack the Bible or religious belief, that's not the point of the thread nor the discussion at hand. Feel free to personally disagree with the Bible and, if you want to debate it privately some time then I'd be happy to oblige. However, in this thread, the Bible was merely being put forth as an example of creating a universal standard of good and evil. We can use other examples and create a similar discussion. 

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