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10 years ago
Feb 23, 2015, 8:52:39 PM

Recently picked this game up again. (They had a huge update this winter)

It's still a charming lovely game--great!---It has a quest hub type place now, more fleshed out main-story progression, and has cut some redundant systems and mechanics.

Unfortunately, that also means they've taken out the survival mechanics! No more hunger. No more body temperature management.

To me that's disappointing--I play the game for exploration, survival, that immersive sense that I'm competing against a hostile galaxy and steadily teching up to endure harsher and harsher planets.

Now it feels .. Less survival/exploration focused and much more action-rpg. Granted, those too are key elements in it's design, but, the I feel it strays too far from that space exploration theme.

So, in short. On the one hand, Starbound is still a great game.

But, on the other hand... It's growing much closer to it's Terraria-based roots.. At which point, it just becomes more Terraria.
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 10:25:31 AM
That's a shame - I bought it for the survival and exploration aspects back when it came out on EA. I loved "crash landing" on an ice world and burrowing myself into the snow and dig out a base.

I've been playing a lot of Project Zomboid (Some friends runs a dedicated server) and it's actually quite fun (and incredibly challenging (very RNG... could be better design) to survive even a few days in a zombie infested world. Something as simple as a scratch carries a one in four chance of turning you (no cure) and a bite is a guaranteed death (You'll have a few minutes though so make your time)

It has base building, scavenging and a leveling system - It's quite solid considering it's still in development. It still has some rather glaring oversights though, such as logic faults - To move soil around you need a sandbag. Game won't let you use a bucket, a backpack, trash bag or even a cup to move it around. And given the game's incredibly harsh RNG you may never find one, which pretty much dooms any efforts to grow your own food.

I also wouldn't recommend Multiplayer yet - Singleplayer has a "fast forward" system which is pretty mandatory for things like healing very serious wounds (broken legs can take days to heal) or learning new skills from DIY books. In Multiplayer there's only the "realltime" speed, which means you can sit for hours with a broken leg and just watch your friends run about.

Also - Permadeath doesn't work very well in a game that artificially limits your ability to build certain structures like rain collectors at higher levels.
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 4:10:58 PM
Torchlight 2. I know I am late to the game, but it plays very well on my MAC and it's a lot of fun.
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 4:32:06 PM
I wouldn't say that - With games like MOO2 and such you're practically playing present day games by comparison :P
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10 years ago
Mar 6, 2015, 12:29:06 AM

Back to Xcom again! hehe.

B15 of the Longwar mod just came out.. And it's full of new features.

Continent Bonuses have been re-balanced again and you no longer start with them, instead you have to earn them with sat coverage.

No more cheesing sat rushes to other continents and neglecting your own at the start of the game! Great for balance.

The over all continent bonuses are smaller. (About a quarter of what they used to be)

BUT to compensate for this? You can now start in several countries, many of which have several options for new starting bonuses.


Keep in mind that most countries have more than one bonus, but you only get to pick one.

Here are a few:

Roscosmos: (Russia) Start with 2 sat uplinks, and a 50% reduction in sat costs.

Cheyenne Mountain: (America) starts with all spots excavated and 50% reduction in elevator cost.

Jungle Scouts: (Brazil) all the "vest" armors for every tier get an additional equipment slot.

Ghost in the Machine: (Japan), start with 2 shivs and all shivs get +10 aim.

Kiryu-Kai Commander: (Japan) Start with 1 Master Sergeant of a random class.

Quai di Orsay: (France) 40% Reduction in the time it takes to receive council item requests, 40% cost reduction for intel scans.

Foreign Legion: (France) Start with +20 Recruits in the barracks.

Survival Training: (South Africa) Soldiers start with +1 hitpoint

This list is pretty big, so I'll stop here. But you get the idea!
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10 years ago
Mar 9, 2015, 10:46:18 AM
The game that take me most of my time is Warframe.

I play a lot, it is addictive, a F2P but not P2Win (you can trade ingame items for acquiring the "money" you get by paying).

It is a TPS with Cyber Space Ninja. smiley: stickouttongue

Very nervous and addictive !
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10 years ago
Mar 9, 2015, 4:13:24 PM
Hey Mansen, you read about the upcoming overhaul to Zomboids character creation and skill system? Sounds like a lot of fun!

And as for Warframe, I think I put a lot of hours into it >.> I quite playing awhile back.. I bought the Founders pack, threw some money into it, built a small dojo.

>.> I don't know what happened. I think I just got tired of how grindy some of the content became. Been contemplating coming back, though.

I did enjoy my time with it, money well spent. smiley: approval
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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 10:41:48 AM
Rudest wrote:
Hey Mansen, you read about the upcoming overhaul to Zomboids character creation and skill system? Sounds like a lot of fun!

And as for Warframe, I think I put a lot of hours into it >.> I quite playing awhile back.. I bought the Founders pack, threw some money into it, built a small dojo.

>.> I don't know what happened. I think I just got tired of how grindy some of the content became. Been contemplating coming back, though.

I did enjoy my time with it, money well spent. smiley: approval

When did you left ? (Which update ?)

They made a lot of improvements, Melee 2.0, Spy 2.0, Archwing, Syndicates, new units (Damned Corpus Nulifiers), and soon, for the next update, we should have a new "ennemy". This game evolves a lot !
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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 6:06:17 PM
I don't recall the number of the update or it's title, but I do remember that it was two-or-so updates after they put in the Key runs. Spent a lot of time doing key-runs!

Yeah I've been keeping an eye on it, hehe. I probably will come back at some point, after I get through peeling through all these things in my library.

I just picked up Darkest Dungeon and Savage Lands.

Darkest Dungeon is fantastic. It's like Rogue Legacy + Dark Souls + Xcom + Call of Cthulhu. To be in early access it really doesn't feel like early access!

And Savage Lands I haven't installed yet, but it looks really good.. I'm a sucker for survival games though! >.> It's got to be like the 4th or 5th early access survival game in my library.

I blame Frostfall.
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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 7:04:15 PM
Well, I'm playing Endless Legend (duh!), and Shadowrun: Dragonfall. I've been dabbling a bit with Civ:BE, but it still needs a lot more soul before it'll be something I recommend anyone to pick it up over getting EL. And the odd game of Blood Bowl, because fantasy rugby.
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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 10:12:29 PM
Cities: Skylines...so...much Skylines.

It's been years since I've played a good City Builder that rivaled ole' Simcity 4. lol
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10 years ago
Mar 12, 2015, 12:46:31 PM
Not so attracted by this game... Am I wrong ? smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Mar 12, 2015, 1:09:18 PM
Painting the walls in Hotline Miami 2.

Was thinking about Skylines but the SimCity case is still in my heart smiley: stickouttongue And i still have Transistor to do ^^
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10 years ago
Mar 16, 2015, 5:08:10 AM
Currently, I'm playing Star Wars The Force Unleashed on Xbox 360. Has anyone else played this game?
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10 years ago
Mar 16, 2015, 9:14:25 PM
When I need a break from Skylines (Nearing 40 hours ;___smiley: wink I play some World of Warships. It's a nice change of pace - especially since I focus on playing aircraft carriers which is basically like playing MOBA. Your one ship, controlling three squadrons of aircraft while looking at a blown up minimap ^^
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10 years ago
Mar 19, 2015, 3:42:07 PM
So much games, so few time !

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10 years ago
Apr 7, 2015, 5:34:55 AM
Just finished playing with Civ: Beyond Earth wanting to do something else. Now going to dedicate about roughly the same amount of time on Endless Legend.
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2015, 3:06:32 AM
Nasarog wrote:
Dungeon of the Endless.... Yup, really.
I hear that. I just got it though, but this is definitely going to be one of those long term games for me. Endless Space as well. I'm going to have to pick between the guild wars expansion and Endless Legend, and as much as I love GW it's really not standing a chance.
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